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You're going to have to traducir español

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You're going to have to do it yourself.
Vas a tener que hacerlo sola.
Now you're going to have to jump!
¡ Ahora vas a tener que saltar!
You're going to have G-string dancers.
Genial. ¿ Tendrán carrozas? ¿ Tendrán bailarinas en tanga?
You're going to say, " Oh, we should have listened to Amy.
Van a decir, " Deberíamos haber escuchado a Amy.
You're going to have to ask her for some more.
Vas a tener que pedirle más.
You're going to have to put up with my singing in a second.
Vas a tener que aguantarme cantando en un momento.
The Allies knew that to defeat Nazi Germany, you were gonna have to invade Western Europe, and you're going to have to go from France, essentially, into Germany, and it was an amazing undertaking both in scope and complexity.
Los aliados sabían que para derrotar a la Alemania nazi, que ibas a tener a invadir Europa Occidental, y vas a tener que ir a Francia, esencialmente, en Alemania, y era una empresa increíble tanto en alcance y complejidad.
Soon you're going to have to start being the man with the answers.
Dentro de poco tendrás que empezar a ser el hombre de las respuestas.
I'm afraid you're going to have to leave.
Me temo que van a tener que marcharse.
You tell me you're going to walk out on me, on this, on what we have, and then you start off with all this...
Me dices que te alejarás de mí, de esto que tenemos,
If you have another violent incident, you're going back to prison.
Si tienes otro incidente violento, vas a volver a la cárcel.
Oh, darling, you're going to have to exert your... considerable powers on this one.
Oh, querida, vas a tener que poner en práctica tus... considerables poderes con ella.
Well, we're gonna have to give you some blood tests, get you going with some platelets.
Bueno, que vamos a tener a darle algunas pruebas de sangre, conseguirle que va con algunas plaquetas.
Phil and I, we're going to walk to the ocean, and we're going to have more fun without you.
Phill y yo vamos a entrar en el océno y vamos a divertirnos más sin vosotros.
Well, you're gonna have to'cause I'm not going anywhere.
Bueno, vas a tener que hacerlo porque no voy a ir a ningún sitio.
You do what we tell you and we're not going to hurt you any more than we have to, and it'll all be over soon enough, all right?
Haz lo que te decimos y no te haremos más daño, y todo esto terminará muy pronto, ¿ vale?
So we're going to have to find the Latin word for it and use it. But, see, I don't know any Latin. So when I say that I am literally gonna set fire to this building with you in it before I hand over the keys to it, you don't know if I'm speaking figuratively or literally.
Hay que averiguar la palabra latina y usarla, pero no sé hablar latín, así que cuando digo que "literalmente" le prenderé fuego a este edificio con ustedes adentro antes de entregar las llaves de él no saben si estoy hablando figurativamente o literalmente.
But no one's gonna mess with Will, so I guess my point is if you're going to date a subordinate, you better have stronger ratings.
Pero nadie va a meterse con Will, así que mi opinión es que si vas a salir con un subordinado, será mejor que tengas mayores audiencias.
Well, you're just going to have to trust me on this, Oliver. [Sent email whooshes]
No deberíamos ir sin papá.
Then, you're going to have to trust me again.
Eso me recuerda...
Pol, I'm sorry, you're going to have to wait till he's 18.
Pol, lo siento, vas a tener que esperar hasta que cumpla los 18.
So you're going to have to start respecting that.
Así que vas a tener que empezar a respetarlo.
So, I can go over there, tell him he doesn't have to anymore, that he can call Beth off because you're going to prison.
Así que, puedo ir allí, decirle que no tiene más, que puede llamar a Beth porque vas a ir a prisión.
Before I write you a script, you're going to have to answer some questions from the Army's mental fitness survey.
Antes de darle la receta, deberá responder preguntas de la encuesta de salud mental.
You'll have to do a much better job of confinement if we're going to have any fun.
Tendrás que hacer un trabajo mejor con la reclusión si quieres que nos divirtamos.
You're going to have to do that in front of colleagues who know the old you very well.
Tienes que hacerlo ante tus colegas que te conocen bien.
You're just going to have to find a way to forgive yourself.
Solo vas a tener que encontrar una manera de perdonarte.
I think you're going to have to.
Creo que tenéis que hacerlo.
Have you decided what answer you're going to give him yet?
¿ Ya has decidido qué respuesta le vas a dar?
And... and... and you're not going to have time to... to search for The Library.
Y... y... y no vas a tener tiempo para para ir en busca de la Biblioteca.
Yeah, I mean, they could have said, "you're going to a suite," you know?
Sí, quiero decir, podrían haber dicho "vais a ir a una suite", ¿ sabéis?
Well, you're going to have to.
Bueno, vas a tener que hacerlo.
But if you want to see Kevin, you're going to have to see my mother.
Pero si quieres ver a Kevin, vas a tener que ver a mi madre.
That's good to hear, but I want to have the best chance of winning this, and I'm not going to pretend you're not it.
Me alegro de oírlo, pero quiero optar por la mejor opción para conseguir esto, y no voy a fingir que tú no eres esa opción.
You're going to have to wait here.
Tendrás que esperar aquí.
Look, you're a super nice guy and I really appreciate you letting me stay with you while I'm in town, but I'm sorry, I'm going to have to destroy your relationship.
Mira, eres un tipo muy agradable y realmente gracias por dejarme quedar contigo mientras estoy en la ciudad, pero lo siento, voy a tener que destruir tu relación.
You've got to imagine you're going to have to look down on the...
Tenéis que imaginaros que lo miráis desde abajo...
You're just going to have to batten down the hatches and finish what you started here, my friend.
Vas a tener que cerrar las escotillas y acabar lo que empezaste, amigo mío.
OK, I guess we're going to have to send you in there.
Vale, supongo que vamos a tener que enviarte allí.
You're going to have to direct me from here.
Va a tener que guiarme desde aquí.
You're not going to have one ounce of fun?
¿ No vas a tener ni un gramo de diversión?
You know, someday you're going to have to give her a chance.
Nat... sabes que un día deberás darle la chance.
You're going to have to show us more.
Vas a tener que mostrarnos más.
We're not going, and if you wanted to go, you should have just said so from the start.
Nosotros no iremos, y si tú querías ir deberías de haberlo dicho desde el comienzo.
You're going to have to get someone to wipe your arse for you.
Vas a necesitar a alguien que te limpie el culo.
Peter, you're going to have to be a house husband.
- Vas a tener que ser amo de casa.
I have an idea, but you're not going to want to hear it.
Tengo una idea, pero no van a querer oirla.
You're going to have your baby now.
Vas a tener al niño ahora.
You're going to have a family.
Va a tener familia.
If you're going to do base jumping in Yosemite, as I have heard, do you prefer probably just at dawn or just before dusk.
Si vas a hacer salto base en Yosemite, como he oído, probablemente prefieras hacerlo justo al amanecer o un poco antes de anochecer.
Oh, well, you're just going to have to shoot us, then.
Bueno, entonces vas a tener que dispararnos.

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