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You've got to admit traducir español

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It isn't the best break in the world, I admit. But.. you've got to grin and bear it.
Sé que no es divertido, pero hay que doblar la espalda y seguir.
Tengo que admitir que aquí tienes un buen par de ejemplares.
But, Papa, you've got to admit... this is the biggest scoop you've had in six months.
Pero, papá, tienes que reconocerlo. Éste es el notición más grande que has tenido en los últimos 6 meses.
Oh, I admit I tried to cut in on you. I made a big play. But, whatever you've got, that Shalmar's going through with it.
Mi intención era pisarte el terreno, pero... no sé qué tienes que Shalmar sólo piensa en ti.
Mírate, Bill, tienes que admitirlo, yo no he usado ninguna influencia.
Steve, you've got to admit this to yourself consciously.
Tiene que admitirlo conscientemente.
- You've got to admit, it'd be a novelty.
- Tienes que admitir que sería una novedad.
You've got to admit, this is better than army training films on athlete's foot.
Esto es mejor que su película de adiestramiento sobre el pie de atleta.
You've got to accept it or admit he's right.
Tiene que admitirlo o darle la razón.
- You've got to admit it was a good idea.
- Debe admitir que fue una buena idea.
But you've got to admit it's an absolutely safe spot.
Pero debes admitir que es un puesto seguro.
Well, you've got to admit it works pretty good.
Bueno, reconocerá que da muy buen resultado.
But you've got to admit that as the only doctor in town...
No he hecho nada.
Boy, you've got to admit there's nothing can touch her in Bath Beach, or Sheepshead Bay or even Brooklyn Heights!
Chaval, hay que reconocer que en Bath Beach no hay nada que pueda hacerle sombra. ¡ Ni en Sheepshead Bay ni siquiera en Brooklyn Heights!
You've got a lot of Cupid in you but, I must admit, Cupid picked a strange place to hide.
Estás hecho todo un cupido, pero admito que uno bastante raro.
Well, George, you've got to admit... he's been giving you honest answers.
Bien, George, tienes que admitir... que el está siendo honesto con las respuestas.
You've got to admit you didn't treat her square. You brought those dummies here and kept her out of her own basement.
Bien todo está resuelto ahora.
A joke which, even if it weren't mean, almost killed four people, you've got to admit it.
Bromas que, aun no siendo crueles, casi matan a 4 personas, hay que reconocerlo.
You've got to admit you upset a lot of people.
Has molestado a mucha gente.
You've got to admit, it's better than nothing.
- No es mucho, pero menos es nada.
You've got to admit it's beautiful.
Admitirás que es bonito.
And you've got to admit it's pretty extreme, hiring a private detective when your husband's been gone just one night.
Tendrá que admitir que es bastante exagerado... contratar a un detective privado... cuando tu marido sólo lleva una noche fuera.
I admit you're thorough, but, Max, you've got to learn to relax.
Admito que eres minucioso, pero debes aprender a relajarte.
You've got to admit... he's a dish.
Hay que admitir... que el es un plato.
I know I got no call to ask for much... but even so, you've got to admit, you ain't dealt me no cards in a long time.
Sé que no puedo pedir mucho, pero aun así, debes reconocer que hace tiempo que no me lo pones nada fácil.
Yes, sir, you've got to admit it.
Sí, señor, hay que reconocerlo.
But I think you've got to admit that what counts are results.
Pero deben admitir que lo que cuenta son los resultados.
Come now, you've got to admit seduction can really be very funny if you stop to think about it.
Vamos, debes admitir... que la seducción es divertida cuando te paras a pensar.
Well, then, you've got to admit that's not a bad way to know about women, right?
Bueno, entonces, tienes que admitir que esa no es una mala manera de saber sobre las mujeres, ¿ no?
You've got to admit it is pretty tall.
Admítelo, es poco creíble.
You've got to admit it. They are getting better.
Hay que reconocerlo, cada vez mejor.
Well, you've got to admit this stuff is pretty far out.
Debes admitir que es bastante increíble.
But you've got to admit, if we've got to have tribbles, it's best if all our tribbles are little ones.
Pero debe admitir... que si ha de haber tribbles, mejor que sean pequenos.
You've got to admit that.
Tienes que admitirlo.
You've got to admit it's better than soap wrappers.
Es mejor que el de los envoltorios de jabón.
Now, Doyle, you've got to admit, that is a kind of excitement.
Bueno, Doyle, tienes que admitir que eso es algo emocionante.
You've got to admit, Buddy, we've been mighty patient.
Debe admitir, Buddy, que Hemos sido muy pacientes.
But you've got to admit it looks a hell of a lot like what's in those X-rays.
Pero debes admitir que se parece mucho a lo que se ve en los rayos X.
You've got to admit, sir, it takes courage to walk in here, to distract our attention, while his men kidnap Miss Romana.
Tiene que admitir, señor, que se necesita valor para entrar aquí,... y distraer nuestra atención mientras sus hombres secuestran a la señorita Romana.
I mean, if you admit that, you've got to admit that every single day of your life, in some form or other, you unconsciously walk youself into a technology trap, because that's the only way to live in the modern world.
Y si usted admite eso, tendrá que admitir que en todos los días de su vida, de una manera u otra, inconscientemente se introducirá en una trampa tecnológica. Porque solo así se puede vivir en el mundo moderno...
You've got to admit it, that was funny.
Reconocerás que es divertido.
We're going to be talking about nuclear energy and the kinds of things that could happen with an atomic emergency, and we do this not to worried you, nor to frighten you, but really we've got admit
Hablaremos de la energía nuclear y de las cosas que pueden ocurrir en una emergencia atómica. Y hacemos esto, no para inquietarlos o para asustarlos, pero debemos admitir que vivimos en la era atómica, existe una bomba atómica.
But when I've got a Congress ready to disband the Army, can you imagine my going to them with a bill to admit more Jews?
Pero cuando tengo un Congreso dispuesto a disolver el Ejército, Pueden imaginarme a mi con un proyecto de ley para admitir a más Judios?
But you've got to admit, it's a little bit weird.
Pero tienes que admitir, es un poco extraño.
But you've got to admit, after all these years, she's finally found a way how to get our clothes clean.
Pero debes admitir, que después de todos estos años, finalmente encontró un manera de como limpiar nuestra ropa.
The light can play tricks on you, and you've got to admit, this doesn't look like a dog's head.
Puedo aceptar que se parece a la cabeza de un perro?
Oh, come on Molly, you've got to admit she's a little bit weird.
¡ Vamos, Molly, tienes que admitirlo! Ella es un poco rara...
You've got to admit, that's a bit unusual.
Debes admitir que es un poco rara.
You've got to admit, she definitely had a sense of style.
Hay que reconocer que tenía estilo.
You've got to admit that.
Tienes que reconocerlo.
You've got to admit, he's not too crazy about you.
Has de admitirlo, no está muy loco por ti.

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