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You don't like it here traducir español

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I think it's safer here than being back at camp where a bunch of people don't like me thanks to you, making those wild accusations.
Creo que es más seguro estar aquí que volver al campamento, donde a un grupo de gente no le gusto gracias a ti. Haciendo esas acusaciones salvajes.
Debes hacerlo.
If you don't like it here, you're free to leave. There!
Si no le gusta estar aquí, es libre de irse... ¡ Aquí tiene!
If you don't like it around here, you get out!
Si no te gusta estar aquí, ¡ lárgate! ¿ Entiendes?
You like it here, don't you?
Te gusta estar aquí, ¿ no?
Don't you like it here?
¿ No te gusta esto?
- Mick, you like it here, don't ya?
- Te gusta estar aquí, ¿ verdad?
It don't feel like you're really here standing so far off.
Tengo la sensación de que no estás en casa si te quedas tan lejos.
If you don't like it here, go somewhere else and do what you want.
Si no te gusta estar aquí, vete a cualquier parte y haz lo que quieras.
- I don't own oil rigs! If you don't like it here, go to some other place.
Si no estás contento cambia de lechería.
- So you don't like it here?
- ¿ Así que no te gusta este lugar?
- You don't like it here?
- ¿ No les gusta este lugar?
I'm the captain here, and if you don't like it, I'll bust it over your skulls.
Yo soy el capitán, y al que no le guste, le rompo la cabeza.
You don't like it, huh? Well, here.
Bueno, ten.
You don't seem to like it much here.
- No parece gustarle mucho este lugar.
Don't you like it here?
¿ No les gusta esto?
Well, Hansen, you kind of like it up here, don't you?
Bueno, Hansen, parece que te gusta este lugar, ¿ no?
- I thought you didn't like dancing. - Don't you like it here?
Pero si a ti no te gusta
Good evening, inspector. Now, Miss Manton, Just because you don't like Ames here, don't allow it
Que su odio por Ames no afecte su trabajo.
- Don't you like it here, Verne? - No. Does that answer it?
- ¿ No te gusta esto, Verne?
I guess you like it here, don't you?
Supongo que le gustaría quedarse, ¿ no?
It's funny to be kneeling here at your feet talking about beer. You see, I don't like beer.
Es curioso estar aquí de rodillas hablando de cerveza.
- Sure you don't like it here?
¿ No le gusta estar aquí?
[Men Chattering] Any of you guys don't like this hat, you can come out here and try to knock it off.
Si a alguno no le gusta mi sombrero, vengan a quitármelo.
- You don't like it here, Hauptmann Koenig?
- ¿ Aquí no le gusta, hauptmann?
It's a wonder you don't come here like a suitor, with roses and a box of candy, drugstore candy, of course.
Es raro que no se haya presentado como un pretendiente, con rosas y bombones. Bombones de supermercado, por supuesto.
I don't think you'd like it here anyway.
Además, no creo que te guste esto.
Maybe you'd like to come up here and fix it yourselves and that's just what you'll be doing if you don't shut up!
¿ Por qué no subes ustedes mismas y lo arreglan ustedes? Y es lo que tendrán que hacer si no se callan de una vez.
I don't care what it is... And I don't care what lies you tell me... As long as you don't pretend you came here to write a lot of nonsense about a black soul like him.
No me digas que escribes sobre alguien como él.
But if you don't like it here... get out!
- Pero no pudiste. Porque me amas.
- Don't you like it in here?
- ¿ No le gusta este lugar?
Don't you like it here?
¿ Qué es lo que pasa?
Keechie's gonna stay here. And if you or anybody else don't like it, it's just too bad.
Keechie se queda y si no te gusta, me da igual.
You don't like it here : why did you come?
Si no te gusta estar aquí, ¿ por qué viniste?
- Well, if you don't like it, you don't have to stay here.
- No hace falta que te quedes.
You talked enough! You don't like it here, beat it!
Y si no te gusta esto, lárgate.
I'll tell you this - I don't like it up here.
Pero te diré esto : No me gusta estar aquí arriba.
You don't like it here, do you?
No te gusta estar aquí, ¿ verdad?
Don't you like it here?
¿ No estas a gusto aquí?
Don't you like it here?
¿ Qué ocurre? ¿ No te gusta esto?
Maybe I like it here. - l don't care what you like.
Quizas me quiera quedar. - iMe da Io mismo!
Look, I've been thinking. Perhaps I ought to leave immediately. You seem to like it here, so why don't you stay on until you've sold the house?
Tal vez sea mejor que yo me vaya enseguida, ya que tú estás... bien aquí, quédate hasta que vendas la villa.
If you don't like it here, you can take your cut and get.
Si no te gusta, coge tu parte y lárgate.
So you don't like it here?
No le gusta aqui?
~ Look, do not teach anything at all here... because the chicken is mine and if you don't go I'll make your face like this. Got it?
- Escuche, aquí no enseñe nada... porque la gallina es mía y si no se va le dejo la cara así. ¿ Ha entendido?
We're here to locate Indians and I don't like the way you're doing it.
Vinimos a ubicar indios y no me gusta cómo Io está haciendo,
You don't think you'll like it here?
¿ Cree que no estará a gusto aquí?
You don't realize what it's-what it's like lying here month after month.
No te imaginas lo que es estar acostada aquí mes tras mes.
Don't you like it here in Mansapota?
¿ No te gusta este sitio?
Maybe it was our fault. If you don't like how we do around here, you can get off.
Está haciendo cuadros, puede en ayudarles en el valle.
Don't you like it here?
- ¿ No te gusta estar aquí?

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