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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You're with me now

You're with me now traducir español

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If you're a good boy you can come with me as my personal manager now.
podrás venir conmigo...
I know it's unfair of me to say so, now you're with Alex.
Y sé que es injusto de mi parte decir eso ahora que estás con Alex.
Then you're obsessed with details, and now you don't even listen to me.
De pronto, te obsesionas por el más mínimo detalle. Un minuto después, pareciera que no sabes de qué hablo.
I had sex with you two weeks ago, and now you're asking me why I haven't rented lately?
Creo que deberían venir, ya sabes al menos una vez antes de la boda, para planear las cosas.
Rembrandt, you're with me now.
Rembrandt, estás conmigo ahora.
Sí, claro.
I think that's just'cause... you know, you're with me right now.
Creo que eso es sólo porque- - Ya sabes, porque estás conmigo.
You're with me now.
Estas conmigo ahora.
with this now that you're down I'd get ready for one of those... New York-style pigfucks.
Ahora, con esto ahora que estás vulnerable yo me prepararía para una de esas palizas neoyorquinas de lujo.
You're with me now.
Ahora estás conmigo.
Now, maybe you've been in medical school and dropped out, or maybe you been in the army, but you don't lie to me that you're no doctor because I was just in the operating room with you.
Tal vez estuviste en la escuela de medicina y no terminaste o tal vez aprendiste en el ejército Pero no me mientas diciendo que no eres médico. Porque acabo de verte hacer una cirugía.
You're with me now don't be afraid of him.
Ahora estas conmigo, no le tengas miedo.
You're with me now.
Ya estas conmigo ahora.
- Now you're with me here?
- me seguis?
See, I wasn't trying to hurt you. Now you're doing it to me, with the intention of being hurtful.
Quería evitar herirte : tú lo haces con la intención de herir.
Creo que todos necesitaremos un refresco, ¿ no?
Now, you're sure that it's okay if Mia stays with me tonight, right?
¿ Estás segura que quieres que Mia se quede conmigo esta noche?
Right now, we're looking at your tombstone. If you hang a shingle with me, you'll at least have an office to come to.
Alan, en todo proceso llega el momento de una cifra
You're with me now.
Ahora es mía.
You're not leaving me with a whole hell of a lot of options now, are you?
No me estas dejando muchas opciones, ¿ no crees?
And now you're upset with me because I listened to you?
¿ Y ahora se enoja conmigo porque lo escucho? ¿ Qué es lo que quiere usted?
But I want your fucking gratitude right fucking now... or you're gonna be looking down a long road with your nipple in the dirt.
Quiero tu gratitud, ahora mismo. O tiraré tu pezón a la basura. ¿ Me oyes?
You're with me now.
Está conmigo.
Now you " re going to come with me right now and take a bath.
Ven ahora mismo a bañarte.
Now you're furious with her... and you accuse me of being on her side!
¡ Ahora estás furioso con ella y me acusas a mí de estar de su parte!
I just wanna know what's going on, First you beg to go to California, now Baldwin tells me you're in Salt Lake City with one of his agents.
Sólo quiero saber qué rayos pasa. Me ruegas que te deje ir a California, y ahora Baldwin dice que estás en Salt Lake con una de sus agentes.
You're gonna have to come with me now.
Tiene que venir conmigo ahora.
For now you're coming with me.
Por ahora vendrás conmigo.
From now on, you're staying with me.
A partir de ahora, te quedas conmigo.
You've proved to yourself, now that you've made the kill...,... that you're just like me, with as evil a will.
Te has probado a ti misma, ahora que la has matado Que eres igual que yo, con instinto de maldad
You're on the edge of control now... with fresh kills inches away... and me so close, aching for you.
ahora estas perdiendo el control con carne fresca alrededor y yo tan cerca.
You're coming with me home, now!
¡ A casa ahora mismo!
You're moralizing with me now?
¿ Va a echarme un sermón?
- From what? The casino. Also, because if you're not full of holes by now you must be good voodoo and me with you.
- Jugar en el casino, y además... si no la he agujereado antes es porque tiene buena estrella, y... yo también gracias a usted.
I guess now you're gonna ask me to discuss the crime scene with you.
Ahora me vas a pedir que analice la escena del crimen.
You've taken away my room, now you're wooing everybody with your sweet talk.
Me has quitado mi cuarto, y ahora intentas engatusar a todos con tu charla dulce.
Now you're coming back with me in my cement truck.
Ahora Que vuelvas conmigo En mi camión de cemento.
You're starting to sound like this Bible basher... I got sharing with me now.
¿ Qué le hizo a Nancy?
You have to choose now. Either you come with Tinle or you're staying with me.
Tienes que escoger... o te vas con Tinlé, o te quedas conmigo.
You're trying to distract me now with this "wrinkle."
Ahora intentas distraerme con el asunto de tu arruga.
The changes that you're going to make in your life now changes you have every right to make would be too difficult with me around.
Esos cambios que tendrás que hacer en tu vida y que estás en todo tu derecho de hacer serían más difíciles conmigo.
It's now officially a week since my breakup with Ben... and every once in a while, I get this feeling... that maybe getting over with someone you're in love with isn't impossible... unless... maybe you don't actually get over it.
Ahora oficialmente ha pasado una semana desde mi ruptura con Ben y de vez en cuando, me da una sensación... que quizás superar alguien del que estabas enamorado no es imposible. A menos... Quizás no lo superas.
First you're all buddies with Adebisi and now you're being nice to me?
¿ Primero, te amigas con Adebisi y ahora eres bueno conmigo?
Do I make people live with that? Now you're making fun, and I don't like it!
¡ Si está burlándose, no me gusta nada!
You're coming with me now!
¡ Te vienes conmigo ahora!
Now you're dancing with me.
Y ahora estás bailando conmigo.
You're staying with me now, huh?
¿ Te vas a quedar conmigo?
So what, you're tinished with me now?
Asi que, ¿ Estás terminando conmigo?
- You're going to have to come with me now.
- Tendrás que ir conmigo, ahora.
You're here with me now and I love you.
Tú estás aquí conmigo ahora y te amo.
You're coming with me! Now!
- Apa, intenta entender, Apa.

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