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You're still in love with her traducir español

92 traducción paralela
You're still in love with her.
Aún estás enamorado de ella.
- You're still in love with her.
- Aún estás enamorado de ella.
- So you're still in love with her, huh?
- ¿ Sigues enamorado de ella?
I don't care what she's done to you, you're still in love with her.
No importa lo que te haya hecho, sigues enamorado.
You're still in love with her.
Aún la quieres.
You're still in love with her, aren't you?
Aún la amas, ¿ no?
I'm glad to see you're still in love with her.
Veo que aún está enamorado de ella.
You knew Matilda was coming home. You're still in love with her, aren't you? Aren't you?
Aún estás enamorado de ella, ¿ no?
You're still in love with her, aren't you? Aren't you? !
Aún estás enamorado de él, ¿ no?
You're still in love with her, aren't you? Aren't you? !
Aún estás enamorado de ella, ¿ no?
You're still in love with that dame. Why don't you send her away, let her bake it out in the sun someplace?
Si sigues enamorado de esa tía, mándala a otro lugar a tomar el sol hasta que escampe.
But, Daddy, you're still in love with her.
Pero, papá, sigues enamorado de ella.
You're still in love with her.
Sigues enamorado.
You're still in love with her, ain't you?
Sigues enamorado de ella, ¿ verdad?
Why don't you tell me if you want to see her? If you're still in love with her?
¿ Y por qué no me dices que todavía sigues enamorado de ella?
You're still in love with her.
¿ Sigues enamorado de ella?
If you're still in love with her, how come you're here with me?
Si tu la amas, ¿ Qué haces aquí conmigo?
If you're still in love with her, how come you're here with me?
Si estas enamorado de ella, ¿ por qué estás aqui conmigo?
You're still in love with her.
Sigues enamorado de ella.
But unless she thinks you're still in love with her, she's not gonna trust you- - and if she doesn't trust you, then she's not gonna believe you when you give her the lowdown on Vinnie the Viper.
Pero si ella no cree que sigues enamorado de ella no confiará en ti, y si no confía en ti entonces, no te creerá cuando la pongas al tanto sobre Vinnie la Víbora.
- You're still in love with her!
¡ Todavía estás enamorado de ella! Estoy enamorado de ti.
You admitted in front of everybody you're still in love with her.
Admitiste frente a todos que todavía estás enamorado de ella.
You're still in love with her.
Todavía estas enamorado de ella.
You're still in love with her after all these years?
¿ Que aún la amas, después de tantos años?
You're still in love with her.
Tú sigues enamorado de ella.
You were very much in love with her. And you're still in love with her.
Estabas muy enamorado de ella y sigues enamorado de ella.
But you're still in love with her?
¨ No segu ¡ s enamorado de ella? - No.
You're obviously still... in love with her, and I'm not about to share you, so... good-bye.
Obviamente aún estás enamorado de ella, y no voy a compartirte, así que... adiós.
Diane Wittlesey's mother died, you comfort her... and I make it into this big thing like you're still in love with her.
La madre de Diane murió, tú la consolaste... y yo perdí los estribos pensando que aún estabas enamorado de ella.
You make it sound like you're still in love with her.
Por como hablas parece que sigues enamorado de ella.
- You're still in love with her.
- Aûn la amas.
- and one fine CD of him singing "Love is in the Air." - Well, I would never, uh... do this while you were still going out, but, uh... if you're done with her, I'd sure like a crack at her.
Yo nunca... lo haría mientras tú salieras, pero... si la dejas, me gustaría hacerle la lucha.
It's not official. You're still in love with her.
- Aún estás enamorado de ella.
I think you're still in love with her.
Creo que sigues enamorado de ella.
Then you tell me you haven't thought about her in five years when, as sick as it is, you're still in love with her.
Despues me dijiste que no pensas en ella desde hace cinco años cuando, aunque parezca enfermizo, todavia estas enamorado de ella.
You're still in love with her.
Aún la amas.
You're still in love with her.
Aún sigues enamorado de ella.
- You're still in love with her.
- Aún sigues enamorado de ella.
- You're still in love with her.
- Aún sigues enamorado de ella. - Está muerta.
You're still in love with her, right?
Sigues enamorado de ella, ¿ verdad?
I mean, you're still in love with her?
¿ Aún estás enamorado de ella?
You're still in love with her.
Todavía estás enamorada de ella.
You're still in love with her.
Vamos, puedes admitirlo.
- You're still in love with her?
- ¿ Sigues enamorado de ella?
- You're still in love with her.
- Todavía la amas.
You're still in love with her.
Tú. Todavía estás enamorado de ella.
- She said to say that you've been ignoring her and that you're clearly still in love with Sally,
- Dijo que te dijera que has estado ignorándola y que claramente sigues enamorado de Sally...
You're still in love with her.
Todavía estás enamorado de ella.
All this time and you're still in love with her!
Todo este tiempo y aun estás enamorado de ella.
- You're still in love with her.
Todavía estás enamorado de ella. No.
You... You're still in love with her.
Todavía estás enamorado de ella.

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