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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You have no idea how much

You have no idea how much traducir español

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You have no idea how much I love you.
No hay idea de lo que yo la quiero a usted.
you have no idea how much I appreciate your friendship.
No sabes cómo te lo agradezco.
You have no idea how much - hey, what's that?
No tienes ni idea de cuánto- - Eh, ¿ qué es eso?
You have no idea how much that bothers me and really upsets me.
No imaginas cómo me contraría eso y como me enfado.
And you have no idea how much of one!
¡ Y no sabe hasta qué punto!
You have no idea how much you'll get in my way.
No saben cuánto me estorbarán.
You have no idea how much Yukiko detests this place and wants to leave
No sabes cómo detesta esta casa y hasta qué punto quiere irse...
Nobuchi, it's a shame you have no idea how much I suffer for my soul.
Nobuchi, no sabes cuánto sufro por mi alma.
You have no idea how much we miss you both back at the base. Well.
No sabéis cuánto os echamos de menos en la base.
You have no idea how much children help you to go on.
¿ Veis? Sabía que no podía esperar más.
You have no idea how much he worries about you.
No tiene idea lo mucho que se preocupa por usted.
You have no idea how much.
No tiene ni idea de hasta qué punto.
You have no idea how much it means to me to be able to settle down to a life of peace and quiet.
No tienes idea de lo que significa para mí poder asentarme en una vida de paz y tranquilidad.
You have no idea how much a boy suffers when he wants to be a torero, when his very soul is on fire with his desire to become one.
¿ Cómo puedes imaginarte lo que sufre un chaval para ser torero, que le reconcome el alma el deseo de ser torero?
You have no idea how much better I feel knowing with your help, I won't have to go to prison.
No te imaginas lo que me alivia saber que, con tu ayuda, no tendré que ir a la cárcel.
You have no idea how much I've been thinking about you!
¡ Sabes cuánto he pensado en ti!
You have no idea how much this means to me and to my son,
No tiene idea de lo que significa para mí. Y para mi hijo.
You have no idea how much I think so... and how I wish to show you every moment... that I think so.
No imaginas lo que siento. Quisiera mostrarte a cada momento lo que siento.
You have no idea how much
No tienes idea de cuánto.
You have no idea how much money these devices can yield once they leave the oundation, every day.
No tienes idea de cuánto dinero de estos dispositivos puede producir una vez que salen de la Fundación, todos los días.
You have no idea how much trouble I had tracking you down,
No tienes idea de lo que me costó localizarte.
You have no idea how much trouble I went through, month after month, just to get him to go for a walk.
No tienes idea lo que me costó sacarlo a pasear.
You have no idea how much I've missed potato salad. And hamburgers and milkshakes.
Es como si hubiera recibido un curso de 8 semanas..
You have no idea how much crap these kids need.
No tienes ni idea de toda la basura que estos niños necesitan.
All right, then we'll give her the stuff for newborns, hope she's not allergic to it. You have no idea how much stuff these kids can be allergic to.
Bueno, esperemos que no sea alérgica a la lata de recién nacidos.
You have no idea how much Andy wants this doll.
No tienes idea de cuanto quiere Andy ese muñeco.
You have no idea how much.
No sabes cuánto.
You have no idea how much a man can suck!
Tú no sabes lo que chupa un hombre.
You have no idea how much paperwork it is just to get a phone.
No tiene idea de cuánto papeleo, sólo para conseguir un teléfono.
You have no idea how much this means to Felix and to me.
No tienes idea de cuánto significa para Felix y para mí.
You have no idea how much that upset your Aunt Barbara.
No tienes idea de cuánto alteró eso a tu tía Bárbara.
When I came to look for Mama in 1980.... You have no idea how much your mother suffered.
Cuando vine a buscar a mamá en 1980 no tienes idea cuánto sufrió tu madre.
You have no idea how much I have.
No tienen idea lo mucho que yo lo extrañé.
And you have no idea how much I wish that I could go back... to that morning after we made love... and do everything different.
Y ni te imaginas cuánto quisiera poder regresar a esa mañana después que hicimos el amor y hacer todo diferente.
- That's Harvey. You have no idea how much I suffered from those kids'shows.
Es Hardy, un personaje de dibujos americano, de chino nada.
You have no idea how much it meant for him to be invited on this journey.
Significó mucho para él que le invitaras a esta expedición.
You have no idea how much guilt a woman is made to feel... when she leaves her husband.
No tienes idea de cuánta culpa siente una mujer... cuando abandona a su marido.
Topanga, you have no idea how much he loves you.
Topanga, no tienes ni idea lo mucho que te ama.
I don't think you have any idea how much.
No creo que te imagines cuánto.
You don't have the slightest idea of how much Mother has tried to love you, do you?
No tienes la más ligera idea de cuánto ha intentado quererte mamá, ¿ verdad?
You have no idea how long it's been since I had a toast with any man much less something like you.
No sabe el tiempo que hace que no brindo con un hombre. Y mucho menos con uno como usted.
You have no idea just how much I love you.
Quizás tú no lo sabes.
You have no idea... how much the girl's stuck on you.
No tienes ni idea... de cuánto te quiere esa chica.
I don't think you have any idea how much it means.
No creo que tengas idea lo que esto significa.
You don't have a fucking clue how hard it is for me, how much I struggle.
¡ No tienes ni zorra idea de lo mucho que me cuesta!
You have no idea... how much I understand what you're going through.
No tenéis ni idea... de hasta qué punto entiendo Io que habéis pasado.
You have no idea... how much I admire your dedication.
No tienes idea de lo mucho que admiro tu dedicación.
The hormone dissolved in the ovaries, you wouldn't have a clue how much I was taking.
La hormona se disuelve en los ovarios. No tienes ni idea de cuánta usé.
- No, he's not. Do you have any idea how much money he made for this studio?
¿ Sabe cuánto dinero ganó este estudio con él?
You have no way of knowing how much pain I've gone through in Hell!
¡ No tienes ni idea de cuanto dolor he pasado en el infierno!
You have no idea what you're asking... how much trust it takes two people to do something like this.
No tienes idea de lo estás pidiendo ni de la confianza necesaria para que dos personas hagan esto.

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