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You're going to help me traducir español

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Now you're screwing my wife... Paolo, I don't want to lecture you but you owe me big time and you're going to help me.
Ahora salta y mi esposa como de todos modos tiene que pagar y me va a ayudar
And you're going to help me do it! "
- Y tú me ayudarás a hacerlo!
You're not going to pull that on me. Help!
¡ Oye, palurdo!
Help me! What're you going to do to Jean?
¿ Qué le hará a Jean?
And I'm going to help her, and you're going to help me.
- ¿ Ah, sí? - Y pienso ayudarla.
I mean, that you're going to be my partner and help me.
Quiero decir, que vaya a ser mi socio y ayudarme.
You're going to help me to recover what I can from life.
Usted me ayudará a recuperar lo que pueda de la vida.
But... so you don't feel like a bum or a freeloader, every day you're going to help me make the payments on the furniture.
Pero... Y para que no te creas gorrón o mantenido, tú me ayudarás a pagar el peso diario del abono de los muebles.
You're going to help me, monsieur Pepinard.
Usted va a ayudarme, monsieur Pepinard.
In fact, you're going to help me.
¡ Tú lo harás conmigo!
You're going to help me.
Usted va a ayudarme.
- You're going to help me, aren't you?
- ¿ Vas ayudarme, no es así?
- You're going to help me save Manu. - Yes, Sir!
- ¿ Me ayudará a salvar a Manu?
You're going to help me prevent a crime.
Me vas a ayudar a evitar un crimen.
- You're going to help me.
- Tú vas a ayudarme.
If you're going to fly off the handle this way, you're not going to be much help.
Si te pones histérica, no me vas a ayudar mucho.
You're going to help me?
¿ Me ayudará?
- And you're going to help me.
- Y tú me ayudarás. - ¡ Yo!
You're not going to help me?
¿ No me ayudará?
If you're going to go looking for help in the criminal underworld... Do what you want, but I haven't got time to waste.
Si eres tan ingenua como para ir a buscar protectores entre la gentuza, haz lo que quieras, pero no me hagas perder el tiempo.
I've gotta catch her and you're going to help me.
- lun momento, espere!
You're going to help me again Danny.
Tú vas a ayudarme otra vez, Danny.
But you're going to help me, aren't you?
Usted va a ayudarme, ¿ verdad?
There are chores to be done, milking, weeding, candling and I'm afraid you're... You're all going to have to help.
Hay cosas que hacer, hay que ordeñar, desbrozar y me temo que todos deberán ayudar.
I want Mendoza more than I want you, and you're going to help me get him.
Quiero a Mendoza antes que a usted y por eso va a ayudarme.
You're not going to help me?
¿ No me ayudarás?
I know what you're going through, believe me, and maybe before long I'll be in a position to help you, but right now...
Sé por lo que está pasando, créame,... y puede que no dentro de mucho pueda ayudarle, pero ahora mismo...
Just because you're so agreeable, I'm going to help you - aren't you happy?
Además me cae simpático.
I'm going to help you get your girl... and you're going to help me get Slayton.
Voy a ayudarte a encontrar a tu chica... y tú me ayudarás con Slayton.
I can see you're not going to help me.
Veo que no vas a ayudarme.
I'm going to wear that cap some day, and you're going to help me.
Algún día llevaré esta gorra, y usted me ayudará.
You're going to help me, right, Clara?
¿ Tu vas a ayudarme, verdad, Clara?
Now I'm sure you're going to be sensible and help me out of here.
Ahora estoy seguro de que será sensato y me ayudará a escapar.
And you're going to help me.
Y tú vas a ayudarme.
You're going to help me.
Va a ayudarme.
I said you're going to help me.
He dicho que va a ayudarme.
If you're really not going to help me, I'd be glad if you'd leave me alone.
Si realmente no vas a ayudarme, te agradecería que me dejaras solo.
You're going to help me, Paul, whatever you say.
Me vas a ayudar, Paul, a pesar de lo que digas.
You're going to help me take it.
Me ayudarás a dar el golpe.
Please, if you're going to be any help to me at all...
Si quieres ayudarme...
Well, I'm going to find out, and you're going to help me.
Pues lo voy a averiguar. Y usted me ayudará.
You're not going to help me?
¿ Es que no va a ayudarme?
Mrs. Winston, I hope that you're going to understand, and I don't want to embarrass you, but if your answers will help me to understand, if they'll help Paul, then, of course, that's the most important thing.
- Sra. Winston, espero que lo entienda, y no quiero avergonzarla, pero si sus respuestas ayudan a Paul,
I'm not going to let you do it, i... you're going to help me or i'm going to beat your brains out.
No voy a dejar que lo hagas, yo... Vas a ayudarme o si no voy a sacarte los sesos.
You're going to help me up and down the stairs and bring me warm milk when I go to bed.
Me ayudarás a subir y bajar las escaleras y me llevarás leche templada a la cama.
In Paris, you're going to help me with the greatest coup of my career.
¿ Sabes qué haremos al volver a París? El golpe más grande de mi carrera. Y está vez tú me ayudarás.
And now you're going to help me grease the undercarriage.
Y ahora me ayudarás a engrasar el tren de aterrizaje.
I'll do whatever I have to do, and you're going to help me.
Voy a hacer lo que tengo que hacer, y tú me vas a ayudar.
Well, I think you're going to need His help for that you claim about the convent.
Pues, me parece que vas a precisar su ayuda para eso que pretendéis del convento.
- You're going to help me? - Yes.
- ¿ Me ayudará?
Samantha, I am going to help you finish the tree then you're going to help me get the Santa Claus suit for Tabatha's surprise in the morning.
Samantha, voy a ayudarte a terminar el árbol y luego me ayudarás a conseguir un traje de Santa Claus para sorprender a Tabatha en la mañana

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