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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You could have told me

You could have told me traducir español

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You could have told me earlier.
Podías habérmelo dicho antes.
You could have told me sooner so I wouldn't plan and... and wait and...
Podrían habérmelo dicho antes... para que no hubiera hecho planes y esperado...
- You could have told me.
- Podrías habérmelo dicho.
No, but you could have told me.
No, pero pudiste habérmelo dicho.
You could have told me that you have tiny feet.
Podrías haberme dicho que tienes los pies deformes.
You could have told me you were Jacqueline's husband.
Pudiste decirme que eras su esposo.
- You could have told me about it.
- Podrías habérmelo dicho.
Drop dead! You could have told me.
Podrías habérmelo dicho.
You could have told me at the least, I'd have kept my mouth open.
Al menos me hubiera advertido así tenía la boca abierta.
You could have told me sooner, no?
Podíais habérmelo dicho antes, ¿ no?
You could have told me right here.
¡ Lo ocurrido es muy grave!
You could have told me!
¡ Podías habérmelo dicho!
You could have told me.
Habérmelo dicho.
You could have told me that you were the loner.
Podria haberme dicho que era usted el solitario dificil.
You could have told me.
Podrías habermelo dicho.
- You could have told me who you are.
- Podrías haberme dicho quién eras.
You could have told me she was your girl, and I'd go away like a gentleman.
Debiste decirme que era tu novia y marcharte como un caballero.
- Mary was... - You could have told me sooner!
- "Esta María..." - ¿ No podías llamar antes?
You could have told me, I would have got them!
Habérmelo dicho, las habría comprado.
- You could have told me before. - Told you what?
- Podrías habérmelo dicho antes.
You could have told me, you idiot!
¿ Por qué no me avisaste, idiota?
You could have told me it was you!
¡ Podrías haberme dicho que eras tú!
- You could have told me.
- Podías decirlo.
Monty, you have not yet told me? So that I could've got a new dress.
Me lo pudiste haber dicho, me compraría un vestido.
I never would have believed that Tarzan could have been caught off guard... if you hadn't told me.
Jamás pensé que pudiéramos pillar a Tarzán desprevenido... de no ser por ti.
If I could talk as well as Murdoch, I'd have told you long ago that I love you, but now I must go, and all I'll be able to say is "goodbye". But I want you to hear that!
Si supiera hablar como Murdoch, ya te habría dicho que te quiero, pero mañana ya me voy, y solo podré decirte "adiós", aunque quiero que lo oigas.
If you'd told me, I could have managed something.
Si me lo hubieras contado, podría haber hecho algo.
I told him he could have your contract for nothing... if you wanted to leave me.
Le dije que se lo daría gratis... si tú querías irte.
Dr. Meade told me she couldn't have any more children and I could give you...
No podrá tener más hijos. Yo podría...
Of course I told them you was out on a long trip like I always do. But you could have knocked me down with a feather when I find out who wants you.
Claro que he dicho que estabas de viaje, como siempre, pero te vas a caer de espaldas cuando sepas quién era.
I could have told you more about her!
Si me hubiera preguntado antes de todo esto, podría haberselo dicho, pero ahora estoy...
Mistress Bowen told me to tell you... the bird will remain for sale... and that you could sell every property you owned... and not have money enough to buy it.
Y que aunque lo vendiérais todo, no podríais comprarlo.
You told yourself you were rid of me and nobody else could have me.
Te convenciste de que te habías librado de mí y que nadie más podría tenerme.
Yes, you tried. You came over and told me personally. You could have told me over the telephone
Has venido a decírmelo en persona en lugar de contármelo por teléfono o simplemente esperar a que hubiese ido un domingo a por él y no estuviese.
You told me I could have it.
Me dijiste que era mía.
How could I have got Daniel on my notes unless you told me so?
Lo hizo, señor. ¿ Como podría tener Daniel en mis notas... a menos que usted lo dijera?
You could've told me about Dario, without announcing you'd have to leave one day.
Podías haberme dicho lo de Darío, sin anunciarme que ha de llegar un día en que te irás.
He said you'd told Virginia and your father to stay out of your life, that they could have the signed papers.
Me dijeron que les pediste a Virginia y a tu padre que salieran de tu vida, que firmarías los papeles.
You should have told me before, if you wanted to go away. I could have talked with the cops.
Si quería irse, habérmelo dicho y yo se lo habría dicho a los agentes.
They could beat me, I wouldn't have told them anything about you.
Aunque me hubieran torturado no habría dicho tu nombre.
You told them if you could have me for a backstop, you could do the job.
Les dijo que si podía tenerme a mí como su apoyo, podía hacer el trabajo.
- Listen... I told the woman that I didn't think I could pay her. - I have no money left to pay you.
Le dije a la patrona que no podía pagar, que no me quedaba más dinero.
You could have written and told me, I would have saved myself a trip.
Podrías haber escrito. No hubiese venido.
Only that, if we're going to be together you could have quite easily told me about the baby...
Solo que, si iba a terminar así, podías haberme hablado tranquilamente del niño.
In your case, I was told you have a certain expertise that could be very useful to me.
En tu caso, me dijeron que tenías una habilidad que podía servirme.
Well, he could have... he could have he would have been told someone else you can't possibly accuse me of... of... of for that!
Bueno, podría haber... Debería haberlo contado en otro lugar. No es posible que me acuses de...
Well, he could have... he could have he would have been told someone else you can't possibly accuse me of... of... of for that!
Bueno, podría haber... Él ha dicho en otro lugar. No es posible que me acusan de...
Oh, now, come on. You could have come out like a man and told me you were gonna bring that dog home instead of hiding it, smuggling it in with the puppies, Mark.
Pudiste ser un hombre y decirme que ibas a traer el perro a casa, en lugar de esconderlo entra las cachorras.
I wish I could have told you in my own way.
Dra. McKinley. Me gustaría explicarle a mi manera- -
If it hadn't been for Sgt. Carlino hounding me I could have told you earlier.
Si el sargento Carlino no me hubiese agobiado podría habérselo dicho antes.
I had, once, dinner with them... and Nhu told me, "You see... " we could have an opposition in Vietnam... " if I led it...
En una ocasión, en una cena con ellos los Nhu me dijeron, usted ve qué podríamos tener una oposición en Vietnam si yo la dirijo pero desde que soy el único hombre inteligente en Vietnam del sur toda mi capacidad mental

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