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You didn't know him traducir español

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I didn't know you still liked him.
No sabía que todavía te gustaba.
- You didn't know him.
- No sabes nada de mi padre.
I talked to him about you, and he told me he knew your dad, and he didn't know that he had died.
Le hablé de ti, y me dijo que conocía a tu papá, y que no sabía que estaba muerto.
I didn't know you tested him without the mother's consent.
No sabía que le hizo la prueba sin el consentimiento de la madre.
You know, we thought that leaving little Raymond back didn't hurt him any, but who the crap knows?
Pensamos que retener al pequeño Raymond no lo perjudicaría, ¿ pero quién diablos sabe?
Hey, you know, you didn't even'let him poke you in the eye.
Ni siquiera le permitiste tomar una muestra de tu ojo.
It's, you know, Mami didn't like him, but he was a sweetie pie, you know?
Es que a Mami no le agradaba. Pero era un dulce pastel, ¿ sabes?
In fact, I didn't want anything to do with him, but... I did know him, and I wanted to tell you that.
De hecho, yo no quería saber nada de él... pero lo conozco, y quería que usted lo supiera.
We both know he's not a saint... but you didn't see his eyes when I told him he could save his son's life.
Los dos sabemos que no es un santo pero usted no vio sus ojos cuando le dije que podía salvar la vida de su hijo.
But you didn't know him.
Pero tú no le conocías.
But you did know him didn't you Miss Gray?
Pero Ud. lo conocía, ¿ no, Srta. Grey?
You know, up until the end, when he said that I should call you if I needed help, he said he was sorry he didn't change his ways while you were with him.
¿ Sabe? Al final, cuando estaba enfermo... cuando me dijo que la llamara si necesitaba ayuda... dijo que lamentaba no haber cambiado cuando usted vivía con él.
But I know you didn't kill him.
Pero sé que tú no lo mataste.
Anyway, tell Flay, and he'll think you made the journey yourself. Good morning, Slagg. The young prince, with stars for eyes and a half moon for a mouth, was asleep and didn't know that the dwarf with brass teeth was creeping towards him.
El joven príncipe, con estrellas por ojos y media luna por boca, estaba dormido y no se dio cuenta, que reptando hacia él, se acercaba el enano de los dientes de bronce.
- Didn't know about him, did you? Nobody does.
Mi hijo va a reemplazarme, ¡ no tú!
- Peppino? Didn't you know I threw him out?
¿ Cómo, no sabes que lo eché de casa?
He dealt with such heavy, emotional subjects and things... that sometimes I find now, for people who didn't know him... that they think he would be kind of a moody... um, you know, unhappy sort of thing.
Hablaba de cosas tan duras y emotivas que a veces, la gente que no lo conoce, cree que era alguien huraño y triste.
Pacey, this wasn't my idea. I didn't ask him to do it, but you know Dawson.
No fue idea mía, no le pedí que lo hiciera.
He didn't want anybody to know. You told him to follow up with Oncology?
Él no quería que lo supiera nadie. ¿ Le has dicho que vaya a Oncología?
So, you know i didn't wanna go with him.
Pero sabías que no quería ir con él.
I didn't know how long you'd be so I thought I'd call him in.
No sabía lo que tardarías, por eso lo llamé.
- I know you didn't mean to kill him.
Sé que tu intención no era matarlo.
Do you know how hard it was for me to tell him that I didn't want to die for him?
¿ Sabes lo difícil que fue para mí decirle que no quería morir por él?
Did you tell him you didn't know David was gonna be at the party?
¿ Le dijiste que no sabías que David Arbor estaría en la fiesta?
If I didn "t know him better, I" d say the two of you were gay.
Si no lo conociera como lo conozco, diría que son homosexuales.
And you? You know I didn't kill him.
- Tú sabes que no lo maté.
You didn't know he was an alcoholic when you first met him either.
No sabías que era alcohólico cuando lo conociste, ¿ o sí?
When you said Rome would seduce him, I didn't know you meant my daughter.
No me di cuenta que decías que Roma lo seduciría a través de mi hija.
I asked him to leave, but I didn " t think- - You know.
Le pedí que se fuera, pero no pensé- - Ya saben.
Knowing that I carried this gene, I didn ´ t know I had it... and passed it on to my son... and then watching him what he had to go through it... it was... it tore you up inside.
Saber que yo era portador de este gen... sin siquiera sospecharlo... y heredárselo a mi... heredárselo a mi hijo y ver lo que estaba sufriendo... eso era... te destroza por dentro.
Maybe you didn't know him well?
Tal vez no lo conocías muy bien.
And you're trying to say I didn't know him well?
¿ Y tú me dices que no lo conocía bien?
You didn't know him.
No le conocía.
I didn't know you'd come so far out of your way to get him home.
No sabía que habías venido desde tan lejos para traerlo.
I did, but you know what? The other little secret we should tell is this guy was supposed to be part of the first one... and, um, didn't quite make it, and so they put him on the second one.
Pero sabes que el otro secreto que diré que este señor iba a ser parte del primero y no lo llamaron y lo pusieron en el segundo.
Shane didn't know what songs they were playing and it was you know it was one of those kind of those kind of classic uhh... moments and the... the worse Shane became the more the audience kind of adored him
Shane no sabía qué tocaban los otros, y era como, esos clásicos momentos... Y cuánto peor estaba Shane más lo adoraba el público, hasta que el concierto fue casi inaudible...
He didn't leave just because you told him to. You don't know that.
No se marchó sólo porque tú se lo dijeras.
Didn't I tell you? You know when you see him.
Lo sabes cuándo lo ves.
You know, they poisoned him and they beat him and they shot him, and he didn't die.
Ya sabe, lo envenenaron y pegaron y dispararon, y el no murió.
- Come on. You know she didn't kill him.
Por favor, sabes que ella no lo mató.
Now I know why you didn't want to hold Robbie when your older son handed him to you outside the police department.
Ahora se por qué no quiso cargar a Robbie cuando su hijo mayor se lo ofreció afuera del departamento de policia.
You know, he got my container by mistake from the Chinese restaurant... and he took out eight shrimp from it... that didn't belong to him, and gave it back to me.
Le dieron a él por error mi comida en el restaurante chino y él se comió ocho camarones que no le correspondían, y regresó la comida.
So you told him you didn't know where the relic was, when you had it all along right here.
Le dijo que no sabía dónde estaba la reliquia, aunque la tuvo desde el principio.
You know, I notice you didn't cry when you kissed him.
Sabes, noté que no lloraste cuando lo besaste.
Then why'd you lie to us when you said you didn't know him?
¿ Entonces por qué dijo que no lo conocía?
You didn't know him.
No lo conocías.
Nate, if you didn't know him when he was alive, you never will.
Nate, si no lo conociste cuando estaba vivo, nunca lo conocerás.
You're wrong about my father. You didn't know him at all, nobody did.
Te equivocas sobre mi padre, no lo conocías, ni tú ni nadie.
Just so you know, I didn't tell him to do any of that shit.
Sólo para que lo sepas, no le dije que hiciera nada de eso.
I mean, the gay people thati've seen him interact with or that I've heardhim talk about, he was fine with as long as, you know, they didn't hit on him. Or as long as, you know, it didn't come up.
Los gays con quienes lo había visto o de los que hablaba no le molestaban siempre y cuando no intentaran levantarlo a él siempre y cuando, sabes, no se hablara del tema.
You know I didn't kill him, Vigot.
Sabe que no lo maté, Vigot.

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