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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You're going to be all right

You're going to be all right traducir español

336 traducción paralela
You're going to be all right Catherine.
Te pondrás bien, Cathy.
He said you're going to be all right now.
Dijo que te recuperarás.
You're going to be all right.
Tienes toda la razón.
No, you're going to be all right.
Te pondrás bien.
All right, big boy, everything is going to be all right. Nothing to worry about. - You're home and I'm here.
Bueno, grandullón, todo va a ir bien, no te preocupes, estás en casa y yo estoy aquí.
You're sure everything's going to be quite all right?
¿ Seguro que saldrá bien?
You think you're going to be pushed right spang up against a wall you can't see any way out, or any hope at all and then something you never counted on turns up and you kind of squeeze out of it.
Piensas que vas a encontrarte atrapado entre la espada y la pared no ves ninguna salida ni ninguna esperanza y entonces algo con lo que jamás habías contado aparece y logras salvar la dificultad.
You're going to be all right.
Te pondrás bien.
You're going to be all right.
¡ Jim!
You've had an accident, but you're safe at home and you're going to be all right.
Ha tenido un accidente, pero está a salvo en casa y va a ponerse bien.
Si vas a ser egoísta, de acuerdo.
You're going to the ground, all right, But you won't be talking after you get there!
Tú vas a bajar, pero no podrás hablar.
You're all going to be good Japanese, right?
Vais a ser todos buenos japoneses, ¿ de acuerdo?
You're going to be all right, Carol.
Te vas a poner bien, Carol.
So I'll wait for him till 8 : 00 and, if he doesn't call, well, then I guess it would be all right, because, well, you're going to be here such a short time, and... And you're working for the Government, and it's everyone's patriotic duty to do...
Le esperaré hasta las 8, y si no me llama, pues... entonces supongo que podemos irnos, porque... como va a estar usted aquí tan poco tiempo y... trabaja para el gobierno, es deber de todos colaborar para... para...
Gina, you're going to be all right.
Gina, todo saldrá bien, no te preocupes.
Said you're going to be all right?
¿ Todo va a ir bien?
Jenny... you're going to be all right.
Jenny, te vas a poner bien.
Since you're undoubtedly going to hear the music, it's undoubtedly going to be all right.
Todo irá bien, ya que sin duda la escucharás.
You're going to be all right.
Te vas a poner bien. - ¿ Lo estaré?
You're going to be all right all right, let's it happen
Aquí estarás bien, ¿ eh?
- You're going to be all right, Steve.
Se va a poner bien, Steve.
- Yes, son, you're going to be all right.
- Sí, hijo, vas a ponerte bien.
She hasn't come out of it yet, but I think you're both going to be all right.
Sólo que inconsciente, pero creo que los dos se pondrán bien.
Now don't worry about it. You're going to be all right in a couple of days.
No se preocupen, se pondrán bien en un par de días.
Do you think you're going to be all right?
¿ Cree que va a estar bien?
You're going to be all right, Mr Reeves.
Se pondrá bien, Sr. Reeves.
The only question now is whether you're gonna be sensible about this and take what you can get... or whether you're going to keep shooting your mouth off and get thrown out of here tonight. I'll get out, all right.
Ahora hay que ver... si puedes entrar en razón y tomar lo que te dé... o si seguirás hablando... y harás que te eche esta noche.
You're going to be all right.
Vais a estar bién.
You're going to be all right, Sarge.
Estarás bien, sargento.
Take it easy, Lieutenant. You're going to be all right.
Tómelo con calma, teniente, pronto estará bien.
Don't worry, Billy, you're going to be all right.
Estarás bien, Billy.
You're going to be all right, Ma'am.
No tenga miedo, está segura. Frenchy se lo promete.
You're going to be all right.
Pronto se recuperará.
Va a ponerse bien, muchacho.
Vamos a llevarlo a casa.
You're going to be all right.
Todo irá bien.
You're going to be all right.
Se pondrá bien.
You were so ill, but you're going to be all right now.
Estabas muy enferma. Pero ahora vas a ponerte bien.
You're going to be all right.
- No mucho. Estará bien.
You're going to be all right.
No es nada. Saldrás de esta.
Los vaqueros como usted saben morir como hombres
But you're going to be all right.
Pero pronto estarás bien.
You're going to be all right everywhere.
En todas partes estarás entre los mejores.
Then you're going to be all right.
Entonces te pondrás bien.
You're going to be all right.
Paul, todo irá bien.
You're going to be all right, Mr. Walters.
Se pondrá bien, señor Walters.
You're going to be perfectly all right.
Todo irá bien.
And since we're going to be together for two weeks, there's a few things you need to know, - No, no, no. all right?
Y como estaremos juntos por 2 semanas, hay unas cosas... –... que necesitas saber, – No, no, no.
You're going to be all right.
Va sanar.
Well, little girl, I guess, you're going to be all right after all. What's this?
qué es esto?

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