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You fucking traducir español

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- What do you fucking mean, how?
- ¿ Qué coño quieres decir, cómo?
He was just in my house, you fucking moron.
Acaba de estar en mi casa, jodido imbécil.
He was just in my house, you fucking moron.
Estaba en mi casa, puto idiota.
You f- - You fucking assholes.
Putos imbéciles.
You fucking fuck!
¡ Que te jodan!
Let me go, you fucking cunt!
¡ Dejen que me valla, malditas putas!
- Just tell me what you fucking want.
Dime qué diablos quieres.
What happened is that I went to see Evie and she told me that you fucking called her.
Fui a ver a Evie, y ella me dijo que tú la llamaste.
Mom loves you, you fucking idiot.
Mamá te quiere, maldito idiota.
Are you fucking serious?
¿ Me hablas en serio?
- Did you fucking sell me out?
¿ Me delataste?
Don't you fucking move.
No te muevas.
And please make sure you fucking kill the Secretary of Defense.
Y asegúrate de matar a la secretaria de defensa.
Did you fucking kill her?
¿ La mataste?
Can't you get that through your fucking skull?
¿ Quieres metértelo en la puta cabeza?
Do I like a f-fucking risk to you?
¿ Te parezco un jodido riesgo?
Maybe you shouldn't have been fucking a Russian mole.
Tal vez no deberías de haberte follado a una topo rusa.
When has that ever made the slightest bit of fucking difference to you?
¿ Cuándo ha tenido eso la menor importancia para ti?
Have you lost your fucking mind?
¿ Has perdido la puta cabeza?
You can go to fucking hell.
Te puedes ir al puto infierno.
And you just came running like Florence fucking...
Y viniste corriendo como la puta Florence...
I don't care so much I fucking dropped everything when your hooker girlfriend showed up out of the blue and said you needed me.
¿ Que lo haya dejado todo cuando tu novia la puta apareció de repente y dijo que me necesitabas?
- You made me a fucking monkey!
- ¡ Me has convertido en un puto simio!
And I'll tell you something else, for free- - your son runs like a fucking girl.
Y le diré algo más, gratis... su hijo corre como una puta chica.
And you just have to sit there and fucking take it?
¿ Y tú te tienes que quedar sentada y aguantarlo?
No, no, no, I don't want you to explain fucking anything.
- No, no, no quiero que explique nada.
It's not so I'll keep my mouth shut and not tell my son you're writing an unauthorized fucking biography about him?
¿ No es para que tenga la boca cerrada y no le diga a mi hijo que escribes una biografía suya sin su autorización?
You were looking right fucking at me.
Me estabas mirando fijo.
So, if you just do that, that'd be fucking great, please.
Si pudiera llamarla, sería fantástico, por favor.
It's relevant if you want me to answer your fucking question.
Si quieren que responda, es relevante.
'Cause if you're having visions, he's gonna wanna put it in your fucking book.
Si tienes visiones, querrá añadirlo a tu libro.
I think you wanna be Jesus Christ fucking Superstar because it makes you feel important.
Creo que quieres ser la superestrella. - Te hace sentir importante.
Are you fucking insane?
¿ Te volviste loco?
Of course it's fucking real. - Where are you going, anyway?
Claro que es real. ¿ Adónde ibas?
And instead of acknowledging his mental illness, you turned it into fucking scripture.
Y en vez de reconocer su enfermedad mental, escribiste las Sagradas Escrituras.
All you care about is fucking each other and Frasier!
¡ Lo único que os importa es follar unos con otros y Frasier!
Why do you think I joined a fucking cult?
¿ Por qué crees que me uní a una puta secta?
You know there are two of those bitches in white standing out front right now, smoking their fucking cigarettes?
¿ Sabe que hay dos de esas zorras que van de blanco ahora mismo ahí de pie, fumando sus cigarrillos?
He says he's sorry he didn't put you in his fucking book.
Dice que lamenta no haberte incluido en su puto libro.
Can you, uh, give this to Senior and tell him I'm sorry I didn't put him in my fucking book?
¿ Puedes darle esto a Kevin Padre y decirle que siento no haberle incluido en mi puto libro?
When you guys went down to that mock UN thing, didn't fucking feed it.
Cuando fuisteis a ese simulacro de la ONU, se me olvidó alimentarlo, joder.
Fucking "Today's Special." Eat it, you fucker.
"El especial del día". Chúpate esa, imbécil.
I couldn't enlighten you with a fucking thousand-watt bulb.
No podría ni con un foco de mil vatios.
I told you I had to make a fucking call!
Te dije que tenía que hacer una llamada.
You look just fucking like him.
Eres igual a él.
What is it with you and the fucking comms room?
- ¿ Qué te pasa con esa sala?
You're not the fucking Secretary of Defense.
Tú no eres la secretaria de defensa.
You drive me fucking nuts.
Me vuelves loca.
Would you please stop fucking saying that?
¡ Deja de decir eso!
I'm just fucking with you.
So, Aggie, my darling wife, my sun and my stars, I look forward to a lifetime of fucking up with you.
Y, Aggie... mi querida esposa, mi sol y mis estrellas, espero con ansias meter la pata contigo.

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