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You're not going to kill me traducir español

88 traducción paralela
You're not going to kill me, are you?
No vas a matarme, ¿ verdad?
You're not going to kill me, are you?
- Vamos, ¿ no irás a matarme?
Because your right eye is sad and you're not going to kill me. "
"Porque tu ojo derecho está triste y no vais a matarme"
You're not going to kill me because this gun in my hand says different.
No me matará porque esta pistola en mi mano dice lo contrario.
You're not going to kill me are you?
No vas a matarme ¿ verdad?
You're not going to kill me.
No me va a matar.
But Ozeki... if you're not going to kill me, how will you save face?
Pero, Ozeki... Si no intentas matarme, ¿ cómo reaccionara la banda Kannon?
You're not going to kill me.
No va a matarme.
Then kill me, but you're not going to kill the others!
¡ Entonces mátame, pero no vas a matar a los demás!
You're going to kill me anyway. - Not if you listen.
- Me va a matar de todas formas.
You're not going to kill me?
- ¿ No quieres matarme?
If you're not going to kill me, I have things to do.
Si no vas a matarme... tengo cosas que hacer.
I do not like much the idea you're going to kill...
No me agrada mucho la idea que lo vayas a matar...
How do I know you're not going to kill me?
¿ Cómo sé que no me matará?
You're not going to kill me with that thing.
No me vas a matar con esa cosa.
You say you're not going to kill me.
¿ Dices que no van a matarme?
You're not going to kill me. are you?
No me vas a matar, ¿ verdad?
You're not going to kill me, are you?
No me vas a matar, ¿ verdad?
You're not going to kill me.
Tú no me vas a matar.
You're not going to kill me.
Ustedes no van a matarme.
Don't talk to me about life and death... it's not like it's you they're going to kill.
No, pero te estaba alentando.
You're not going to kill me?
¿ No me va a matar?
You're not going to kill me, aren't you?
No me vas a matar, ¿ no?
But you're not going to kill me, aren't you?
Pero no me vas a matar, ¿ cierto?
You're not going to kill me? I hadn't planned on it.
No lo había planeado.
You want me to kill myself and you're not going to.
Tú quieres que me suicide. Pero tú no vas a hacerlo.
You're the one who's going to kill me. Not them.
Tú serás quien me mate, no ellos.
Wait. You're not going to kill me?
Espera. ¿ No vas a matarme?
Ralph, you're not really going to kill me?
Ralph, ¿ no vas a matarme en realidad?
If you're going to beat the Lion, you have to get rid of his magic otherwise use a gun or use a knife he is not all mortal if I kill him for you, what can you give me
si lo que buscas es eliminar al Leon, tienes que buscar como quitarle su magia si no utilizas una arma, utiliza un cuchillo el no es totalmente inmortal si lo elimino por ti, que puedes darme
You're not going to kill me twice, are you?
No vas a matarme dos veces, ¿ verdad?
You want me to kill myself, and you're not going to.
¡ Querías que me matara pero tu no lo ibas a hacer!
You're not going to kill me, are you?
No me vas a matar, ¿ cierto?
You're not going to kill me.
Tú no vas a matarme.
You're not going to kill me, are you?
No vas a matarme ¿ no?
Pretty sure you're not going to kill me, so...
Estoy seguro de que no va a matarme, así que...
- You're not going to kill me.
- No vas a asesinarme.
You're not going to kill me, then?
¿ Entonces no vas a matarme?
We both know you're not going to kill me.
Ambos sabemos que no vas a matarme
We both know you're not going to kill me.
Los dos sabemos que no vas a matarme.
You... you're not going to kill me?
tu... tu no vas a matarme?
But if you're going to stay here, I'm not going to let them kill me because of you.
Pero si te quieres quedar aquí, yo no me voy a dejar matar por ti.
The reason you're going to trust me is because I'm not going to kill you, right here and right now.
La razón por la que confiarás en mi es porque no te mataré, aquí y ahora mismo.
You're not going to kill me.
No vas a matarme.
You're not going to kill me?
¿ No me matarás?
I don't understand. You're not going to kill me?
No entiendo. ¿ No me vas a matar?
I am not going another step until you tell me why they're trying to kill us.
No voy a dar otro paso hasta que me digáis... por qué están intentando matarnos.
You're going to kill me anyhow, why not tell me where he is?
Vas a matarme de todos modos, ¿ por qué no me dices dónde está?
And you're not going to kill me at all?
¿ Y tú no me vas a matar para nada?
wer're not going to kill her if you want you mother alive, you must bring me the other bitch. understood?
si no queres que le hagan nada.. me tenes que traer a la otra yegua, me escuchaste?
How do I know you're not going to kill me.
¿ Cómo sé que no me vas a matar?

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