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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You just wait and see

You just wait and see traducir español

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And the Mayor, he'll have Wally lynched. You just wait and see.
¡ Y el Alcalde hará que linchen a Wally, ya verá!
Mary, you just wait and see.
- Jabez, yo... Ya lo verás Mary.
You just wait and see.
Espere y verá.
You just wait and see.
Espera y verás.
- You just wait and see, sir.
- Espere y verá, señor.
Marcia, you just wait and see.
Marcia, espera y verás.
You just wait and see.
Ya veréis.
You just wait and see.
Tú espera y verás.
"You just wait and see, Hazel. That ungrateful girl will break your heart!"
"Ya lo verás, Hazel", decía, "la desagradecida te partirá el corazón".
You just wait and see.
Vas a ver...
You're going to be the belle of the ball, you just wait and see.
Será la más bella del baile, Ya lo verá.
You just wait and see!
Ya verás!
You just wait and see.
Esperar y verás.
You just wait and see...
Espera y verás como...
She'll turn up. You just wait and see.
Ella regresará, ya lo verá.
We ", you just wait and see
Solo espera y veras
You just wait and see.
Sólo espera y veras.
- I cannot wait to see a shot of you and have screen caps go around, and it's just lifted lace.
No puedo esperar ver un photoshoot tuyo y que te hagan prints en tus pelucas mal pegadas.
If I ever see you and your friend again on my carousel horses... just wait till you see what's coming to you!
Si alguna vez la veo con su amiga por mi carrusel.... ¡ La que le espera!
He will get accustomed to you, just wait and see.
Ya se acostumbrará, no te preocupes.
Just wait and see the way I handle this appeal. I tell you -
Espere a ver cómo llevo la apelación.
# Just you wait and see #
Ya verán
Just wait till you see Deedy, and you'll forget all about being tired.
Espera a ver a Deedy y te olvidarás del cansancio.
If you don't believe it, just wait and see.
Y si no me crees, espera y verás.
Just tell me that, and you can go see'em, and I'll wait for you.
Dímelo y te esperaré.
Just you wait and see.
- No es un chiste. Espera y verás.
If you go, just wait and see what I'll do.
Si lo haces, verás lo que hago yo.
Just you wait and see. Just you wait and see!
Esperen y verán.
When you get there, wait and see, it'll just pour out.
Una vez allí, verá como Ie sale todo seguido.
Just you wait and see what's in store for you, Mansour.
Espera y verás lo que hay en el almacén para ti, Mansour.
Just relax, sweetheart. I'm coming. I'm sorry I had to hide you like this, Harry, but you're not supposed to be on the plane, and I had to wait until everybody was asleep, so they don't see you.
solo calmate cariño, estoy viniendo siento haberte tenido que esconder hoy, Harry, pero se supone que tu no puedes viajar... y tuve que esperar que todos esten dormidos para que no te vieran.
If anyone wants to see it they must just wait while you go to the ladies and get it.
Si alguien te lo pide, que esperen mientras vas al baño por él.
Just you wait and see.
¿ Qué tal? Vamos a ver.
It'll be better once you get out. Just wait and see.
¡ Estarás bien cuando salgas de allí!
You've never seen a real Mayordomo, Pedrito. Just wait and see.
Tu nunca has visto a un Mayordomo "deveras", Pedrito'perate y veras.
- You just wait and see.
- Ya verá.
Just wait till they see you drivin'up and down the street with the top down.
Espera a que te vean conduciendo con el capó bajado.
# I know my luck's gonna change # Just you wait and see
Sé que mi suerte va a cambiar Espera nena y ya verás
You just have to wait and see.
Solo tienes que esperar y ver.
Just you wait and see.
Espera y veras.
You see, sometimes a fellow just has to kind of step back and wait a little time.
A veces un hombre tiene que hacerse a un lado y esperar un poco.
- Just you wait and see!
- En mi casa no va a dormir Ange, - ¡ Tú lo verás que sí!
If you don't find anything, just wait and see what happens.
Si no encuentras nada, solo espera y veras lo que sucede.
I understand how you feel, but until Takeda gets out, we just have to wait and see
Comprendo cómo te sientes... pero hasta que salga Takeda, sólo tenemos que esperar y ver.
- Just you wait and see.
Espera y lo verás.
Just you wait and see.
Solo espera y observa.
... some kind of silly warning you know and they, they opened the show, I think, and they also closed the show which I thought was like a... an astute planning on Sullivan's part, because it would made you very angry if you had to sit through the whole show to wait to see The Rutles, you know, so they clearly, every-one had tuned in to that week's show, just to see The Rutles.
Abrieron el programa y lo cerraron. Me pareció astuto por parte de Sullivan. Así ya no te molestaba esperar hasta el final para verlos.
This will make you very happy, just wait and see.
Se va a poner muy contento espere y lo verá.
Just wait twenty years and you'll see.
Recuerden mis palabras dentro de 20 años.
Just you wait and see.
Sólo espera y verás.
I see, so you just get a spoonful... inside her mouth and... and wait.
Así que se mete una cucharada en la boca... y... y se espera.

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