You're in high school traducir español
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When they start bringing out the ones you used to dance to in high school..... you're gettin'along.
Cuando se pusieron de moda, soliamos bailarlas en el instituto,... ya me entiendes.
Five minutes in a private school and you're back with all these subversive ideas.
No te envié a una High School para que vuelvas con ideas suversivas.
If you were 19 and 20 years from now you were dancing with your wife or girlfriend you knew in high school and you said to her, "Darling they're playing our song" do you know what they'd be playing?
Si tuviera Ud. 19 años y dentro de 20 años bailara con su esposa, o con la novia que tenía en la secundaria y le dijera : "Querida..." "... tocan nuestra canción... " ... ¿ sabe a qué se referiría?
Aw, you're cute. 'God, the last time I had flowers was my graduation in high school.
La ultima vez que recibí flores... fue en la fiesta de graduación de la secundaria.
You're as big a dink as you were in high school.
Usted es un tonto tan grande como lo fueron en alta escuela.
And whatever you do, Jesus, don't tell her you're in high school.
Y hagas lo que hagas, no le digas que vas al instituto.
You're not trying out for the track team in high school.
No estás practicando para correr en el instituto.
You're deliberately flunking your courses so you can stay in high school.
Estás reprobando a propósito para poder seguir en el instituto.
You kill that high school boy they're going to slap your ass right back in jail.
Si matas a ese estudiante, te aseguro que volverás de cabeza a la cárcel.
I'm not pushing you, son, but... Soon you're gonna be in high school, then college.
No te estoy presionando, hijo, pero... pronto vas a estar en el Liceo.
So, Mr. Bundy, what do you do for a living, presuming you're not still in high school?
Así que, Sr. Bundy, ¿ qué hace usted para ganarse la vida, asumiendo que todavía no está en secundaria?
Church might still be alive when you're in high school, and that's a very long time.
Quizá Church aún viva cuando estés en secundaria y falta mucho para eso.
You're the kid... who lost the high school championship in 1970.
Tu eres el chico que perdio el campeonato escolar en 1970
Brenda, does he know you're in high school?
Brenda, ¿ él sabe que estás en secundaria?
But you're in high school, and I'm a teacher.
Tú estas en la secundaria, yo soy profesor.
Judging by the way she was checking you out all day, I think you're the only high school kid she's interested in hanging out with.
Por la forma en que te miró todo el día creo que eres el único chico de la secundaria con quien quiere estar.
- You're in high school?
- ¿ Estás en secundaria?
Brenda, you're in high school, you should be going out with lots of guys.
Estás en la secundaria deberías estar saliendo con muchos chicos.
Brenda, you're in high school.
Brenda, estás en la secundaria.
You coach a gymnastics team in high school, and you're married.
Entrenas un equipo de gimnasia en secundaria. Estás casado.
- Oh, I'm a senior in high school. - You're not a senior?
- ¿ No estás en el último año?
We don't have to be out here, you know. It's not like you're still in high school.
No tenemos que venir hasta aquí.
You're a junior in high school now, Shawn.
Estás a un año de graduarte, Shawn.
OK, all right, so you're in high school.
- De acuerdo.
Quinn, you're in high school.
¡ Veinte álbumes por un penique, y sin la obligación de comprar!
But you're just getting started. I already feel burned out on college and I'm still in high school.
Melody se sacudió los granos de arena de los dedos, se volvió a poner la camiseta y metió la mano en su bolsa de playa.
If you're so interested in teenagers, maybe you should become a high school counselor.
Si le interesan los adolescentes, sea orientador en un bachillerato.
You know, Daria, sometimes it's hard to believe you're in high school.
A veces me cuesta creer que vayas al instituto. A mí también me desconcierta.
You're looking at what life is really about, not what we thought it would be back in high school...
¿ Sabes lo que es? Azul y oro. Estás viendo como es la vida.
They all try women once in high school, but you're nutty enough to believe that based on that, you can bring him to his senses.
Todos prueban a las mujeres en el bachillerato. Pero tú crees que debido a esa experiencia... puedes hacer que vuelva a sus cabales.
How about I hit you so hard, you're back in high school?
¿ Qué tal si te golpeo tan duro, que te regreso a la secundaria?
You're still in high school.
Eres muy pequeño.
You're still in high school?
¿ Vas todavía al Colegio?
Eric, you're in high school.
Eric, estas en la secundaria.
In high school, while you're still a loser... you're no longer stupid.
En la preparatoria, aunque todavía eres un perdedor... dejas de ser estúpido.
Status is a lot when you're in high school.
El estado es mayor cuando se esta en la secundaria.
You're in high school now. What do you think you're doing?
Si eres una universitaria, ¿ qué haces aquí?
You're not in high school any more.
Ya no estás en el instituto.
You're in high school.
Estás en el bachillerato.
You're a lot stronger than you were in high school.
Eres mucho más fuerte ahora.
I think that we should say to her, " Gee, we're really glad we dated you in high school instead of now, because back then, you were really hot.
160 kilos, creo que deberíamos decirle, "Vaya, cómo nos agrada haber salido contigo en la secundaria en vez de ahora, porque, en ese entonces, eras realmente atractiva, y ahora... estoy seguro de que ya te darás cuenta."
You`re the cruelest girl in high school.
Tú eres la chica mas malvada de la escuela.
You're in high school, aren't you?
Son de la secundaria, ¿ no?
You're a senior in high school.
Eres un alumno del último año.
You're different than you were in high school, Peter.
Eres diferente de cuando estabas en la secundaria, Peter.
You're in high school.
Estás en bachillerato.
Your father thinks you're out at Suzy's place bowling on the classics but everyone at high school knows you're heavy into gymnastics one-way street, never mind the signs full charged gasoline in the tank you're foot is on the gas and your tires say, yeah.
Tu padre piensa estás fuera en casa de Suzy jugando boliche con los clásicos, pero todos en la escuela saben que te gusta la gimnasia una calle de un sentido, no importan las señales con tanque lleno de gasolina y tu pie en el acelerador y las llantas rugen yeah.
So you're already in high school...
así que ya estás en el instituto...
Maya, you're a kid, you're still in high school.
Maya, eres una niña, todavía estás en el secundario.
You're Cordelia Chase you're a high-school student, you live in Sunnydale?
¿ Tú eres Cordelia Chase, una estudiante de secundaria, vives en Sunnydale?
I mean, I was afraid to talk to you in high school. And now we're, like, mortal enemies.
Tenía miedo de hablarte en el colegio y ahora somos enemigos mortales.
you're invited 50
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're incredible 103
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're incredible 103