You're my family traducir español
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Do you think I'm going to submit forever to him and his family and what they're doing to my child?
¿ Piensas que voy a someterme por siempre a él y a su familia y a lo que le hacen a mi hija?
- You're mad. It's not my fault, it's because of my friends and family!
- ¡ No es mi culpa, mis amigos, mis padres!
I'm stuck, you're nuts, and I'm going back to Boston before I disgrace my family.
Me han dado un sablazo. Tu estás loco. Y yo me vuelvo a Boston antes de humillar a mi familia.
You're better than me and my whole family all piled up, ain't you, Charley?
Eres mejor que yo y que toda mi familia junta.
Admit it, my dear, you're not family man material.
Reconoce que no tienes pasta de padre de familia.
You mean to tell me you're peddling my daughter around to some lazy idiot who hasn't got a family?
¿ Me está diciendo que venderá mi hija a algún vago idiota... que no tiene familia?
And now, ladies and gentlemen, for your pleasure, I hope but chiefly to keep peace in my family you're about to witness the first appearance of a young lady very close to my heart.
Y ahora, damas y caballeros, para su deleite, espero pero sobre todo para mantener la paz en mi familia están a punto de presenciar la primera aparición de una joven que llevo en mi corazón.
You wretch, can't you see that if my family knows I dropped out and we're living together, they'II cut my allowance and probably cut me into pieces too?
Desgraciada, ¿ no comprendes que si mi familia sabe que abandoné el curso y vivo contigo, me corta Ia mensualidad y es capaz de cortarme a mí a trocitos?
I never could resist these stories'cause I'm mighty proud of my family's doings. Now, Mrs. V., If you'll just step right over here... and pretend like you're one of those government varmints hiding behind an old pine tree. Oh.
Adoro estas anécdotas, me enorgullece mi familia.
You're one of us, you're of my own family... and I did what I could to raise you, but we've come to take you back.
Eres uno de los nuestros, eres mi familia e hice lo que pude por criarte, pero hemos venido a buscarte.
I've lived so close to'em and taken care of them so long, they're almost as much my family as you are.
He vivido tan cerca de ellos, y los he cuidado tanto tiempo, que son de la familia tanto como tú.
Oh, Stanley... you've no idea how ridiculous you're being... when you suggest that my sister... or I or anyone else of our family could have perpetrated a swindle on anyone.
Stanley no tienes ni idea de lo ridículo que eres al sugerir que mi hermana yo o alguien de mi familia haya cometido una estafa.
I managed. My family will be pleased that you're coming too.
- Mi familia se alegrará.
If you don't mind... you're spoiling a perfectly good evening for me with my family.
Si no les importa... me están arruinando una linda noche con mi familia.
Since you're practically one of the family, I'll let you in on my secret.
Ya que eres prácticamente una de la familia, te diré mi secreto.
You're hardly my idea of the faithful family retainer, but you've got to stay.
No eres precisamente mi idea de una sirvienta fiel, pero tienes que quedarte.
Sui-Lan. You and Lin and the three little ones, you're mine. You're my family.
Tú, Lin y los tres pequeños... son míos, son mi familia.
You're my only family, I'm doing it for you.
Somos familia, lo hago por ti.
I know those guys are annoying, but you know, they're my family!
Estoy un poco afectado. Es normal, es mi familia.
You're my family.
Son mi familia.
You're letting my whole family down.
Estás decepcionando a toda mi familia.
Busque a su familia y tráigala aquí a cenar... como mis invitados, por supuesto.
- Now, look, you're all in my family.
Todos son parte de mi familia.
- Without my family you're nothing.
- ¡ Sin la familia tú no serías nada...!
You're my family.
Uds. son mi familia.
So when you or Floyd here or General Motors or some Commie-pinko or my hound dog tells us we're not going to get up at 4 : 30, I tell you- - you haven't got a whisper of a bare-ass clue what the hell this family's all about.
Aunque usted, Floyd, el director de la General Motors, o cualquiera que venga a decirnos lo que hay que hacer, cuidado, no sabe lo que esta familia tiene en el vientre y más abajo.
You don't understand. I love my cousins, they're my only family.
No lo entiendes. me encanta mis primos, son mi única familia.
You're my family!
¡ Eres mi familia, Choban Agá!
It's my understanding, at least from the newspapers, that you're like one of the family.
Según dicen los periódicos, usted es como de la familia.
You would love my family. They're all doctors.
Le encantaría mi familia, todos son médicos.
As you see... we're a poor family and it really doesn't make sense for us to have a maid, but we need one because my wife is sick, so that's where you come in.
Como puedes ver... Somos una familia pobre y no tiene mucho sentido para nosotros tener una criada, pero necesitamos una porque mi mujer está enferma, y ahí es donde entras tú.
You sweet-talked my poor daughter to get into this family because you're a moocher!
¡ Engatusaste a mi pobre hija para instalarte aquí dentro! ¡ Porque eres un pordiosero!
But they're after you, our kids, my family, every one of our friends.
Contra ti, nuestros hijos, nuestra familia, nuestros amigos.
You know, my name's Bailey, and you're a damn disgrace to the Bailey family.
Sabes, me llamo Bailey, y eres una maldita desgracia para la familia Bailey.
You're like my family.
Tú eres como de la familia.
You're gonna stop spying on me and on my family.
Y deje de meter sus narices en asuntos de mí familia.
Yeah, okay, but I want you to be straight with me and tell me what's happening here, because I have my family with me. They're in Section-24.
Porque mi familia.. esta aquí conmigo, están en el sector 24 y quiero asegurarme que estarán bien.
You're like my own family.
Sólo me lo había contado a mí.
You're killing my family!
¡ Estás destruyendo mi familia!
This is my roots, Joe. This is my family you're talking about.
Joe, éstas son mis raíces, es como si estuviese hablando de mi familia.
And... and, uh... and you're my family.
Y... Y... Ustedes son mi familia.
I and my oath had been surrounded by enemies. My own family and the Senate... You're cruel.
Siempre he estado rodeado de enemigos... en mi propia familia... en el Senado.
You're not my family, or anything.
No eres pariente mío, ni nada.
You're my whole family.
Eres toda mi familia.
Just because you're fucking my sister doesn't make you family.
Solo porque te acuestes con mi hermana no significa que seas de la familia.
You're my whole family.
Tú eres mi familia.
You boys are my purpose. You're my family.
Ustedes son mi vida, mi familia.
You say you're going to get leave. My family doesn't want you any longer.
Dices que vendrás durante tu permiso, pero mi familia no quiere nada de ti.
I just want you to know, you're a welcome addition to my family.
- Te agregaré a mi familia con gusto.
You're my family, and you make me happy to be alive.
Son mi familia, y me hacen sentir feliz de estar viva.
You're family in my heart.
Lo eres de corazón.
you're my rock 22
you're my best friend 278
you're my hero 133
you're my wife 107
you're my favorite 18
you're my only hope 38
you're my brother 182
you're my mom 23
you're my friend 234
you're my sister 76
you're my best friend 278
you're my hero 133
you're my wife 107
you're my favorite 18
you're my only hope 38
you're my brother 182
you're my mom 23
you're my friend 234
you're my sister 76