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You're not going to jail traducir español

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You're an easy cuss to get along with. I sort of hate to hurt you, so I'll go along a ways. But I'm not going to jail in Buckley.
Bien no te será facil llevarme hasta allí, porque se adonde no voy a ir... porque no voy a ir a la cárcel en Buckley, que te quede eso en claro!
You're not going to jail, huh?
No iran a la cárcel, ¿ eh?
They are, but you're not going to jail.
Sí, pero no irá a la cárcel.
Well, that sounds just fine. Come in, come in, we're not going to put you in jail.
He venido a ver si ya me lo podía llevar, como no es de nadie.
You're not worth going to jail for, for murder.
No vale la pena ir a la cárcel por ti.
You're not going to sue anybody, because I am sending you to jail.
No vas a demandar a nadie, porque te voy a mandar a la cárcel. ¿ Tienes pruebas?
- You're going to jail for what you did and I will not have that child placed in a foster home.
- Vas a ir la cárcel por lo que hiciste y no dejaré a esa niña en una casa de crianza.
You're not going to jail.
No vas a ir a la cárcel.
You're not going down to the jail.
No pensarás ir a la cárcel.
You're free not to answer, Miss Matthews, or you're free to make these vague allusions, but your evasiveness is only going to land this kid in jail for a long time.
No tiene que contestar, Srta. Matthews, o puede seguir con sus vagas alusiones pero si es evasiva, el chico podría pasar mucho tiempo en prisión.
You're going to jail, not me?
¿ Irá a la cárcel Ud., y no yo?
Since you're not going to jail tonight, I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me?
Ya que no irás a prisión, me preguntaba si ¿ saldrías a cenar conmigo?
My eyes shut, they wait to see you. She'll say you're going to spend your life in jail that you'll never get out it's not the life she wants that you got yourself into this.
Mis ojos no quieren ver. y que no quiere esa vida.
Isn't that enough? You're not going to jail.
No irás a prisión.
And we're not going to let you go to jail.
No dejaremos que te encierren. ¿ Verdad, Hank?
- I know, but don't worry. You're not going back to jail, alright?
No te preocupes, no volverás ahí.
Either you're going to learn from your time in jail or not.
O aprendes la lección después de estar en la cárcel, o no.
I swore to avenge my honor, but you're not going to die in a jail cell.
Juré lavar mi honor, pero no vas a morir en una celda.
One of you's going to jail for this, and you're not built for it.
Uno de Uds. Irá a la cárcel por esto y tú no estás hecho para ella.
You're going to jail for this... whether you confess or not... so for our own, uh, morbid curiosity, you know, why'd you do it?
¿ Qué? Irás a la cárcel, confieses o no. Para satisfacer nuestra curiosidad mórbida, ¿ por qué lo hiciste?
Well, accident or not, you're going to jail.
Bueno, accidente o no, usted va a ir a la carcel.
I'm going to jail, and you're not going to be here when I get back.
- Voy a ir a la cárcel y tú no estarás aquí cuando vuelva.
We're not going to let her take you to jail.
No vamos a dejar que te lleve a la cárcel.
Maybe going to jail will get you some respect, but if you're not, don't ruin it by covering up for this guy.
Quizás ir a la cárcel te dará algo de respeto... pero si no... no te arruines por encubrir a este tipo.
If not, you're going back to jail. And this time for life. It's going to make that stint you did for jacking a car feel like a week in cabo.
Si no, volverás a la cárcel, y esta vez de porvida parecerá que la temporada que que pasaste por mangar un coche, parezca una semana en Cabo...
You're not going to jail, Doug.
¡ No iras a la cárcel Doug!
You're gonna get us out of here because I like Miami, and I'm not going back to jail.
Lograrás que salgamos de aquí porque me gusta Miami y no volveré a prisión.
You're not going to jail.
No irás a prisión.
Look, I'm sorry about all this, I really am, and not just because you're the one going to jail for it.
Mira, lamento todo esto, de veras, y no sólo porque irás a la cárcel.
No, Jason, you're not going to jail, okay?
No, Jason, no irás a la cárcel, ¿ de acuerdo?
If you're not back by midnight you're going to jail.
Si no volver hasta medianoche, vais a prisión.
this is where you tell me that it's not over, that you're going to find another way to put me in jail.
... es cuando me dice que no se ha terminado que va a encontrar otra forma de meterme a la cárcel.
If not, you're going to have to spend the night in jail.
Si no, vas a pasar toda la noche en la cárcel.
Eli, you're not going to jail.
Eli, no vas a ir a prisión.
Come on, you're retiring, not going to jail.
Vamos, que se esta retirando, no ira a la carcel.
They're not going to send you to jail.
No te meterán en la cárcel.
You're not going to jail for that.
Pero no vas a la cárcel por eso.
You're not going to rot in jail.
No te vas a pudrir en la cárcel.
Honey, you're not going to jail.
Cariño, no vas a ir a la cárcel.
- You're not going to jail.
- No vas a ir a la cárcel.
The important thing is they're not coming, and you're not going to jail.
Lo importante es que no vienen, y no irán a prisión.
You're not going to jail.
No irá a la cárcel.
You're not going to jail. Today.
No irás a la cárcel... hoy.
It doesn't matter where you're from, you're not going to jail.
como una rubia. No importa de donde eres.
I'm the only reason why you're not going to jail.
Soy la única razón por la que no has ido a la cárcel.
You're going to Broadway, not jail.
Vas a Broadway, no a la cárcel.
You mess with us, you're not going to jail.
Meteos con nosotros y no iréis a la cárcel.
- Jordan, you're not going to jail...
- Jordan, no vas a ir a la cárcel...
You're here at the very moment that I did not wanna be alone. Oh... you're not going to jail.
Está aquí en el momento justo en el que no quiero estar solo.
You're not the one going to jail.
Usted no es el que va a ir a la cárcel.
I am going to be a judge, and if you're not very nice to me, I'm gonna send you all away to jail for life.
Voy a ser juez y si no os portáis bien os voy a mandar a la carcel de por vida.

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