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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You've been up all night

You've been up all night traducir español

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Okay, so I've been up all night and I hung the fish, painted the walls, put up the mural, cleaned out the fridge, redid the grout in the bathroom and for the finishing touch... You're gonna be so excited!
he ordenado el frigo, he arreglado la junta del baño y el colofón, esto le va a flipar...
But you've been up all night.
Pero estuvo despierto toda la noche.
"I've been up all night thinking about you. " I have just sent for a messenger to take this to you in the dawn.
He estado despierto toda la noche pensando en ti acabo de enviar un mensajero que te entregará esto de madrugada.
You'll want sleep, if you've been standing up under a police grilling all night.
Querrá dormir, si se ha visto sometido a un interrogatorio toda la noche.
Well, you've been up all night.
La de haber pasado la noche en vela.
Better go get some coffee. You've been up all night.
Tómate un café, llevas toda la noche despierto.
Look, old man, I don't know where you got that iron Union suit, but I've been up all night and I'm in no mood for jokes.
Mira, viejo, no sé dónde has conseguido ese traje de hierro... he estado levantado toda la noche y no estoy de humor para bromas.
You're tired. You've been up all night.
Estás cansada, no has dormido en toda la noche.
You've been up all night?
¿ Llevas toda la noche despierta?
I know you've been up all night, but this is important.
Sé que ha pasado la noche en vela, pero es importante.
You don't look a day older, Rosie. You look as if you've been up all night.
Se diría que no ha dormido Ud. en toda la noche.
We've been up all night trying to find you.
Te buscamos toda la noche.
You've been up all night, you know Kincaid.
No dormimos en toda la noche, conoces a Kinkate.
You've been up all night. I know how to do this.
Yo ya sé cómo se hace esto.
They've been carrying on all night long, and... you never know what they'll come up with.
Han estado armando jaleo toda la noche y nunca sabes qué van a inventar.
I think you're tired, you've been up all night.
Que estas cansado de trabajar toda la noche.
Sweetheart, you've been up all night.
Cariño, no has dormido nada.
You look like you've been up all night.
No parecen haber dormido esta noche.
- Looks like you've been up all night.
- Parece que no hayas dormido.
That's what my wife'll say, when I tell her I've been waitin'up for you all night.
Igual dirá mi mujer cuando le diga que he estado esperándote toda la noche.
I know you've been up all night.
Sé que estuvo levantada toda la noche.
I've been up all night because of you.
No he pegado ojo por su culpa.
Shooting ended yesterday, you drove all night, you've been messing this up all day long ; another take and off to bed.
Terminasteis el rodaje ayer, has conducido toda la noche, llevas todo el día metiendo la pezuña, te ves esta otra toma y a dormir.
'Cause I've been up all night with you.
He estado toda la noche cuidándote.
You've been driving up a tab here all night and we're not real big on credit.
Has estado cargando tu cuenta toda la noche. No damos crédito.
You've been up all night burning you bridges And you got to go, "Hi, guys."
Toda la noche de juerga y tienes que decir "Hola chicos!"
I've been sitting up all night with you.
Estuve despierto toda la noche contigo.
Looks like you've been up all night screwing, boy.
Parece que te revolcaste toda la noche.
I've been working... day and night for six months... and all because you promised me a show if I came up with something... new.
He estado trabajando... día y noche por seis meses... y todo porque me prometiste una exposición si creaba algo... nuevo.
You've been up all night.
Debes haber estado de pie toda la noche.
So, you've been up all night?
¿ Has estado levantada toda la noche?
You look as if you've been up all night.
Parece como si no hubiera dormido en toda la noche.
You've been up all night.
No ha dormido.
You've been up all night again, huh?
¿ Esuviste despierto toda la noche de nuevo, eh?
Of course, you've been up all night, snaffling bathrobes and other hot property?
¿ Toda la noche entre albornoces y otras cosas importantes?
I've been waiting up all night for you.
Te esperé toda la noche.
You've been up all night, haven't you?
Estuviste levantado toda la noche, ¿ no?
You've been up all night. I can do this.
Tu has estado despierta toda la noche Yo puedo hacer esto
You've been up all night?
¿ Llevas toda la noche despierto?
I'm not sitting in that ridiculous - aw, come on, you've been up all night.
No me voy a sentar en ese ridículo...
What's up Shawn, where've you been all night big guy?
¿ Qué tal, Shawn? ¿ Dónde estuviste?
You've been up all night not drinking, haven't you?
No dormiste y no bebiste en toda la noche.
Look, what you said... about how I'm, you know, selfish or whatever. I've been up all night.
Oye, lo que dijiste... sobre ser egoísta, yo qué sé... estuve levantada toda la noche.
You look like you've been up all night.
Tiene la apariencia de quien pasó la noche en vela.
The guy she was with last night is dead... and you look like you've been up all night, so why don't you tell me.
El chico con el que estuvo anoche está muerto y te ves como si hubieras estado toda la noche despierto, asi que por qué no me cuentas?
- You've been up all night?
- ¿ No durmió en toda la noche?
Mr. Bevins, you've been up all night.
Sr. Bevins, no durmió en toda la noche.
You look like you've been up all night.
Parece como si no hubieras dormido en toda la noche.
I told you I've been up studying all night, because in 45 minutes...
Te dije que estudié toda la noche, porque en 45 minutos, yo tendré
You've been staying up all night at home watching smut on cable tv, haven't you? Just because I'm not there to turn it off. Bad boy.
Bobby, has estado trasnochando en casa, viendo TV por cable porque no estoy ahí para apagarla, travieso.
Brad, you've been up all night, right?
Estuviste despierto toda la noche, ¿ no?

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