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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You know what i was thinking

You know what i was thinking traducir español

626 traducción paralela
You know what I was thinking about?
¿ Sabes en qué pensaba yo?
Do you know what I was thinking about?
¿ Sabes en qué estaba pensando?
You know what I was thinking I'd do?
¿ Sabes que planeo hacer?
- You know what I was thinking?
- ¿ Sabe qué pensaba?
You know what I was thinking tonight, looking at all those chaps in the old regiment? One or two of them looked a bit under the weather.
Esta noche, mirando a los de tu regimiento, vi que un par de ellos parecían estar en apuros.
As a matter of fact, I - how did you know what I was thinking?
De hecho, yo - ¿ cómo supo qué estaba pensando?
You know what I was thinking?
- No gracias. ¿ Sabes en qué pensaba?
- You know what I was thinking?
- ¿ Sabe qué estaba pensando?
Do you know what I was thinking?
¿ Sabe lo que estaba pensando?
Do you know what I was thinking on the way home?
¿ Sabes qué estaba pensando de camino a casa?
So, you know what I was thinking, sir?
¿ Sabe lo que yo pienso?
Do you know what I was thinking about this whole week?
¿ Sabes en qué he estado pensando toda esta semana?
You know what I was thinking?
¿ Sabes lo que estoy pensando?
You know what I was thinking?
¿ Sabes qué pienso?
You know what I was thinking when you came in?
¿ Sabes que estaba pensando cuando entraste?
You know what I was thinking?
¿ Sabes que estaba pensando?
- You know what I was thinking?
- ¿ Sabes en qué estuve pensando?
Caroline... do you know what I was thinking?
Caroline... ¿ Sabes qué estaba pensando?
You know what I was thinking, Matt?
¿ Sabes en qué estaba pensando?
Do you know what I was thinking? What?
- ¿ Sabes qué estaba pensando?
You know what I was thinking about?
¿ Sabes en qué estaba pensando?
You know what I was thinking, Billy?
¿ Sabes lo que estaba pensando, Billy?
You know what I was thinking?
¿ Sabes qué estaba pensando?
You know what I was thinking. All I was thinking was go on you bugger, shot me'cause I don't give a damn one way or the other.
Lo único que pensaba era vamos, imbécil, dispárame porque me importa un carajo de un modo u otro.
You know what I was thinking about when I wrote that?
¿ Sabes en qué pensaba cuando escribí esto?
Do you know what I was thinking?
¿ Sabes qué estuve pensando?
You know what I was thinking about? I was thinking about my life.
¿ Sabes en qué estaba pensando?
You know what I was thinking about tonight, sir, driving out here to the harbor?
¿ Sabe lo que estaba pensando sobre esta noche, Señor, mientras conducía hasta el puerto?
Do you know what I was thinking?
¿ Sabes lo que estoy pensando?
You know what I was thinking?
¿ Sabes en qué estaba pensando, Dino?
You know what I was thinking last night before going to sleep?
¿ Sabes lo que estaba pensando anoche antes de dormir?
You know what I was thinking, Eddie?
¿ Sabes, Eddie?
You know Doctor, I was thinking what a great story it would make Doctor Livingstone discovers the source of Nile. New York Herald expedition was with him.
Doctor, he pensado que sería extraordinario que la expedición del New York Herald acompañase al doctor Livingstone cuando descubra la fuente del Nilo.
I don't know what I was thinking about when I said that someday I'd make you a queen.
No sé en lo que estaba pensando cuando dije que algún día... te haría una reina.
Do you know what I was thinking, Adele?
¿ Sabes qué estaba pensando, Adele?
You know what I was just thinking?
¿ Sabes en lo que estaba pensando?
I don't know what I was thinking about, bothering you at this time of the night.
No sé qué pasó conmigo. Molestándote a esta hora de la noche.
Do you know of what I was thinking all evening?
¿ Sabes en qué estuve pensando toda la noche?
I know what you're thinking, Matt... But you've got to believe that what you saw today was only what looked like Frank and George!
Sé lo que piensas, Matt... pero a los que viste hoy sólo se parecían a Frank y a George.
You know, Nicky what I was thinking about most of all was our honeymoon.
Nicky estaba pensando en nuestra luna de miel.
You know, I was just thinking what a fool I was, three months ago in London.
Pensaba que estúpido fui hace 3 meses en Londres.
Okay, I know what you're thinking, but last night was years ago.
Sé lo que piensas, pero lo que dije anoche fue hace mucho tiempo.
Do you know what I was just thinking, Kirstine?
¿ Sabes en lo que estaba pensando, Kirstine?
You were right, you know, about what I was thinking that first night. And even in the hunting camp.
Tenías razón sobre lo que pensaba la primera noche, e incluso en el campamento.
No, you know what I was just thinking? You know what's paying for these three days in Marrakech?
¿ Sabes quién está pagando por estos días en Marrakech?
I was thinking, sir, that you could show your appreciation for what the Colonel's doing for you by talking, you know, just start to tell him the truth.
Se me ha ocurrido que podría demostrar gratitud por lo que le coronel hace en su favor hablando. Diciendo sencillamente la verdad.
Um... kitty... kitty, look, i was thinking, you know, now that that thing's out of here, i bet you that jimbo and me could, you know, we could pull enough money each month to... after what we, you know... will you marry me?
Kitty, escucha, he estado pensando. Ahora que esa cosa no está aquí, creo que Jimbo y yo podremos... sacar bastante dinero al mes... ¿ Quieres casarte conmigo?
Do you know what I was thinking?
¿ Sabes en qué pensaba?
You know what I was just thinking?
¿ Sabéis en qué estaba pensando?
You know, that's what I was thinking.
Eso había pensado.
You know, I was thinking, just maybe you didn't imagine what happened.
Estaba pensando que quizá no imaginaste lo que pasó.

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