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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You're not going to die

You're not going to die traducir español

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Darling, you're not going to die, you're going to live.
Querida, no vas a morir. Vas a vivir.
And you're not going to die, you can't die.
Y no te morirás, porque no es posible que te mueras.
You're not going to die. That's why they're doing the surgery.
Tú no te has de morir de eso del cáncer, por eso es la operación, para que sanes.
No, you're not going to die with them.
No, no morirás con ellos.
You're not going to die.
- Ha despertado. - ¡ Estás a salvo!
That's why you're not going to die.
Por eso es que no va a morir.
I'll mark one, man, you're not going to die.
Marcaré una, hermano, porque tú eres reintegro.
- Yes, but you're not going to die, are you?
Pero usted no va a morir, ¿ verdad?
Well, neither are you, Lettie. You're not going to die.
Ni a ti tampoco, Lettie, no vas a morir.
You're not going to die.
No vas a morir.
No, you're not going to die.
No, no vas a morir.
You're not going to die before you see Michel again.
¿ Cómo te sientes?
You're saying I'm not going to die?
¿ De manera que no me voy a morir?
Not what you think you're going to die of.
¡ De lo que usted cree que tiene, no!
Yes, you're going to die, but not by a bullet.
Sí, morirá, pero no por una bala.
Let'd not be melodramatic, Harry. You're not going to die.
No seamos melodramáticos, Harry.
No, you're not going to Zanziras, because soon you have to die.
Tenía la frente alta como tú. Los ojos azules...
You're not going to die, unless you get run over or something.
No vas a morir a menos que te atropellen o algo así.
You're not going to die, Mr. Bettini.
No morirá, Sr. Bettini.
But you're not going to die, Max.
Sí. Pero tú no morirás, Max.
C'mon, you're not going to die tomorrow.
Venga, vamos, no va a morirse mañana.
You're not going to die!
¡ Que no mueres!
But you're not going to die.
Tú no vas a morir.
But you're not going to die.
pero no vas a morir.
No, you're not going to die.
No, no vas a morir. No, no, no lo harás.
You're not going to die, Pilar, I promise.
No vas a morir, Pilar, te lo prometo.
You're not going to die.
No vas a morirte.
No, you're not going to die, Mr. Halder.
No, no se va a morir, señor Halder.
You're not going to die.
Tú no vas a morir.
You're not going to die.
No te vas a morir.
You're not going to die man.
No te vas a morir.
This ffool doctor says you're going to die. But I say you are not.
Este médico de pacotilla dice que vas a morir, pero yo digo que no.
You're not going to die in your bed.
Tú no te vas a morir en una cama, ¿ sabes?
You're not going to die.
Seguro que no es mortal. Salud.
- You're not going to die.
- No te vas a morir.
No, my darling, you're not going to die.
No, hijo mío, no te vas a morir.
Of course you will, my darling but you're not going to die.
Pues claro que te irás al cielo... pero no te vas a morir.
Only I still think you're not going to die of natural causes, miner.
Sólo que aún piendo que no va a morir por causas naturales, minero.
You're not going to die, exactly.
No morirás exactamente.
Your doctor said you're not going to die right away.
Tu médico dice que no te vas a morir enseguida.
You're not going to die, Rafer
No morirás amigo.
You're not going to die, are you?
No te vas a morir, ¿ verdad?
You're not going to die, so there's no need for me to be there.
No es necesario.
- You're not going to die.
- No va a morir.
You're not going to die. Now please. I didn't bring the subject up.
Al parecer, los británicos tienen una tradición... según la cual los oficiales cambian lugares con los soldados rasos.
No, you're not going to die.
No, tu no morirás.
You're not going to die, do you hear?
No vas a morir, ¿ me oyes?
No, Grady, you're not going to die.
Aguanta, Grady, no vas a morir. Virgilia.
- Ma, you're not going to die.
No te vas a morir.
Ma, you're OK. You are not going to die.
Estás bien, no te vas a morir.
Yes, yes, my son, whatever you want, but don't say that because you're not going to die.
Sí, sí, mi hijito, lo que tú quieras, pero no digas eso porque no te vas a morir.

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