You don't know it traducir español
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I don't know if it makes you the bravest woman I know... or the most stupid.
No sé si eso te hace la mujer más valiente que conozco... o la más estúpida.
- You don't know that it was her.
- No sabes si fue ella.
I don't know how you're just Keeping it together like this right now.
No sé cómo has logrado salir adelante hasta ahora.
Don't you know who it is?
¿ No sabes quién es?
You don't even know it was her.
No sabes si era ella.
And without it, I don't know how to be the man that you fell in love with.
Y sin eso, no sé cómo ser el hombre de quien te enamoraste.
If you don't say where you heard it, I know where he usually hangs out.
Si no dicen quién se los dijo, yo sé dónde habitualmente se queda.
Oh yes, and they say it's so important to learn new things as you get older... and well music, you just don't know where it could lead.
Oh, sí, y dicen es importante aprender al envejecer... y la música, no se sabe dónde podría llevarte.
You know what it is? You want to fuck my wife, too, don't you?
Quieres acostarte con mi esposa.
It would take... I don't know... Shit, decades... unless you, you know...
Harían falta... no sé... mierda, décadas... a menos que usted...
It was pretty spicy. I don't know if you could handle it.
Aún no. ¿ Me estás limitando, eh?
I need to know that you guys don't fix whatever it is you did to this craft!
- ¡ Necesito saber que ustedes no van a arreglar lo que sea que le hicieron a esta nave!
It's probably better you don't know.
Seguramente es mejor que no lo sepas.
You don't know what it's like to do this job and not have anybody to talk to about it, except a series of handlers who don't give a shit.
No sabes lo que es hacer este trabajo y no tener a nadie con el que hablar salvo un puñado de controladores a los que les importas una mierda.
It's like you don't know what the word "mystery" means.
Es como si no supieras lo que "misterioso" significa.
You know, it's hard not to think about the fact that things maybe could've been different had I gone to see that counselor with her. I don't know.
Sabes, es difícil no pensar en el hecho de que las cosas quizás hubieran podido ser distintas de haber ido con ella a ver a ese consejero.
It's just that he don't know you.
Simplemente no lo sabe.
You don't want to know about it.
Usted no quiere saber acerca de ello.
I don't know how you do it all.
No sé cómo lo haces todo.
You know, I don't know about you, but for me, it kind of makes our silly squabble about this whole race seem meaningless.
Sabes, no se tú, pero para mí, como que hace que nuestra disputa tonta acerca de toda esta carrera parezca sin sentido.
Don't suppose there's an extra shilling in it for me, you know, for running'em down to the pickers?
¿ No cree que hay un chelín extra para mí, ya sabe, por llevarlas a los recolectores?
I don't know... if it's a cloud or, uh, stardust, or whatever it is people say, but I know you're not here.
No sé... si sera una nube, polvo estelar o lo que sea que diga la gente, pero sé que tú no estás aquí.
I don't know if your... if your daddy, uh, told you about it, but we have a very big court day tomorrow, in which I have to talk.
No sé si tu padre... te habló de ello, pero tenemos un gran día de tribunales mañana, en el cual tengo que hablar yo.
I don't know if it's a compliment or an insult, but you fit right in.
No se si es un cumplido o un insulto, pero tu encajas perfectamente.
And you know what? Don't get me started when it comes to the bedroom.
Si te pregunto qué sinceramente me puntúes sexualmente en la cama,
I'm handling it, Dad, and I know I don't need to remind you to stay back a good 500 feet.
Me estoy ocupando de ello, papá, y sé que no necesito recordarte que te mantengas apartado a menos de 200 metros.
I don't know how you do it.
No sé como lo haces.
It's possible you saw the Chaos Killer and you don't know it.
Es posible que viste el asesino Caos y que no lo saben.
You know, and even if it is the truth, it's not like I don't have other options.
Usted sabe, e incluso si es la verdad, no es que no tengo otras opciones.
