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You're going traducir español

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You're going down another rabbit hole.
Vas a caer por otro agujero de conejo.
- They're going to be coming for you.
- Van a venir por ti.
They know what you're going to do.
Saben lo que vas a hacer.
- where you are or where you're going...
- dónde estés o hacía dónde vayas...
You're going to want to avoid any reds, blues, or clears.
Tienes que evitar cualquier cosa roja, azul o incolora.
You're gonna be okay. A bullet in the shoulder ain't nobody's idea of fun, but it ain't going to kill you.
Una bala en el hombro no es el ideal de diversión para nadie, pero no te matará.
Yurek, you're going to take the feet and a flashlight.
Yurek, tú agárrale las piernas y la linterna.
I know you're scared, but I'm going to have the cash tomorrow, all right?
Sé que estás asustado, pero mañana voy a tener la pasta, ¿ vale?
Every time we say we're gonna... you have something going on.
Cada vez que decimos que vamos a... estás ocupado con algo.
Well, I guess you're just going to have to wing it.
Bueno, supongo que vas a tener que improvisar.
You're going across the country, and I'm not.
Vas a cruzar el país, y yo no estoy.
Hey, your mom said you're going home today.
Oye, tu mamá dijo que irías a casa hoy.
- You're going to be a perfect John Adams!
- ¡ Serás el John Adams perfecto! - Sí, bueno...
At your advanced age, you're not going to be able to win a hand-to-hand fight.
A su edad, no podrán vencerlo en un combate cuerpo a cuerpo.
Do I tell them, "Sorry. " You're never going to see your child, your mother, "or your father ever again because Holden Matthews wants to lead a normal life"?
¿ Les digo : "Lo siento, no vas a volver a ver a tu hijo, tu madre, o tu padre jamás porque Holden Matthews quiere llevar una vida normal"?
You're going to get into that machine and you're going to take me to the bridge.
Vas a meterte en la máquina y vas a llevarme al puente.
Whatever it is you're going through, we go through it together!
¡ Lo que sea que te esté pasando, lo pasaremos juntos!
If it's an apology, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.
Si es una disculpa, me temo que te vas a llevar una decepción.
So I'm going to dig... and if I find something, you're going to the Factory.
Y si encuentro algo, te vas a ir a La Fábrica.
Do you swear under the penalty of perjury that the testimony you're going to give here today is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
¿ Jura usted bajo la pena de perjurio que el testimonio que dará hoy aquí es la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad?
If they see you here, they're gonna wonder what's going on.
Si te ven aquí, se van a preguntar qué está pasando.
- You're not going to tell them?
- ¿ No les vas a decir?
Where the fuck do you think you're going?
¿ A dónde carajo crees que vas?
Please tell me where you're going.
Por favor, dime adónde irás.
Then I will give you instructions on what you're going to do next.
Entonces le daré instrucciones sobre lo que va a hacer seguidamente.
You're going to make it look like they were pulled from the president-elect's body and get me the ones that are really in there.
Va a hacer que parezca que fueron sacadas del cuerpo del presidente electo y me trae las que realmente están dentro.
You're going to get me out of here.
Vas a sacarme de aquí.
Where do you think you're going?
¿ A dónde crees que vas?
You're going to talk.
Vas a hablar.
You're never going to fall in love with me, and I'm never going to fall in love with you.
Nunca te vas a enamorar de mí y nunca voy a enamorarme de ti.
And if jake doesn't step aside, you're going to release these?
Y si Jake no se retira, ¿ va a publicar estas fotos?
Then you're going to prison for a very long time.
Entonces vas a la cárcel durante una larga temporada.
You're not going anywhere.
No irás a ninguna parte.
I'm here because I wanted to be the one to tell you we took Peus and that you're never going to see daylight again.
Estoy aquí porque quería ser el que te dijera que tenemos a Peus y que nunca volverás a ver la luz del día.
That is where you're going with that quote, right?
A eso se refería con esa cita, ¿ no?
You're going to lose it.
Vas a perder.
You and I are going to go find Charlotte and we're going to get you to somewhere safe.
Tú y yo vamos a encontrar a Charlotte y vamos a llevarte a algún lugar seguro.
- You're going to come home with me!
- ¡ Vas a venir a casa conmigo!
Where do you think we're going?
¿ Dónde piensas que vamos?
You're not going to have me sacked, are you?
No hará que me despidan ¿ verdad?
And whatever happens, I'm going to make sure you're looked after.
Y pase lo que pase, voy a asegurarme de estés cuidada.
I know what you're going through.
Sé por lo que está pasando.
Do you mean to tell me you're not going to tell my mother?
¿ me está diciendo que no se lo va a decir a mi madre?
Tell me the real reason why you're going...
Dime la verdadera razón por la que vas...
Maybe they're going to give you a promotion?
A lo mejor te van a ascender.
You're not going to do a thing.
No va a hacer nada.
So you're just... you're going to do nothing?
Entonces... no vas a hacer nada.
I bet I've cuffed guys to just about... just about everything. I'm not sure how far you think we're going to get.
Supongo que has hecho esto antes... esposar a un tipo al volante.
I don't even know where you're going.
Ni siquiera sé dónde vamos.
- You're going kind of fast, aren't you?
Vas rápido, ¿ no?
Did you figure out where we're going?
¿ Ya sabes a dónde iremos?

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