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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You're not going to like it

You're not going to like it traducir español

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Steve, you're going to put in my system whether you like it or not.
Steve, vas a instalar mi sistema te guste o no.
We're going to save this cargo for you, boys... whether you like it or not.
Salvaremos este cargamento para Uds., muchachos... les guste o no.
Darling, you've already made up your mind that you're not going to like it, - Now, haven't you?
Querido, ¿ ya estabas pensando que no te iba a gustar?
You're going to like it here. Summer vacation's not yet over, but in a few days you'll meet your fellow boarders. Scores of them, all just like you.
Vas a estar muy bien aquí todavía no han terminado las vacaciones pero en unos días vendran todos tus compañeros son tantos, y hay tantos niños como tú.
- Would you rather we stopped? - Bill, you invited me to dance, and you're going to see it through whether you like it or not.
- Bill, me invitaste a bailar y bailaremos te guste o no.
Whether you like it or not, you're going to take a vacation.
Quieras o no te vas de vacaciones.
You're not going to like it.
No te va a gustar.
I've got something to tell you and you're not going to like it.
- Tengo malas noticias para vosotros.
I don't care if you like it or not, you're going to apologize
- ¡ Por favor, no! - Sube.
We are not sure you're going to like it.
Aunque no estamos seguros de que vayan a gustarle.
If it goes on like this, you're going to go bankrupt so why not change your business?
Si esto sigue así, os iréis a la quiebra, así que, ¿ por qué no cambiáis de negocio?
You're going to be defended, whether you like it or not, because we've got a standard of justice we'll follow in spite of you.
Sepa que se le va a defender quiera usted o no. Porque tenemos unas normas de justicia que hemos de seguir a pesar suyo.
You're going to Palompon, like it or not!
Vosotros venís a Palompon, ¡ os guste o no!
- You're going to listen whether you like it or not.
Vas a escucharme te guste o no te guste.
You're going to get it whether you like it or not.
Vas a tenerlo, te guste o no.
You're going to feel like a baby! If it's not already the case...
¡ Se sentirá como un bebé!
Well, it's a feeling you're not going to like.
Es lo mismo, si lo descubre, te hará sufrir.
I know, but I've got something I have to tell you, and I know you're not going to like it and I don't like saying it, but if you let me say it I'll go away and won't bother you anymore.
Lo sé, pero tengo que decirte una cosa. Sé que no va a gustarte y no me gusta decirla. Pero si me dejas decirla, no te molestaré más.
And I told you this is where we're going to live, whether you like it or not.
Y yo te dije que es aquí donde viviremos, te guste o no.
You're not going to like it.
No le va a gustar.
It's not like you're going to lose anything at all.
No te preocupes que no se os gasta por usarlo.
You're going to turn yourselves in... whether you like it or not.
Os vais a entregar... da igual si queréis o no.
No, we're gonna sit right here, and you... you people are going to get your money's worth whether you like it or not.
No, nos quedaremos aquí. Ustedes recibirán el servicio que pagaron, les guste o no.
- You're really not going to like it.
- De verdad que no os va a gustar
"You're not going to like it," I said.
"No te va a gustar," te dije.
- You're not going to like it.
- No te va a gustar.
Uh, I'm afraid you're not going to like it.
Uh, me temo que no va a gustar.
And you're not going to like it.
Y no les gustará.
Listen, Danny, when you're out there today if you feel like it's not gonna happen, like he's not going to say it don't go for it.
Oye Danny, cuando hoy estés ahí si presientes que no va a decirlo no lo busques.
I mean, it's like if you have a swimming pool in your backyard, you can tell your children not to go in it, you can even build a fence around it, but if you know that they're going to find a way into that water, don't you think you ought to teach those kids how to swim?
Es como si uno tuviera una piscina en el patio trasero puedes decirle a tus hijos que no entren incluso puedes construir una cerca alrededor pero si sabes que van a encontrar la forma de entrar al agua ¿ no habría que enseñarles a esos chicos a nadar?
You're not going to like it, Nathan... but believe me, they've proven their worth many times over.
No te va a gustar, Nathan pero créeme, demostraron su valía muchas veces.
You're not going to like this, but it's better than not breathing.
Esto no va a gustarte, pero es mejor que no respirar.
You're going to have the best vacation you've ever had, whether you like it or not! Understand?
Vendrás y disfrutarás de las vacaciones... te guste o no. ¿ De acuerdo?
It's like going to a party where you're not invited, no matter how polite people are.
Es como ir a una fiesta a la que no te han invitado.
We're going to cheer you up whether you like it or not.
Te vamos a alegrar aunque no lo quieras.
Like it or not, you're going to join the living.
Te guste o no, te unirás a los vivos.
Oh, you're not going to like it, Brother.
- No va a gustarte.
I found something and you're not going to like it.
He descubierto algo que no le va a gustar.
It's almost like you're not going to live unless your mother comes here.
Es casi como que no vas a vivir a menos que su madre venga aquí.
It's not like you're going to be out of touch.
Además, no estaréis incomunicados.
You're not going to like it.
- No le va a gustar.
Jake, I don't know what you're thinking but I'm sure I'm not going to like it.
No sé lo que estás pensando, pero me temo que no va a gustarme.
- You're not going to like it.
- No le van a gustar.
Yes, but you're not going to like it.
Sí, pero no te agradará.
And you're not going to like it.
Y no te va a gustar.
We're going to that party, and we're going to have fun, whether you like it or not.
Y nos vamos a divertir, quieras o no.
What I have to tell you you're not going to like... so I'm just going to say it really quickly.
Lo que debo decirte no te gustará, así que te lo diré rápido.
What I have to say, you're not going to like, so I'll say it quickly.
Lo que te diré no te gustará, así que lo diré rápido.
- It's... a little unclear, though, as to why you want this. You're not going to like, blow it up or anything, are ya?
Aún no sé para qué lo quieres si es para volarlo o para qué.
You're just not going to like it.
Solo que no te va a gustar.
I can't imagine what it must be like... knowing you're not going to see Adam again.
No me imagino cómo debe ser... saber que no volverás a ver a Adam.

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