So then it's possible that, uh, there can be stuff in there that you didn't see, that you don't know about, right?
Entonces es posible que... haya cosas que no vieras, de las que no supieras nada, ¿ verdad?
You know, I expect to be screwed over from everybody else, but I really don't see it coming from my own team.
¿ Sabes? , esperaba que el resto me jodiera, pero de verdad que no lo veía venir de mi propio equipo.
I know that we don't play this game very often, but you're doing it wrong.
Sé que no jugamos a esto muchas veces, pero lo estás haciendo mal.
I know you're back in, so don't deny it.
Sé que estás de vuelta, así que no lo niegues.
I don't know... I don't know where you're going with it.
No sé... no sé dónde quieres ir con eso.
But that's one of the wonderful things about the future is you don't know where it's gonna go.
Pero es una de las cosas maravillosas... sobre el futuro, es que no sabes a dónde irá a parar.
And I don't know if it was really a piece of music, but you actually went and you ruled out the way it should look, and you started drawing the notes on the page...
No sé si era una pieza completa, pero habia hecho un plan, y habia dibujadas notas en la página...
Then I guess I should probably tell you that I don't know if it's a boy.
Entonces supongo que debería decirte que no sé si es un chico.
Because you still seem, I don't know, gloomy about it.
Porque aún tú te ves como triste al respecto. No puedo creer que tú no.
You didn't feel what I felt. Whatever he was channeling, it was the real deal. I don't know.
No sentiste lo que yo sentí.
You don't know if it's bro...
No sabes si está rot...
You know what, I don't know what you're thinking, buddy, but whatever it is, it's not working out for you.
No sé qué estés pensando, amigo, pero sea lo que sea, no te va a funcionar.
You know, it's safe to walk down these sidewalks at night and you don't have to worry about, somebody jumping out from the bushes and hitting you on the head and taking your wallet.
EL BAR Es seguro caminar por aquí de noche, y no debes preocuparte por qué alguien salga de los arbustos, te golpee en la cabeza y te robe la billetera.
You know, I don't know if the whole nation needed to be involved in it.
No sé si era necesario involucrar a todo el país.
It's unbelievable what people will say about you and what, you know, how the truth gets hidden when so many people don't believe you.
Es increíble lo que la gente dice de ti y cómo se esconde la verdad cuando tanta gente no te cree.
Well, uh, I don't know about you guys, but I gotta call it a night.
No sé ustedes, pero tengo que ir a dormir.
You know, I don't know how she did it, but that old witch made me love her.
No sé como lo ha hecho, pero esa vieja bruja ha conseguido que la quiera.
Young lady, if you think I don't know what it's like to live with a stubborn, egotistical man, then you're wrong.
Jovencita, si crees que no sé lo que es vivir con un hombre terco y egoísta, entonces estás equivocada.
You think I don't know it was Gower what burgled to you?
¿ Cree que no sé que fue Gower quién se chivó?
You know the factory don't allow it.
Sabes que la fábrica no lo permite.
Really, the only things we don't know, and-and this might offer you some small saving grace, is who's idea it was in the first place, and when the plan changed, leading to Detective Dunning's death.
Realmente, las únicas cosas que no conocemos, y-y esto podría ofrecer alguna pequeña gracia salvadora, es quién fue la idea, en primer lugar, y cuando el plan cambió, que conduce a la muerte del detective Dunning.
I don't know what it was you think you had with Yveline, but it's over.
No sé qué piensa que tuvo con Yveline,... pero se terminó.
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't understand me 29
you don't have to worry 197
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't believe me 569
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't understand me 29
you don't have to worry 197
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't believe me 569
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't trust me 261
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't say 567
you don't want to do that 169
you don't like it 361
you don't know anything about me 176
you don't mean that 235
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't trust me 261
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't say 567
you don't want to do that 169
you don't like it 361
you don't know anything about me 176