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You don't know that for sure traducir español

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Hangin'murderers is one thing, but to keep guys you don't know for sure did it standin'around sweatin'while you shoot your mouth off, that's another.
Colgar a asesinos es una cosa, pero detener a unos tipos... y aterrorizarlos mientras los interrogas es otra cosa.
You know, for a smart guy, that Sterling sure trusts you, don't he?
Un tipo tan listo y confía a ciegas en ti.
You don't know that for sure yet!
- No puede estar seguro.
You don't even know that for sure.
Ni siquiera tú lo sabes seguro.
I don't know what you're talking about, that's for sure.
Lo que no sé es de qué hablas tú.
I know where's the nazi for sure! I know that and you don't!
Sé dónde está seguro el nazi!
You don't know that for sure, Carl.
No lo sabes con seguridad, Carl.
You don't know that for sure!
¡ No puede estar tan seguro!
Oh, you don't know that for sure. No? Then where is he?
- No lo sabes seguro.
Now, hold on, LT, you don't know that for sure, now, do you?
Espere un momento, Teniente.
You don't know the rules. Don't know how things work. They don't know shit about mining coal that's for sure.
No conocéis sus leyes, ni cómo funcionan las cosas.
Well, all right, uh... now, we don't know for sure that Laurie is Evan Drake's mistress, so why don't you let a guy who knows women better than they know themselves find out, all right?
Bueno, está bien, eh... ahora, no sabemos a ciencia cierta que Laurie es la amante de Evan Drake, así que ¿ por qué no dejas que un hombre que conoce mejor de lo que las mujeres
You don't know that for sure.
No Io sabe seguro.
- You don't know that for sure.
- ¿ Cómo estás tan segura?
See,'cause I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do... until I heard that you were leaving and... 'Cause up until then, I don't know, I thought... that you'd always be here for me, you know. You know, whenever I came back.
Vea, porque no sabía realmente lo que quería hacer... hasta que escuché que ud se iba... porque hasta ese momento, no se, pensé... que ud estaría siempre aquí para mí... ud sabe, cuando volviera algun día.
But sir, you don't know that for sure.
Pero señor, no lo sabe con seguridad.
You know what? I don't know what it is caffeine does for you, but I'm pretty sure that without it, your head caves in.
No sé qué hace la cafeína pero sé que sin ella... se derrumba la cabeza.
- Yeah, it's possible... but you don't follow an order because you know for sure that it's gonna work out.
- Sí, es posible... no se siguen una orden porque está seguro de que va a salir bien.
You don't know that for sure now, do you?
Usted no sabe a ciencia cierta ahora, ¿ verdad?
Amanda, you don't know that for sure.
- Amanda, no tienes certeza de eso.
You don't even know for sure whose body was in that deep freeze, do you?
Ni siquiera sabe con certeza de quién era el cuerpo.
You guys don't know that shit for sure!
- ¡ No lo saben con seguridad!
What I want is for you to know that I don't know for sure what you're up to...
Quiero que sepas que no sé a ciencia cierta lo que estás haciendo...
And we don't know for sure that you will suffer any ill effects from the procedure.
Tampoco sabemos si sufrirás efectos negativos con el procedimiento.
That's a good distance, especially a little thing like this, and you don't know if you can take a running start or how you should do it, or what the thing is, so this looks like it's going to be our weakest event for sure.
Es una buena distancia, especialmente para una cosa tan pequeña, y no sabemos si podemos tomar carrerilla. Parece que va a ser nuestro punto débil.
You don't know that for sure.
No lo sabes con seguridad.
But you don't know that for sure.
Pero no estás seguro.
You don't know that for sure.
Eso no se sabe con seguridad.
You don't know that for sure- -
No lo sabes con certeza...
Matter of fact, you know that for sure, don't you?
De hecho. eso ya lo sabes. ¿ no?
But you'd already left, so you don't know that for sure.
Pero usted ya se había ido, así que no lo sabe con certeza.
¿ Qué mi madre me mentía?
You got Jamaican Miami, Cuban Miami, Haitian Miami, parts of Miami you don't want to go to, and we know Dade County's off the chain for sure, with their own stories, problems, and all that.
Está el Miami jamaiquino, el cubano, el haitiano... partes donde no querrás ir, el Condado de Dade va a cambiar con seguridad. Tienen historias, problemas y todo eso.
And I don't know for sure but I'm pretty certain that... you have too.
Y no estoy seguro, pero percibo que... tú sientes lo mismo.
Okay, you know what, I don't want you to think for a second that I think I know how I would deal with this situation and I'm sure that you've thought about it a gazillion times, but the fact that there is an answer out there waiting for you inside of you,
Vale, sabes qué, no quiero que pienses ni un segundo que pienso que sé como llevaría yo esta situación y estoy segura de que has pensado sobre ello un billón de veces, pero el hecho es que hay una respuesta ahí fuera esperándote, que no quieres saber, así que puedes quitarla de la mesa, moverla.
Cassie I know you'd think that Azazeal feelings for you are real... and I'm sure in a certain level they are... but what you don't understand is -
Cassie, se que piensas que lo que Azazeal siente por ti es real... y estoy seguro que hasta cierto punto lo es... pero lo que no entiendes -
You don't know that for sure, John.
Eso no lo sabes con seguridad, John.
Oh, you don't know that for sure.
- Eso no lo sabes. - Sí, lo sé.
they don't really understand the way that the world works at that point, you know, so you've got to... you have to watch out for them to make sure things don't happen to them.
El como ven al mundo, así que tu los tienes que cuidar, y asegurarte que nada les ocurra.
- You don't know that for sure.
No puede asegurarlo.
Sweetie, look, you don't know that for sure, and there has to be some sort of an explanation, okay?
debe haber una explicación ¿ Sí?
You don't know that for sure.
Eso no lo sabes a ciencia cierta.
Listen, I'm really glad you came, because I know that there's a lot of things that I've done that I really don't remember, but I'm sure they were really horrible, and I just want to ask you for your forgiveness.
Escucha, estoy muy contento de que hayas venido, porque sé que hay muchas cosas que he hecho, que en realidad no recuerdo, pero estoy seguro de que fueron realmente horribles, y sólo quiero pedirte tu perdón.
I'm sure that you know this whole song, so I don't have to sing it for you.
Seguro que se saben la canción, así que no la voy a cantar.
Nicki, here is the bottom line- - when you don't know for sure how much credit card debt you have, that says to me probably somebody else doesn't know, either.
Nicki, la conclusión es ésta... EL SHOW DE SUZE ORMAN cuando no sabes con seguridad cuánto debes en tarjetas de crédito, eso me dice que probablemente alguien más lo ignora también.
You know, she probably wouldn't go out with me anyway, but how do know that for sure if i don't ever ask?
Sabe, ella no iría a ningun lado conmigo, ¿ Pero cómo estoy seguro de ello si nunca le he preguntado?
You don't know that for sure.
Eso no lo sabes seguro.
- You don't know that for sure.
- Eso no lo sabes.
You don't know that for sure, Mile.
No lo sabes con certeza, Miley.
You don't know for sure that it isn't.
No sabes que no lo esté.
And I'm so sorry for that, Bright because the only thing I know for sure in my life is that I love you and I don't ever wanna lose you.
Y entonces, cuando me llamaste, yo no te llamé porque quería castigarte de algún modo. Y lo siento muchísimo Bright, porque... Porque la única cosa de la que estoy segura en mi vida, es que te quiero.

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