You don't say traducir español
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Don't you say a good goddamn word.
No digas ni una puta palabra.
You don't have to say anything to them.
No tienes que decirles nada a ellos.
Don't make me say you're right about something.
No me hagas decir que tienes razón en algo.
Oh my God, I don't even know how to say it to you...
Oh, Dios mío, ni siquiera sé cómo decirte esto...
They say you don't hear the bullet that gets you.
Dicen que no oyes la bala que te impacta.
And... I don't care what they say back in Southie, you know?
Y... no me importa lo que digan en Southie, ¿ sabéis?
You don't get to say that!
¡ No puedes decir eso!
You don't get to say that and walk away.
No puedes decir eso y largarte.
Please, don't bother. I've had enough people say they're sorry, and I know you don't mean it.
Ya he oído que suficientes personas lo sienten, y sé que no eres sincero.
I hope you understand what I'm saying,'cause I don't know how else to say it.
Espero que entiendas lo que te estoy diciendo... porque no tengo otra manera de decirlo.
I don't know what you want me to say.
Cada día hay una nueva.
If I didn't know any better, I would say that you don't respect your buyers'faith.
Si no creyera otra cosa, diría que no respeta la fe de sus compradores.
Got to say, you don't look so scary now, Amenadude.
Tengo que decir que no pareces tan aterrador ahora, Amenadude.
We don't do porn But we like strap-ons I say tongue, you do clit I say anthrax, you do cash
* No hacemos porno * Pero nos gusta darle a alguien con correa tú dices efectivo
I always say if you've got ugliness going on, don't lay it on everyone else.
Siempre he dicho que si te suceden cosas feas, no las compartas con todo el mundo.
You don't have to say anything.
No tienes que decir nada.
I don't know how many other ways there are to apologise unless you want me to say it in, I don't know, Hebrew!
No sé cuántos otros modos hay para disculparse a menos que quiera que lo diga, no sé, ¡ en hebreo!
Y-You think I don't know how this game is played, mocking up documents to get me to say what you want to hear?
¿ Cree que no sé cómo se preparó esto, falsificando documentos para...?
Yeah, I know I don't need to say "please" and "thank you" but... it feels weird not to.
Sí, sé que no tengo que decir, "por favor" y "gracias", pero... se me hace raro no hacerlo.
I don't know why you're looking for my daughter... but let me say one thing :
¿ Quién? Ella le conocía. No sé por qué busca a mi hija, pero déjeme decirle algo.
Don't you have anything else to say to me?
¿ No tienes nada más que decirme?
" Don't you say that, Sally...
No digas eso, Sally...
Don't you say that. "
No digas eso.
I don't know why you wag your eyebrows when you say "business meeting."
No sé por qué levantas la ceja cuando dices "cita de negocios".
Uh, thanks, but you don't have to say that.
Gracias, pero no tienes que decir eso.
No one wants to say this, Miles, but you don't have it.
Nadie quiere decirlo, Miles pero no tienes lo que se necesita.
What I mean to say is don't... don't let him give up on you.
Lo que quiero decir es que no... no dejes que tu hijo renuncie a ti.
How do you say that don't make sense?
No dije que no tenía sentido.
People who wanted him to run would say, " General Grant, if you don't run, then the victories that your soldiers won at such cost on the battlefield will be lost in the realm of politics.
La gente que quería que se postulara diría : " General Grant, si no se postula, entonces las victorias que sus soldados consiguieron a un coste tremendo en el campo de batalla se perderán en el ámbito de la política.
You don't get to say don't, okay?
No puedes decir que no sin más, ¿ vale?
I'm sorry, you knew this and you didn't want to say anything? Okay, well, I don't know what I know.
Vale, bueno, no sé lo que sé.
How about I find you, and I don't say magic is real, but I do seduce you, and so lift your spirits that life retains its sparkle for decades.
Y si te encuentro, y no digo que la magia sea real, pero te seduzco y elevo tu espíritu del que la vida retiene su chispa durante décadas.
I missed you so much. I don't even know what to say.
Te he extrañado tanto, ni siquiera sé qué decir.
Let's say we don't, and you mind your own business.
Digamos que no, y ocúpate de tus asuntos.
I don't have a damn thing to say to you.
No tengo ni una maldita cosa que decirte.
You did say I don't have to avoid them.
Ud. dijo que no había que esquivarlos.
Don't you say her name.
No digas su nombre.
- Don't... don't pull that "say you understand" thing with me.
- No... saques eso de "di que entiendes" conmigo.
You another agent come to say you don't believe me?
Usted otro agente llega a decir que no me cree?
I don't want to hear you say, that we can still get her, that you know her better than anyone.
No quiero oírte decir que todavía podemos atraparla, que la conoces mejor que nadie.
No, don't you dare say this is your job.
No te atrevas a decir eso.
Don't say more than you have to.
No digas más de lo que debes.
I ain't gonna say nothing if you don't say nothing.
No diré nada si tú no dices nada.
As an outside contractor, you don't have a say in this.
Como contratista, no tienes palabra en esto.
Don't make me say it a third time, and don't threaten to resign, because I know you won't, because you can't even fathom what it means to be a civilian.
No me haga decirlo tres veces ni amenace con renunciar, sé que no lo hará, porque usted no entiende qué significa ser un civil.
You don't seem so high-strung like she say.
No te ves tan nerviosa como ella dice.
You don't do nothing till I say so.
No harás nada, hasta que yo lo diga.
And don't you say nothing about this to Massa Tom.
Y no digas nada de esto al Amo Tom.
Yes, but sometimes you say you're going to do things, and then you don't.
Sí, pero a veces dices que harás algo y luego no lo haces.
If anything you're about to say includes the words "brave," "courageous," or "girl power," please don't talk.
Si lo que dirás incluye las palabras "valiente", "valeroso", o "poder femenino", por favor no sigas.
Did you just say you don't mean to upset us and then tell us we're gonna end up alone?
¿ Acabas de decir que no quieres molestarnos y después que vamos a acabar solos?
you don't say much 22
you don't say anything 30
you don't say that 17
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't say anything 30
you don't say that 17
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't believe me 569
you don't know what love is 17
you don't want to 180
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't trust me 261
you don't want to do that 169
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't mean that 235
you don't believe me 569
you don't know what love is 17
you don't want to 180
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't trust me 261
you don't want to do that 169