You'll get there traducir español
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They will see that there is no longer a lifeboat and we'll get in trouble, you'll see.
Van a ver que no está la barca y nos la vamos a cargar todos, ya verá.
So basically, you're saying that if I want to talk to him about the past, there's no chance I'll get a proper answer?
Entonces, ¿ me estás diciendo que si quiero hablar con él sobre el pasado, - no conseguiré una respuesta real?
I'll hand in my notice and I won't be there when you get back
Presentaré mi renuncia - y ya no estaré allí cuando vuelvas.
No te preocupes, te llevaremos allí a tiempo para coger el ramo.
You just get us there and I'll worry about the rest. Reposition our Titan satellite over the sector.
Nos llevarás allí y ya me preocuparé del resto.
I'll give you a call when we get to the safe house, okay, I'll get her cleaned up, and lay low there until it's safe to come to the hotel.
Te llamaré cuando lleguemos a la casa segura. De acuerdo, haré que se limpie, y que se quede tranquila ahí hasta que sea seguro ir al hotel.
You'll get there.
Lo lograrás.
If you really care about House, you'll stop feeling sorry for him, and get out there and start kicking him where he needs kicking.
Si realmente te importa House, dejarás de tenerle lástima, y saldrás para empezar a patearle fuerte donde ya sabes.
I'll take you there, get a nice picnic together and...
La llevaré allí, un buen día de campo juntas y...
I agree with them on this but for different reasons. They say if you get rid of magpies then we'll have more songbirds because magpies - eat songbirds but there's a better reason than that I can think of.
Estoy de acuerdo con ellos pero por varios motivos, dicen que si te deshaces de las urracas, entonces vamos a tener más pájaros cantores ya que se alimentan de ellos, pero hay una razón mejor
Look, let's get you bailed out, and we'll take it from there, all right?
Mirad, vamos a conseguiros una fianza, y seguiremos desde ahí, ¿ os parece?
I don't care how you do it, just get her there, and we'll handle the rest.
No me importa cómo lo hagas, sólo llévala allí. - nosotros manejaremos el resto.
We'll get you there, hell or high water!
Vamos a llegar ahi contra viento y marea!
We'll get you there as soon as possible.
Te llevaremos allí lo más rápido posible.
Look, i-if you could just go back in there, okay, a-and talk to the judge without that lawyer in there, then maybe he'll listen to you, maybe I can get supervised visits, anything.
Mire, si pudiera volver allí, ¿ vale? , y... y hablar con el juez sin ese abogado delante, entonces quizá él le escucharía, quizá pueda conseguirme visitas supervisadas, cualquier cosa.
And zip that up, otherwise you'll get snow in there.
Y ciérrate eso, si no te entrará nieve ahí.
I'll get you out of there.
Te sacaré de ahí.
You'll get there.
Usted obtendrá una
I'll have more information when you get there.
Tendré más información cuando llegues ahí.
my assistant's gonna get an estimate on this, and you are gonna show up at my office today at exactly... 6 : 15, and you be there with your checkbook or I'll call the cops, drag you into court
mi asistente va a estimar este daño, y tú vas a aparecer hoy en mi oficina exactamente... a las 6 : 15, y estarás allí con tu libreta de cheques o llamaré a la policia, te llevarán a un tribunal
All right, pipe down back there, you'll get your chance.
Muy bien, tranquilos ahí, tendrás su chance.
There'll be a card you can get...
Habrá una tarjeta con un mensaje perfecto.
I know, I know, and I'll get you there.
Lo sé, lo sé, y allí te llevaré.
Well, you'll get there soon.
Bueno, pronto iras allí.
You'll be no use when you get there. ( Laughter )
Serás un inútil cuando llegues allí.
You get'em there, they'll blow.
Tú llévalas ahí, ellas explotarán.
You two go to Seaton, and I'll get a T.A.C. to meet you there with a warrant.
Vosotros dos id a Seaton, y haré que un técnico se reúna contigo con una orden.
