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Hopefully you don't, either.
Con suerte no lo hace, tampoco.
- You don't have clearance.
- Usted no tiene autorización.
Don't you think it's time we stopped treating him like the enemy?
¿ No te parece que es hora paramos de tratarlo como el enemigo?
This isn't exactly legal, but, then again, neither is waterboarding your own citizens, so... I won't tell... if you don't.
Esto no es exactamente legal, pero, de nuevo, tampoco lo es el ahogamiento simulado sus propios ciudadanos, así que... no voy a contar... si no lo hace.
I don't want to kill you.
No quiero matarte.
I think a certain someone's old enough to take these bulbs to market. Don't you?
Creo que alguien ya tiene edad para vender estos bulbos en el mercado.
Oh, you don't say?
- No me digas.
Why don't you take the toys on to Trumbeau?
¿ Por qué no lleva usted los juguetes a Trumbeau?
Well, why don't you tell it to me and I'll pass it on to the king?
Bueno, ¿ por qué no me la dice...? Y yo se la pasaré al rey.
Why don't you let us in and I'll ask him myself?
¿ Por qué no nos deja pasar y se la hago yo misma?
And you don't want you grand-mom to get her heart broken.
Y no quieren que rompan el corazón a su abuela.
I don't envy you.
No te envidio.
You don't know what Count Antonio is up to.
¡ Deténgase! No sabe lo que trama el conde Antonio.
You got claws, don't you?
- ¿ Qué? Tienes garras, ¿ no?
You don't get to walk in here and hiss at me like I'm the criminal.
No puedes entrar aquí y regañarme como si yo fuera la delincuente.
You're so good at this, I almost believe you don't want to kill me.
Lo haces tan bien que casi pienso que no quieres matarme.
Would you pin me down and leave bruises that don't go away?
¿ Me pegarías y me dejarías contusiones de las que no se van?
If you don't...
Si no lo haces...
Why don't you think about all the pain you've suffered in your life.
¿ Por qué no piensas en todo el dolor que has sufrido en tu vida?
Jennifer, you don't know...
Jennifer, no sabes...
Don't let that distract you.
No dejen que eso los distraiga.
You don't call, you don't write.
No llamas, no escribes.
You don't even give us a heads-up and you decide to pop in at 3 : 00 in the morning.
No nos avisas y decides aparecer aquí a las tres de la mañana.
Barranquillero may trust you, but I don't.
Puede que el Barranquillero confíe en vos, pero yo no.
But sure. If you want, I'll tell these young girls that you don't think science is a good fit for them.
Pero, claro, si es lo que quieres, les diré a las niñas que crees que la ciencia no encaja con ellas.
Okay, but you and I both know that you don't exactly look like you belong in that neighborhood.
De acuerdo, pero usted y yo sabemos que no parece exactamente alguien que pudiera vivir en ese barrio.
I'm the guy whose damn complaint you don't want to submit, and I can't think of one damn reason why!
Soy ese cuya maldita queja no ha querido enviar, ¡ y no se me ocurre ninguna maldita razón para ello!
Sir, I can't get why you don't want me to file the complaint.
Señor, no comprendo por qué no quiere presentar esa queja.
Okay. So why don't you back me up?
Bien. ¿ Y por qué no me apoya?
Listen, I don't want to see your career derailed because you were besmirched for reporting on another officer.
Escuche, no quiero que su carrera se vaya al traste porque fue señalado por denunciar a otro agente.
If you don't eat the raw egg fast, it makes you even more sick.
Si no te comes el huevo crudo rápido, te revuelve aún más el estómago.
- You don't have to be if that's who you are... you know what?
- No tienen que serlo si no lo sienten así... ¿ Saben qué?
Well, I'm there now, and I realize that if I don't back you up on this, I would be betraying the very thing that I worked so hard for, so I filed the complaint.
Pues ahora estoy ahí y me di cuenta de que si no lo apoyo en esto, estaría traicionando aquello mismo por lo que he luchado tanto.
Ames, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you gotta calm the "F train" down.
Ames, no quiero que te lo tomes mal, pero tienes que calmarte.
You don't really want more than three.
En realidad no quieres más de tres.
You don't bake bread.
Tú no haces pan.
- You don't even want that.
- Ni siquiera lo quieres.
You don't stand a chance.
No tiene ninguna oportunidad.
Don't give up, babe, you'll find me.
No te des por vencido, cari, me encontrarás.
Don't you understand what will happen if they find out?
¿ No entiendes lo que pasará si se enteran de lo que ha pasado?
You don't have a key for this random roof door, do you?
No tienes llave de esta puerta aleatoria en una azotea, ¿ verdad?
Gina, it's okay, you don't have to do this.
Gina, no pasa nada, no tienes que hacerlo.
You don't have to mention that every time, you idiot.
No tienes que mencionarlo siempre, idiota.
I hear you don't like answering questions, Marcos.
He oído que no te gusta responder preguntas, Marcos.
Favorite. So why don't you tell us what happened.
Su favorito. ¿ Por qué no nos cuenta qué ha pasado?
You don't know how to change a tire?
¿ No sabes cómo cambiar una rueda?
Don't you feel empowered?
¿ No te sientes poderosa?
And Detective Peralta, since you two are such good friends, why don't you handle the case on your own?
Y, detective Peralta, ya que los dos son tan buenos amigos, ¿ por qué no lleva el caso usted solo?
You guys don't even like it.
Ni siquiera os gusta a vosotros.
Brother, you don't know me at all.
Hermano, no me conoces en absoluto.
So why don't you both come back tomorrow and we can start working this together?
¿ Pues por qué no volvéis mañana y así empezamos a trabajar juntos en esto?
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't believe me 569
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't believe me 569