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You can eat it traducir español

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You can eat it right now.
Puedes comer enseguida.
Any more than you can eat it.
Duerma tranquilo.
You can eat it up at your leisure.
Puedes comértela si quieres.
You can eat it on the cart later Flora, don't take your clothes off. Get dressed
Flora, Flora, ¿ quiere hacer el favor de vestirse como es debido?
- Well, here's your cake, and you can eat it.
- Aquí tienes tu pastel ya te lo puedes comer.
- No, you can eat it.
- No, come tú.
You can eat it.
Puedes comértelo.
You can eat it, and you can digest it.
Lo comeréis y digeriréis vosotros.
You can eat it, you weave it and you wear it.
Te lo puedes comer o usar para tejer.
You can eat it.
Yo comer de todos modos.
I read somewhere in a book that you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Leí en alguna parte, en un libro, que no puedes tener un pastel y a la vez comértelo.
Sure you can have your cake and eat it.
Claro que puedes tener un pastel y comértelo.
If you eat it, you can be as strong as him.
Para no ser vencido debes tragar uno.
You can have your cake and eat it, too.
Puedes quedarte con el pan y con la torta.
- Can you eat it?
- ¿ Puede comer?
Can you eat it?
¿ Se pueden comer?
It's a wonder you can eat anything after all those cookies.
Es increíble que pueda comer algo después de todas aquellas galletas.
That's it? You can eat more.
Puedes comer más.
It might interest you to know that Mr Antro has two broken ribs, a broken collarbone and can't eat a bite.
Quizá le interese saber que el Sr. Antro tiene un par de costillas rotas... una clavícula rota y no puede comer ni morder.
Your types are as old as history. If you can't lay your dirty fingers on a decent idea, and squeeze it into your pocket, like dogs, if you can't eat it, you bury it.
Sus pretensiones son tan viejas como la historia y si no pueden meter sus sucias y asquerosas manos en una idea decente y sacar provecho de ella, la destrozan como perros hambrientos y la entierran.
- You can't eat it.
- No se comen.
Don't you see i love you? You can't eat your cake and have it, too.
Sabes que te quiero, pero no se puede tener todo.
You mean, one can eat it?
¿ Se puede comer?
And if you put some work into it, you can save money and eat well.
Y si las empleas, puedes ahorrar dinero y comer bien.
- Oh, Nona. I can't have it, Mr. Harry. You shouldn't eat soggy pie.
Lo siento, señorito Harry, pero no debería comer tartas tan ácidas.
It won't seem small to them, Miss McDonough. Even a little pie can look awful big if you hadn't had very much to eat for days and days.
A ellos no les parecerá pequeño, señorita... lncluso un pequeño pastel puede resultar grande cuando llevas días sin comer.
You can't eat it, that's for sure.
Seguro es que no se puede comer.
You can't have your cake and eat it... and not want it.
No puedes comer tarta y que no te apetezca.
Eat a lot, you can eat all of it
Come mucho. Cómetelo todo.
He wouldn't eat it, but he expressed a desire for pigs'feet. Can you find some?
No se lo ha querido comer, pero desea comerse una pata de cerdo.
Why can't you eat it, Son?
¿ Porqué no puedes comértelas? , hijo.
That you can eat whatever you want as long as it's easy to digest.
Que puedes comer lo que quieras mientras sea fácil de digerir.
If it's easy to digest, you can eat whatever you like.
Si es fácil de digerir, puede comer lo que quiera.
We were studying this book they gave away at Atlantic City... turns out it's the healthiest thing you can eat.
Chet y yo leímos una vez que la gelatina es muy sana.
You can't eat this rich food without whiskey to cut it.
No se puede comer esta rica comida sin un whisky.
You know you can't eat before a performance. It gives you indigestion.
Si comes antes de actuar, te indigestas.
I'll eat it. Can you believe I've been fasting since this morning?
Me lo como. ¿ Te puedes creer que estoy en ayunas?
Meanwhile he can eat the melodies you compose. Is that it?
Mientras pueda alimentarse de la melodías que compongas, ¿ no?
Is that cake for me? - Today you can eat all of it.
- ¿ Es para mí esta tarta?
But, eat so, with all three of you standing up... I can't do it.
Pero comer así, con los tres de pie,...
Learn a lesson, Jesse. You can't eat your cake and have it too.
Recuerda, no se puede estar en misa y repicando.
Well, we can't eat it till you do.
- Son las reglas.
I'm not complaining... it's good that you can eat a lot and still it doesn't show.
¡ Si no digo nada... que comas mucho y que no se note!
Mum, is it true if you eat carrots you can see in the dark?
Mamá, ¿ es cierto que si comes zanahorias puedes ver en la obscuridad?
Yeah, they say it's the most important meal you can eat in the morning.
Que es la comida más importante, pero yo no desayuno.
Will you tell it to yourself, Mama, when you're fixing food in somebody's kitchen that your own family can't even afford to eat?
¿ Vas a decírtelo a ti, mamá, cuando estés preparando la comida en la cocina de alguien que ni siquiera tu propia familia puede darse el lujo de comer?
First, you can't decide whether to eat with me, then it's into bed. How come?
No sabes si cenar conmigo y ahora quieres ir a la cama. ¿ Cómo es posible?
Well, miss grep... you know that old saying : "You can't have your cake and also eat it."
"No se tiene la torta después de comérsela"
In this world, you can't have it all. You can't have your cake and eat it too!
Quieres la chancha, la maquina de hacer chorizos y encima... no quieres matar al puerco.
You can't eat it. You can't wear it. You can't even write on it.
No puedes comértelo, no puedes llevarlo puesto, ni escribir en él.
No, nothing with pepperoni, you know I can't eat it.
No, nada de fritos, sabes que tienes que comer a la plancha.

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