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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You didn't tell me that

You didn't tell me that traducir español

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- No, you didn't tell me that day.
- No, no me lo dijiste ese dia
I didn't have the heart to tell Mrs. schwitzer that you've moved to New York, so I told her you were in jail for manslaughter.
No me atreví a decirle a la señora Schwitzer que te habías mudado a Nueva York, así que le dije que estabas en la cárcel por homicidio involuntario.
You didn't tell me you could surf like that. You're seriously good.
No me habías dicho que podías surfear así.
I didn't send that e-mail, but if you tell her that we took her phone she'll blame us, I could get expelled.
Yo no envié ese e-mail. Pero si le dices que tomamos su teléfono nos va a culpar, y me podrían expulsar.
Why didn't you just tell me that this morning?
¿ Por qué no me lo has contado esta mañana?
Why didn't you tell me that your mother called?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que tu madre llamó?
Why didn't you tell me that your mother was in a film?
¿ Por que no me dijiste que tu madre estaba en una película?
Please tell me that you didn't tell him where we were.
Por favor dime que no
Please tell me that you didn't go to some hotel or something.
Por favor, dime que no fuisteis a un hotel o algo.
You didn't tell me that.
No me lo habías dicho.
I don't know what he told you... he didn't tell me anything, except that he lost his job last month.
No sé qué te dijo... No me dijo nada. Excepto que perdió su trabajo el mes pasado.
Lindsey, why didn't you tell me that you were thinking about having sex?
Lindsey, ¿ porque no me dijiste que estabas pensando en tener sexo?
He didn't tell you that he asked me to- -?
¿ No te ha contado que me pidió que- -?
Okay, so why didn't you tell me that's where you were when you got home?
Bien, ¿ entonces por qué no me dijiste que fuiste allí cuando llegaste a casa?
- By who? I can't believe you didn't tell me that Dad took all our money.
No puedo creer que no me contaras que papá se llevó todo nuestro dinero.
You didn't tell me that was all your money.
No me dijiste que era todo tu dinero.
I can't believe you didn't tell me that dad took all our money.
- No puedo creer que no me hayas contado Que papá se llevó todo nuestro dinero
Why didn't you tell me these the motherfuckers that lynched my boy?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que estos son los hijos de puta que lincharon a mi chico?
Vámanos. RAY ( chuckling ) : Okay, you cannot tell me you didn't get a charge out of that.
¡ Vámonos! De acuerdo, no puedes decirme que nadie recibió dinero por eso.
Why didn't you tell me that little earlier?
¿ Por qué no me lo dijiste un poco antes?
So, Sandra, I hear you tell everybody how honest are you with people and how you- - when you say you're look out for somebody you look out for them but I still got blindsided so you didn't really do that for me.
Así que, Sandra, te escuché decirles a todos cuan honesta eres con la gente y cuando dijiste que estás cuidando a alguien, cuidas de él. Pero aún así fui traicionada, así que en realidad no lo hiciste por mí.
Tell me you didn't kill that girl.
Dime que no mataste a esa chica.
Why didn't you tell me that we were having friends over, Denny?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que íban a venir amigos, Denny?
You didn't tell me that!
¡ No me lo dijiste!
I feel like she was almost pregnant, and, you know, if Amy ever finds out that I knew and I didn't tell her, she'd hate me, so I just-
Me siento como si ella estuviese casi embarazada, y, sabes, si Amy descubre que lo sabía y no se lo había dicho, me odiaría.
If you found out that you weren't pregnant, why didn't you call and tell me, uh, immediately?
Si te enteraste de que no estabas embarazada, ¿ Por qué no me llamaste y me lo dijiste inmediatamente?
And tell him myself. I told you that he didn't hit me,
¡ Ya te dije que él no me pegó, y tú le debes una disculpa!
Okay, please tell me you didn't get any of that on my stuff.
Bien, por favor dime que no tomaste ninguna de mis cosas.
You didn't tell me that your mother had died.
No me habías dicho que tu madre había muerto.
To tell you the truth, she once told me that she didn't think much of me.
A decir verdad, ella una vez me dijo que no pensaba mucho de mí.
She didn't put that bit in writing but she asked me to tell you.
No escribió esa parte pero me pidió que se lo dijera.
And I didn't like what I saw, I can tell you that.
Y puedo decirle que no me gustaba lo que vi.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you tell me that you didn't want us making a big deal out of you coming back?
Corríjanme si estoy equivocado, pero ¿ no me digas que no quería que nos está haciendo un gran tratar de usted a volver?
Frank, if I help you with that, please tell Iben I didn't fuck that woman.
Frank, si te ayudo con esto dile a Iben que no me cogí a esa mujer.
Please tell me that you didn't call them.
Por favor dime que no los llamaste.
You might want to talk to your parents or... You know, you could tell me that you didn't do it.
Tal vez quieras hablar con tus padres o... puedes decirme a mí que tú no lo hiciste.
You didn't have to tell me that.
No tenías que decirme eso.
Look, didn't you tell me yesterday that your zulu was unfocused and you couldn't find your salami?
Mira, ¿ no me dijistes ayer que tu zulú estaba desconcentrado y tú no podías encontrar tu salami?
Well, I w- - I was just wondering why you didn't tell us this guy was such a sleazebag and that you are up to your neck in his grubby business.
Bueno, yo solo... yo solo me estaba preguntando ¿ por qué no nos dijo que ese tío era un canalla y que usted estaba - metido hasta el cuello en sus asuntos?
But the biggest thing was that I didn't know what to write about, although my father would often tell me that, if your soul hurts, you should write about the things you see around you.
Pero lo más grave era que no sabía sobre qué escribir aunque mi padre solía decirme que si te duele el alma debes escribir sobre las cosas que ves a tu alrededor.
I can't believe you drove me all the way to the gym this morning and didn't even tell me that Steve Tanner broke up with you.
No me puedo creer que me hayas llevado al gimnasio esta mañana y no me hayas dicho que Steve Tanner ha roto contigo.
You didn't... don't tell me that you...
no tenias... no me digas que vos...
Even though, technically, you didn't tell me something that I didn't already know about you.
Aunque, técnicamente, no me has dicho algo que yo ya no supiera de ti
I'm just a little annoyed that you didn't include me, or at least tell me sooner, but that's just you.
Sólo estoy un poco molesta que no me hayan incluido, o al menos dicirme antes, pero asi eres tu.
And you didn't think that was important to tell me?
Y usted no cree que se importante que decirme?
Tell me that you didn't just...
Dime que tú no...
Didn't you tell me a couple days ago that maybe Ben and I should get married?
¿ No me dijiste hace un par de días que a lo mejor Ben y yo deberíamos casarnos?
Don't tell me you and that Grant guy are already doing what we didn't do.
No me digas que tú y ese chico Grant estáis haciendo lo que nosotros no hicimos.
Why didn't you tell me about that serious matter?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste? ¡ Algo tan importante!
Hey, I want you to tell me everything that happened that night- - Everything you remember, no matter how small, Anything you didn't tell the police.
Oye, quiero que me cuentes todo lo que pasó esa noche todo lo que recuerdes, no importa lo pequeño que sea, todo lo que no le dijiste a la policía.
Tell me you didn't think that was funny.
Dime que no pensaste que fue gracioso.

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