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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You asked to see me

You asked to see me traducir español

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I think you asked to see me, mordinoy.
¿ Quería verme?
- You asked to see me, ma'am?
- ¿ Pidió verme, señora?
You asked to see me, young lady.
¿ Ud. quería hablar conmigo?
- You asked to see me.
- Solicitó verme.
- You asked to see me, sir?
- ¿ Quería verme, señor?
You asked to see me before I left, Mr. Enderby.
Usted pidió verme antes de que yo me marchara, Sr. Enderby.
- You asked to see me?
- ¿ Querías verme?
Anne asked me to come see you about the divorce.
Anne me ha pedido que venga a verte para hablar sobre el divorcio.
You see, last night on the way home, I talked to Murray, just as you asked me to.
Verás, anoche, camino de casa... hablé con Murray, como me pediste.
─ Thanks. I wanted to ask you about a Mr Pettison. Who came to see me and asked for a position.
Quiero hablarle de un tal Sr. Pettison que ha venido a ofrecerme sus servicios.
You see, Mr. Cosgrove, the gypsy chief... asked me if you wouldn't like to have his gypsies camp on your lawn.
Verá, Sr. Cosgrove, el líder gitano... me preguntó si le gustaría que sus gitanos acamparan en su césped.
Toni asked me to speak for him because, you see well, he's got a good job thanks to the industrial development in the area...
Total, que Toni, mi compadre, me dice, "Ve tú,... hablarás por mí, serás mi representante." Bueno, y ahora, las cosas han cambiado gracias al desarrollo de la región. El progreso avanza a pasos de gigante.
You see, Underwood asked me to relieve him, and, you know, as much as dad and mother - well, of course.
Verás, Underwood me pidió que lo releve, y, tú sabes, tanto como papá y mamá- - Bueno, por supuesto.
He asked me to look in and see if you were all right.
Me pidió que pasara a ver si estaba bien.
She asked me to come and meet you and see you and tell you.
Me pidió que viniera a verte y te lo contara.
If she had wished to see you... she wouldn't have asked me to speak to you down here.
Si hubiera deseado verlo... no me habría pedido que hablara con usted aquí abajo.
Forgive me for disturbing you, but I was told you asked Bismarck to see you.
Perdona la molestia, pero oí que buscabas a Bismarck para hablar
You see, Dr. Hayes asked me to drop in and see her.
Sí. Verá, el Dr. Hayes me pidió que pasara a verla.
Sorry to bother you Mr Kilpatrick, but Mr Bowman of the FBI asked me to see you.
Lamento molestarle Sr. Kilpatrick. Pero el Sr. Bowman del FBI me pidió que le viera.
You see, i've done what my president asked me to do.
Hice lo que me pidió mi presidente.
Roberito arrived yesterday. He came to see me, of course. He asked me to have you over.
Roberto llegó ayer... sí, naturalmente vino a verme... quería que te llamase para que vinieras a mi casa insiste en verte no para de decir "5 minutos solo quiero verla 5 minutos".
Father asked me to come to see you.
Papá me pidió venir a verte.
Now, let me see, I asked you to make some sort of report, didn't I?
- Le pedí un informe, ¿ no? - Sí.
Brother, Mother has arrived from Arima she asked me to come to get you as she wants to see you as soon as possible
Hermano, nuestra madre ha llegado de Arima. Me ha pedido que viniera a por ti porque quiere verte lo antes posible.
How many times have I asked you not to see me when I'm working?
- Sabes que no deberías estar aquí.
He asked me to tell you he wants to see you.
Me pidió que te dijera que quiere verte.
Mr. Ballantine asked me to bring you a copy of the letter he sent Mr. Boyd yesterday. He thought you might want to see it.
Le traigo la carta que el Sr. Ballantine le mandó ayer al Sr. Boyd, por si quería verla.
Dear, Dolly asked me to come to see you. But if you'd rather I went away, you needn't be afraid to say so.
Dolly me ha pedido que venga a verte pero si prefieres que me vaya, dímelo.
She woke me up some hours ago and asked me to see that you got this note if you came in.
Me despertó hace unas horas... y me pidió que le diera esta nota si regresaba.
I asked if you wanted to see Father or me and you said, your exact words, "Well, neither, really."
¡ Sí que lo dijo! Le pregunté si venía a ver a mi padre o a mí. Y contestó, le cito textualmente :
Asked me to see you.
Él me envía.
The manager would like to see you before you go he asked me to let you know, when you looked in
El director quiere hablar con Ud. Le diré que ha Ilegado. ¿ Qué sucede?
Asked me to come and see you.
Me dijo que le viera.
Remember you asked me to check all of Suzie's things, to see if anything was missing?
¿ Recuerda que me preguntó si comprobé todas las cosas de Suzie, para ver si le faltaba algo?
Sergeant Watkins asked me to tell you, there is a German to see you downstairs.
- ¿ Sí? El Sgto. Watkins dijo que lo busca un alemán abajo.
I was asked to tell you he won't see you before dinner.
Me dijo que no podrá veros hasta la hora de la cena.
I was hoping you'd come to see me without being asked.
Esperaba que vinieras a verme sin que te lo pidiera.
Forgive me for disturbing you for such a thing, but you see one of my former pupils, an orphan, asked me to witness it and I couldn't refuse.
Perdóneme si le he molestado... por una cosas así, pero es que se casa una ex-alumna mía, huérfana,... me ha pedido que le haga de testigo y no he podido negarme.
- You asked to see it.
- Me pidio Ud verlo.
You see : here rather than scolding or punishing me... I saw many doctors and women who asked many questions,... to see why I'm such a messer.
Ya ve usted : aquí en lugar de regañarme o castigarme me vieron muchos doctores y señoritas que me hicieron muchas preguntas, por ver qué tan abusado soy.
That's why I asked you to come and see me.
- Gracias, por eso le pedí que viniera.
No, I can't come with you to see the cherry trees... but I shall remember that you asked me.
No, no puedo ir a ver los cerezos contigo... pero recordaré que me lo pediste.
Miss Sumiko asked me to see you. I was anxious to make you fall for me.
La Señorita Sumiko me pidio que te viese estaba ansiosa porque te enamorases de mi.
You asked me not to see you again.
Me pediste que no te viera más.
And my son... You never asked me to see him.
Y mi hijo... nunca ha querido verle.
I'd have stopped you, asked you to see each from time to time... would you have said yes?
Si te hubiera pedido que nos viéramos alguna vez, ¿ me habrías dicho que sí?
See? I reported aboutyou as you have asked me to.
Pediste que yo informara sobre ti y ya lo hice.
And if she asked you to Maître Paul's, she hopes to see me.
De todas formas, si te invita al Maître Paul, es que espera encontrarme.
Thank Dorothy for that. She's the one who asked me to come see you. She gave me the clinic address.
Dáselas a Dorothy, después de todo, fue ella quien me pidió que te viera, y quien me dio la dirección de la clínica.
You see, Sheriff Lord has asked me to marry him and...
Verá, el comisario Lord me propuso matrimonio y...
Now, Colonel Hogan, you asked permission to see me?
- ahora, Coronel Hogan, ¿ pidió permiso para verme?

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