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You're going to traducir español

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She said, "Is this the shot you're going to use on your secret project?" question mark.
Dice, "¿ Es esta la foto que vas a usar para tu proyecto secreto?" signo de interrogación.
If you're going to have an illness that requires someone to constantly watch if you're still breathing, it's convenient for your mother to be a doctor.
Cuando sufres una enfermedad... que requiere vigilancia constante para ver si aún respiras... conviene que tu madre sea médica.
You're going to be.
Lo estarás.
You don't worry if they're going to get you when they already got you.
No te preocupa que vayan a atraparte cuando ya te han atrapado.
Shadow, we're going to be releasing you later this afternoon.
Sombra, lo vamos a liberar esta tarde.
Yeah, but you're not going to, are you?
Sí, pero no lo harás, ¿ verdad?
You're going to be driving Betty here from now on.
Tú vas a ser quien conduzca a Betty de ahora en adelante.
We're not just going to kill you, Shadow.
No solo vamos a matarte, Sombra.
We're going to delete you.
Vamos a borrarte.
Okay, now you're just going to go and get a suit made like you're the goddamn Godfather?
Bueno, y luego vas y te haces un traje a la medida. ¿ Como si fueras el maldito padrino?
And you're going to help me find the answers.
Y tú vas a ayudarme a contestarlas.
You're going to help shape a legacy instead of just transcribing it.
Tú vas a ayudarme a crear un legado en vez de limitarte a transcribirlo.
So you're going to change your life, like, right now?
Y ¿ quiere cambiar de vida a partir de ahora?
Not going to say, "You're welcome."
No diré "de nada".
You've got to be able to move quickly if you're going to be competitive.
Debes poder moverte rápidamente para ser competitivo.
It may sound callous, but if you're going to keep racing, to think on an accident is bad.
Puede sonar desalmado, pero si vas a seguir compitiendo, recordar un accidente es malo.
Well, you have to, if you're going to have a successful marriage.
Aunque eso es de esperar si quieres tener un buen matrimonio.
You're going to be okay.
Vas a ser Bien.
You think I don't know every twitch you're going to throw?
Crees que no sé cada ¿ truco que vas a lanzar?
You're not going to.
Eso no sucederá.
You're going to the Isle to rescue Ben.
- Vas a la Isla a rescatar a Ben.
You're seriously going to that cattle call?
¿ En serio vas a ir a esa audición?
But going under, hooked up to the new device, you're not just flipping a light switch.
Pero irte conectado a ese dispositivo, no es sólo apagar el interruptor de luz.
You're going to make less money. "
Y que ganaría menos dinero.
It's so much easier to go by a script, and you're going to work to pretend to do something, to be something, to do.
Se hace más fácil con un guión. Cuando trabajas, finges placer. Tratar, hacer.
Well, you're going to learn soon enough.
Lo sabrán pronto.
And, of course, they're going to learn about you, too.
Y, claro, también sabrán sobre ustedes.
If you're going to do a memorial, I'm going to take pictures.
Si le harás un altar homenaje, tomaré fotos.
About who you're going to take to Winter Formal?
¿ Sobre a quién llevarás al baile de invierno?
Whatever you're going through now, you don't have to do it alone.
Por lo que estés pasando ahora, no tienes que hacerlo sola.
Okay, you boys want to tell me why you're going 90 in a 40?
¿ Me dicen por qué iban a 145 km / h en una zona de 65?
So you're going to try to prove that Hannah wasn't bullied.
Intentarás probar que a Hannah no la hostigaban.
And, um... Alex, you're going to be let off with a warning.
Y Alex, podrás irte con una advertencia.
Sweetheart, you're always going to be my valentine.
Cariño, siempre lo serás.
You're going to tell me this one's no big deal... but let me tell you about being lonely.
Me dirán que esto no es tan importante, pero déjenme decirles algo sobre sentirse solo.
I'll tell you who it is... but you're going to have to wait.
Les diré quién es, pero tendrán que esperar.
You're going to get through this.
Podrás con esto.
I'm not going to say I understand just what you're going through, but if you talk to me... I'll try.
No voy a decir que entiendo por lo que estás pasando, pero si hablas conmigo lo intentaré.
I think it's gonna be my first and last time if you're going to be here.
Creo que está será mi primera y última vez, si vas a estar aquí. ¿ Qué?
So, either you're going to have to make some changes next year, or... maybe think smaller.
Entonces, o haces algunos cambios el año que viene o bajas tus aspiraciones.
And since we're doing sonnets this semester, and since you're all going to be distracted by it anyway, I thought we would take a minute to parse the work of this poet.
Como veremos sonetos este semestre, y como ustedes estarán distraídos con eso, de todas formas, pensé en tomarnos un momento para analizar el trabajo de este poeta.
But just because you write something doesn't mean you're going to do it.
Pero que escribas algo no significa que lo vayas a hacer.
You're not going to jail, are you?
No irás a prisión, ¿ verdad?
Listen, I wanted to tell you myself that you have the highest consistent gpa of your class which means, at this rate, you're going to be the person to beat for valedictorian.
Escuche, quería decirle yo mismo que usted tiene el promedio más alto de su clase, lo que significa que, como va, será elegida graduada con las mejores calificaciones.
Well, you better stay on track, Mattie boy,'cause you're going to get tapped your freshman year. Tom!
Sigue en camino, Mattie querido, porque te unirás a una fraternidad en tu primer año.
But I'm gonna eat some now'cause, well, I'm starving, and you're just going to have to watch me eat it and drool.
Pero comeré un poco ahora, porque tengo mucha hambre, y tendrás que verme comer y babear.
You're going to his school, you're taking over his firm, just like he wanted me to do.
Irás a su colegio, te encargarás de su empresa, como quería que lo hiciera yo.
I'm glad you're all going to be there. That'll be nice for Frankie.
Me alegro de que vayan, será bueno para Frankie.
I just can't believe you're going off to college.
Papá, solo estaré a unas horas de casa. Puedes visitarme cuando gustes.
I hear you're going to Mount Holyoke.
Baby está leyendo un libro que podría gustarte.
You're going to law school?
¿ Va a ir a la facultad de derecho?

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