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You're going down traducir español

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You're the fucking reason this country going down to drain.
Ustedes son la razón por la cual este país se va a la mierda!
If a girl's down and she's blowing you, you know, she's wailing out, doing her thing, and you're like just about to bust, and like me, you know I'm always like, "I'm going to come," you know,'cause I want to say it, just'cause I'm a gentleman.
Una chica está haciéndote sexo oral y está concentrada en lo suyo, y tú estás por acabar, así que le dices : "Estoy por acabar", porque soy un caballero y le aviso.
You're conducting an investigation of a potential theft... that you assume is going down at Romanov Jewelers.
Usted transmite una investigación De un robo potencial... Que usted asume va en bajada En Romanov Jewelers.
piece of mail maybe with some info or the address of the school katy's going to on it. You're going to drive down there.
Vas a ir hasta allá.
We're going to sit down with her and let her decide if she wants to stay there or come home and, once she comes home, whether she wants to live with you or with me.
Vamos a sentarnos con ella, y dejar que decida si quiere quedarse ahi o volver a casa. Una vez de vuelta en casa, decidira si quiere vivir con vos o conmigo.
But you take me down, you're going down, too.
Pero si caigo, caerás conmigo.
Well, eventually, you're going to have to sit down with detective huntley.
Bueno, tarde o temprano, tendrás que sentarte con el Detective Huntley.
You're going to clean up the mess down in west virginia?
¿ Vas el limpiar el lío de Virginia del Oeste?
Yes, you are, so just calm down, and we'll figure out what we're going to do about this.
Sí. Cálmate y pensaremos qué hacer al respecto.
You get in that car, you're going down.
Si te subes a ese auto, te hundirás.
You're going down, you understand?
Te hundirás, ¿ entiendes?
I remember my father sitting me down and going, "Look, you're not going down to a nightclub in Houston, Texas."
Recuerdo a mi padre sentándome y diciendo : "Mira, no vas a ir a un club nocturno en Houston, Texas."
And if you're sure... I mean down to your marrow sure... that defendant is guilty, that jury is going to follow you anywhere.
Y si estás segura segura en tus huesos de que el acusado es culpable ese jurado va a seguirte a cualquier lado.
Okay, we're just going to lay you down.
Te vamos a recostar.
You're going down hill!
¡ Están bajando!
You're going down!
Tu vas abajo!
- You're going down, baby.
- Te va a ir mal, amigo.
You're not going down there.
- No vas a bajar ahí.
You're going down.
Van a caer. Bien.
You're the one going down, rat face.
Tú serás quien muerda el polvo, rata.
One thing we realized with this model, if you compare with other hedge shears, a lot of them just have a straight handle, you don't have any control over the weight. So if you're cutting far down, you have to squeeze harder to hold the tool in place, otherwise it's going to slide out of your hands.
Una cosa de la que nos dimos cuenta con esta maqueta al compararla con otros podadores es que muchos de ellos tienen una empuñadura recta, así que por ejemplo no tienes control sobre el peso, de modo que si estás cortando abajo tienes que sujetar más fuerte para mantenerlo en su sitio,
You're going down, Marshall.
Estás muerto, Marshall.
Now, going down this beautiful vine, you get into the soil and as you dig into the soil, you know, you start, this is sandy soil, you start smelling it and you're getting, that classic dirtiness that you sand and dirt that you got,
Ahora, por que vid hermosa, llegó a la tierra. En cuanto a suelo, Usted ve que es de arena, que el olfato y el olor Clásico de arena y tierra.
You're going down anyway.
Vas a caer de todos modos.
Looks like you're going to have to shut the jungle down, pal.
Parece que tendrás que cerrar la jungla, amigo.
Annie, we're going to put a tube down your throat to help you breathe.
Vamos a ponerle un tubo para ayudarle a respirar.
See, right now, you're going down alone.
Verás, por el momento te hundes solo.
Hey, uh, David said there's a kick-ass pizza place down the street, so we're going to go get something to eat, so if you want to come...
Oye, David dijo que hay un pizzería genial en esta calle así que iremos a comer algo si quieres venir- -
How're you going to climb down?
¿ cómo harás para descender?
Hey, come on, brian.You're going 90.Slow down.
Hey, vamos, Brian. Vas a 90 ( 150km / h ) Baja la velocidad.
You're not going to let me down now, are you?
No me vas a decepcionar ahora, ¿ verdad?
You're going down there?
¿ Vas a bajar allí?
You're going down there?
¿ Bajarás allí?
Do you know where it's going? So you just think just keep going down the reckless path, just fucking- - pile straight ahead, because there's no- - We're all just fucked.
Piensas que siguiendo este camino temerario terminas chocando porque no...
If he's not, you're either going down with him or you're gonna end up dead.
Si no lo está, o te hundirás junto a él o terminarás muerto.
They're going to take you down to visit your buddies at the zoo.
ellos van a llevarte a visitar a tus amigos en el zoo.
Be my guest, But you're not going to find anything to do with any girl down there.
Serán mis invitados, pero no hay nada relacionado con una chica allí.
If your body is clean, you have nothing to worry about. but if he's not, you're either going down with him. Or you're gonna end up dead.
Si Barker está limpio, no tienes de qué preocuparte pero si no lo está, vas a caer con él o vas a terminar muerto.
You're going down The wrong road, Ellis.
Vas por el mal camino, Ellis.
And we're going to need something good for me to read while you're all down there.
y vamos a necesitar algo bueno para que yo pueda leer mientras vosotros bajaís allí abajo.
You're going down with him or you're gonna end up dead.
Acabarás hundiéndote con él o acabarás muerto.
You're going down!
¡ Voy a ganarte!
If I let you be you're going to pour all this down in the blink of an eye!
¡ Si te dejo, te vas a comer todo esto en un abrir y cerrar de ojos!
Can you not agree, was it rather spreading fauls foolingness * for example, the parish churches we're going to put down which actully caused rebellion
puede no estar de acuerdo, fue más bien la difusión de * * * * por ejemplo, las iglesias parroquiales que vamos a dejar que causaron la actual rebelión
You're going down just like them, Bats, because whoever has the biggest toys wins.
Caerás como ellos, Bati, porque gana el que tenga los juguetes más grandes.
Stop being sorry and give us a name or you're going down for all of it.
Deja de lamentarte y danos un nombre o vas a caer por todo.
You're going to go down there and marry her.
Tu estás yendo para allí ahora.
You're down the amazon, I'm setting a record, and i git captured by an indigenous tribe, they tie me to a stake and they're going to dismember me.
Estabas en el Amazonas estableciendo un récord, fuiste capturado por una tribu de indígenas, ellos me ataron a un palo y me iban a desmembrar... pero escapé.
You're going to put the food on the table or throw it down?
Me vas a poner la comida en la mesa o me la tiras al suelo?
Slow down, you're going too fast.
Despacio, estas yendo demasiado veloz.
You're all going down!
¡ Todos van a caer!

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