- We'll get you out of there soon.
- Te sacaremos de ahí muy pronto.
If you hurry, you'll get there just in time.
Si te das prisa, llegarás a tiempo.
Why don't you rush home and get changed, and I'll give Max all the details, and you can meet him there?
¿ Por qué no te vas corriendo a casa, te cambias, yo le doy a Max todos los detalles y os encontráis ahí?
I don't want to get fired, so I cannot give your dad that message. Don't you think you'll get fired if I don't show up, and you don't tell him I wasn't gonna be there?
No quiero ser despedida, asi que no le voy a dar el mensaje a tu papa no crees que estaras despedida si no aparezco, y no le dices que no iba a estar ahi?
You keep the hair and the clothes, and why don't we go back in there, watch a bad movie, we'll hang out, we'll tell Brian to get a new babe.
Conserva el pelo y la ropa, y por qué no volvemos ahí dentro, vemos una película mala, saldremos, le diremos a Brian que se consiga una chica nueva.
It's not like we're gonna get there, she'll be like, "no. You're eight minutes late. Get out."
llegaremos ahi, y ella estara como "no, estas retrasada 8 minutos, Fuera"
You get us there, we'll do the rest.
Llévanos allí, nosotros haremos el resto.
There's something I just need to get through, and I'll tell you about it later.
Es algo por lo que necesito pasar, y te lo contaré todo después.
We'll get you there, mate!
¡ Vamos a llevarte ahí, compañero!
I'll figure out what's going on in Jerry's head, and you guys just find him, and then get out of there.
Yo averiguaré cuál será el siguiente paso de Jerry, y vosotros encontradle y salid de ahí.
I'll be there for you when you get back to L.A.
Estaré ahí para ti cuando vuelvas a Los Ángeles.
Look, why don't you go to the pub just down the road, and I'll meet you there as soon as I can get away?
Mire, ¿ por qué no van al bar que está al final de la calle... y me encontraré con ustedes tan pronto como pueda?
I'll fill you in when we get there.
Te informaré cuando lleguemos allí.
I'll get in there with you. [Bleep].
Me meteré ahí contigo.
You know, I'll tell you who else didn't get to just walk in there and be the boss Tony Danza.
Sabes, te diré quién no puede venir y ser el jefe. Tony Danza.
I bet you'll get into lots of trouble back there.
Apuesto a que te vas a meter en muchos problemas allí.
You'll know what to do once you get in there.
Sabrás que hacer una vez llegues ahí.
You'll get there.
Lo conseguirás.
You'll see, you'll get there on time.
Ya verá cómo usted va a llegar a tiempo.
Forristal was so into your limo, which I still don't totally get but I'm gonna go with it anyways, that he invited me to be part of a major pitch this afternoon, as long as you'll drive us there.
Forristal estaba tan interesado en la limusina, lo cual no entiendo pero me parece bien de todas maneras, porque me ha invitado a un evento muy importante esta tarde, siempre que tú nos lleves allí.
We'll have backup in the immediate area, but we can't get a ghost in there with you.
Tendremos refuerzos por toda la zona adyacente, pero no podemos meter a un fantasma ahí contigo.
I need to go to the chemist to get some dimercaprol but I'll meet you there.
Tengo que ir a la farmacia a conseguir dimercaprol pero lo encontraré ahí.
If I get there first I'll wait for you.
Si llego antes, lo esperaré.
Yeah, I'll look into the knife wounds I want you to find out if there's any more open cases with murders like this and then get in touch with some more of Lucy Payne's victims'families.
Sí, investigaré heridas de cuchillo quiero que averigues si hay más casos abiertos con muertes como ésta y luego que te pongas en contacto con otros familiares de víctimas de Lucy Payne.
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get it 131
you'll get yours 23
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get it 131
you'll get yours 23
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
you'll get it back 37
get there 58
therese 78
there 14012
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
you'll get it back 37
get there 58
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176