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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You're staying with me

You're staying with me traducir español

175 traducción paralela
No, you're staying here with me.
No, te quedarás aquí, junto a mí.
You're staying down here with me.
Ud se queda aquí abajo conmigo.
Then you're cursed! Don't you realize what staying with me will be like?
Entonces te pueden condenar, tú no sabes lo que significa quedarte conmigo.
- Melvin, you're staying with me.
- Melvin, te vas a quedar conmigo
You're staying with me if you have to stand next to me while I sing the song.
te vas a quedar conmigo si tienes que estar a mi lado cuando canto la canción.
André, I'm happy you're staying with me.
André, me alegro de que te quedes conmigo.
Kirchner, you're staying aboard with me.
Kirchner, usted se quedará a bordo conmigo.
You're staying with me, Karswell.
Se queda conmigo, Karswell.
You're staying right here with me.
Te quedarás aquí conmigo.
No, Emma, you're not staying with me any longer.
Ya no, Emma.
You're staying right here with me.
Te quedas aquí conmigo.
Let me tell you, even if your husband gets away, you're staying with us! Send up a policeman!
¡ Que suba un agente!
You're staying with me tonight.
Te quedarás conmigo esta noche.
Just tell me if you're staying two days with me or not.
Solo dime si te quedas conmigo dos días o no.
I merely wanted to tell you how delighted I am that you're staying with us.
Srta. Masson sólo quería decirle lo feliz que me hace el que se quede con nosotros.
But you're staying with me?
¿ Pero te vas a quedar conm ¡ go?
Farmer drops a young rooster in there we're and the old rooster Says I gotta tell you something about staying in condition. He says, c'mon with me.
El granjero cree que tendrá que hacer servir al gallo joven, y... jubilar al más viejo, y el viejo admite al gallo joven, yo ya no estoy... en condiciones, le dice, ¡ ven conmigo!
You're not staying with me.
No os quedaréis conmigo.
- You're staying with me. - Let me go!
- Usted se queda conmigo - ¡ Suélteme por favor!
- You're staying with me!
- ¡ Seguirás junto a mi!
- Yes, if you're staying I'm staying with you.
- Sí, si tu te quedás yo me quedo contigo.
I'm staying with you... You're not going with him!
- Me quedaré contigo.
You're staying with me.
Te vas a quedar conmigo.
You're staying here with Rose and Blanche and me.
Te quedas aqui con Rose, con Blanche y conmigo.
You're fine. You're staying with me.
Tú te quedas conmigo.
If you need me, we're staying with the Chasens.
Si me necesitas, estaremos en casa de los Chasen.
I am pleased that you're staying on with us.
Me alegra mucho que siga con nosotros,
- No, you're not. You're staying here with me.
- No, tenemos más trabajo.
When I get back from my trip, you're staying with me?
Cuando vuelva de mi viaje, ¿ te quedarás conmigo?
Now, wait a minute, baby. You're staying here with me!
- Espera. ¡ Te quedarás conmigo!
All right, if you're staying, you're staying with me.
Muy bien, si te vas a quedar, te vas a quedar conmigo.
Sharon, I'd... Now, this is only if you want. I wouldn't mind staying with ya when you're havin'him.
Sharon, yo bueno, solo si tú quieres no me importaría quedarme contigo cuando lo tengas.
You're staying with me during the protocol, remember?
Vas a quedarte aquí durante el régimen, ¿ te acuerdas?
- You're not staying with me.
No te quedas.
Listen, asshole, from now on, if you're gonna be staying with us, you are gonna have to listen to me'cause if you don't, I will kill you myself and leave you out there with those bugs.
Mira, imbécil, de ahora en adelante te quedarás con nosotros y me harás caso a mí, porque si no lo haces te mataré yo mismo y te dejaré abandonado con los mosquitos.
So, Lois, Clark tells me that you're gonna be staying with us till this Barnacle Bill gets bored or calls it quits.
Lois, Clark dice que te quedarás con nosotros hasta que esa lapa se aburra o renuncie.
I suggest if you have any problems with Mom, you go over there... and work it out like a man, instead of staying here... and bossing little me and Marlon around like we're some 5-year-olds.
Te sugiero que si tienes problemas con mamá, vayas allí... y solucionarlos como un hombre, en vez de estar aquí... y mandonearnos a Marlon y a mí como si tuvieramos 5 años.
You're staying with me tonight.
Te quedas conmigo esta noche.
You're staying here with me.
Tú te quedas aquí.
Yes... You're staying with me for a while
Sí, te quedarás conmigo por un tiempo.
You're staying with me, Your Highness.
Usted se queda con migo, su Alteza.
From now on, you're staying with me.
A partir de ahora, te quedas conmigo.
You have to choose now. Either you come with Tinle or you're staying with me.
Tienes que escoger... o te vas con Tinlé, o te quedas conmigo.
You're staying with me now, huh?
¿ Te vas a quedar conmigo?
Mom told me you're staying. I'm going to Nantes with Cédric.
Me iré a Nantes con Cédric.
You're staying with me tonight, right?
Te quedaras conmigo esta noche, ¿ verdad?
I think you're staying with me.
Creo que va a estar conmigo.
It's okay with me if you're going to be staying in grandpa's house.
Está todo bien conmigo si vas a quedarte en la casa del abuelo.
You're not staying with me tonight.
- No duermes conmigo ésta noche.
You kidding? You're staying with me, obviously.
Se quedarán conmigo.
You're staying with me... because you feel obligated to, and that's not fair to either of us.
Estás conmigo... porque te sientes obligado y eso no es justo para ninguno de los dos.

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