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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You're not hearing me

You're not hearing me traducir español

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And you're not hearing me.
- Y tú no me estás oyendo.
Mike, you're not hearing me.
Creo que no me escuchaste.
Professor, you're not hearing me.
Catedrático, no me está escuchando.
You're not hearing me!
No me estás escuchando!
You're just not hearing me.
- No me escuchas. - Ahora, Lindsey...
Damn it, John, you're not hearing me.
Maldita sea, John, no me estás escuchando.
[Sighs] You're not hearing me, Celia.
No me entiendes, Celia.
You're not crazy enough. I'm gettin'really fuckin'tired of hearing you say that.
Ya me estoy casando de escucharte decir eso.
Lou, you're not hearing me. I don't want a dime for this.
No quiero ni un centavo.
Clark, maybe you're not hearing me.
Clark, quizás no me hayas escuchado.
You're not hearing me.
No entiendo.
Heather, you're not hearing me.
No me estás oyendo.
- No, you're not hearing me, Pete.
No, no me escuchas, Pete.
You're not hearing me, Nick. Get...
No me estás escuchando, Nick.
- You're not hearing me.
- ¿ No oíste lo que dije, estúpido?
- You're not hearing me.
- No estás oyéndome.
Ray, maybe you're not hearing me.
Ray, tal vez no me escuchaste.
You're not hearing me.
¡ No me escuchas!
- You're not hearing me.
- No creo que me esté escuchando.
You're not hearing me.
No me estás escuchando.
When you listen to me, when my singing moves you, you're not just hearing notes. You're hearing my artistry... my... soul.
Cuando me escuchas, cuando mi canto te conmueve... no sólo escuchas notas, sino mi habilidad artística, mi alma.
You're not hearing me.
No me escuchas.
You're not hearing me.
- Y ahora ha muerto.
- You're not hearing me. I'm just here as a favour to my brother.
Vine para hacerle un favor a mi hermano.
Okay, clearly, you're not hearing me.
Claramente, no me estás escuchando.
Earl, you're not hearing me.
Earl, no me escuchas.
- You're not hearing me.
- No me está escuchando.
You're not hearing me, Frank.
No me estás oyendo, Frank.
- You're not hearing me.
- No me esta escuchando.
- You're not hearing me!
- No me sta escuchando!
- You're not hearing me- - - It's over, Taj!
- No me estás oyendo- - - ¡ Se acabó, Taj!
No me estas escuchando, Cheryl
You're not hearing me!
No me estás escuchando.
- Baby, you're not hearing me.
- Bebé, no me estás escuchando.
You're not hearing me.
- No me estás escuchando.
No, see, you're not hearing me, man.
No me estás entendiendo.
You're not hearing me, girl.
No me estás escuchando, muchacha.
- You're not hearing me.
- No me escuchas.
You're not hearing me!
¡ No me estás escuchando!
l'm not- - l'm say- - You're not hearing me, man. I'm....
No me estás entendiendo...
Lizzie, you're not hearing me.
Lizzie, no me estás escuchando.
- You're not hearing me.
- No me estás escuchando.
You're not hearing me.
No me estas escuchando.
You're not hearing me too well under there.
No me oyes bien con eso.
- You're not hearing me
- No me entendió.
You're not hearing the devil, you are the devil.
Me equivoqué. No oyes al Diablo.
No, you're not hearing me!
¡ Escúchame!
You're not hearing me.
No entendiste.
No, no... you're not hearing me.
No, no... no me entiendes.
Okay, you're not hearing me.
No me estás escuchando.
You're not hearing me.
Tú no me estás escuchando.

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