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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You might as well know

You might as well know traducir español

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You might as well know what that money means to me.
Debes saber qué significa para mí este dinero.
You might as well know we're gonna get married right away.
Antes de que te des cuenta vamos a casarnos.
Yes. You might as well know it now as any other time.
Es lo mismo que lo sepa ahora como en cualquier otro momento.
You might as well know once and for all that Bob Strike has everything I want, or ever will want, in a man.
Debería saber de una vez por todas que Bob Strike tiene todo lo que quiero, o querría en un hombre.
Right or wrung, you might as well know that I won't give him up - nut { or you, not for the children, not { or anyone.
Tienes todos los argumentos y todos los derechos.! No voy a renunciar! !
Sergei you might as well know, once and for all.
Sergei debes entender de una vez por todas.
You might as well know the worst.
Es mejor que sepa lo que hay.
Now that he's taken you into our confidence, you might as well know the rest.
Ahora que él le ha dicho nuestro secreto, ya no importa si le decimos el resto.
You're going to see the signature on this check anyway so you might as well know who your backer is.
Acabará viendo la firma del cheque así que será mejor que sepa quién lo patrocina.
You might as well know this now.
Quizá ya sepa esto.
You might as well know, Peggy these new gadgets are your anniversary present.
Es preciso que lo sepas, Peggy, estos nuevos chismes son tu regalo de cumpleaños.
There's another thing you might as well know now.
Hay otra cosa que deberías saber ya.
You might as well know now...
Da lo mismo que sepan desde ahora...
I didn't wanna tell you this, but you might as well know.
No quería decirle esto, pero más vale que lo sepa.
You might as well know it.
- Será mejor que lo sepas.
I suppose you might as well know.
Supongo que debes saberlo.
You might as well know now.
Es mejor que lo sepas. Éste es mi Sgto.
Okay, but you might as well know right now I'm not exactly crazy about building up our own little private Gestapo.
Bueno, pero como sabe, no me gusta mucho la idea de tener nuestra pequeña Gestapo.
I'll love you as long as I live. You might as well know in our last few moments.
Te amaré por siempre, Woodrow, y deberías saberlo ahora... mientras aún tenemos unos últimos momentos...
Well, you might as well know it.
Bueno, es mejor que lo sepas.
You might as well know right now... that no woman is going to get me hogtied and branded.
Más vale que sepas ya... que no me voy a dejar atrapar por ninguna mujer.
And you might as well know enough to be intelligent about it.
Incluso puede que actúe con inteligencia.
Look, you might as well know it now.
Mejor que lo sepan ya.
There are some things, Emily, which I thought it better not to tell you. But now perhaps, you might as well know.
Hay cosas, Emily, que he preferido no contarte.
You might as well know it right now.
Ya es hora de que lo sepas.
I'm not going to marry into hothead shoutings and nerves, and you might as well know it now.
No me casaré para que me grites y más vale que Io sepas.
You might as well know, some of us get out of line occasionally.
No puedo ocultarles que algunos perdemos la cabeza con frecuencia.
Well, you might as well know.
Será mejor que lo sepa.
You might as well know the worst. I...
Te diré las malas noticias.
And while we're both in the mood... you might as well know it's a little late for that now.
Y ya que estamos de buen humor... más vale que sepas que ya es un poco tarde para eso.
You're gonna find out about it anyway, you might as well know it now.
De todos modos, lo averiguarás. Mejor que sea ahora.
Well, you might as well know.
Bueno, tú también ya debes saberlo.
And you might as well know now- [Gasps, Murmuring ] - [ Gavel Pounding]
¡ Deberían saberlo! Suspenderemos la sesión hasta después del almuerzo.
- Well, Ann, you might as well know.
- Bueno, Ann, debes enterarte.
You might as well know about it now, instead of finding out about it later.
Es mejor que te enteres ahora, y no más tarde.
All right, stay here as long as you like. But before they put your name on a slab on Boot Hill... you might as well know I lied to you.
De acuerdo estaremos aquí tanto como quieras pero despúes pondrán tu nombre en una losa en la Colina de las Botas
You might as well know that I've got a suspicious nature. I suspect all volunteers.
Quiero advertiros de que soy suspicaz por naturaleza y que sospecho de los voluntarios.
Well, I thought that instead of trying to hide your tears you might cry as if you didn't know people were about.
- Pues he pensado que en vez de ocultar tu llanto, lloraras creyendo que no te ven.
You might as well all know, point-blank, we're about broke.
Será mejor que lo sepáis todos, estamos al borde de la quiebra.
You know, I might as well be a case of walking cholera.
Ni que tuviera el cólera.
You'll know anyway tomorrow, so I might as well tell you.
Lo sabrás mañana, así que mejor te cuento.
You know, I had nothing to do with this arrangement. But now that you're in it, you might as well go...
Sabes que yo no tuve nada que ver con esto pero ahora que estás metida en él, deberías aprovecharlo.
Then you might as well also know I think you're very attractive. - Ah.
Pero también debe saber que lo encuentro muy atractivo.
Ya no sirve de nada.
Well, you might as well go on now and tell me what you do know.
Bueno. Y ahora será mejor que me cuente todo lo que sabe.
I know, but you might as well ask grain to stay green.
Lo sé, pero es como decir al grano que se quede verde.
You know, you might just as well go home.
¿ Por qué no se va a casa?
Pinky, I've lived in this world a long time... long enough to know for sure if it's somethin white folks don't want you to have... or somethin'they want for their self... you might as well forget all about it.
Pinky, he vivido mucho tiempo, el suficiente tiempo para saber... que si es algo que los blancos no quieren que tengas... o es algo que quieren para sí mismos, será mejor que lo olvides.
We know you didn't write it, so you might just as well stop lying.
Sabemos que no lo has escrito tú, así que no mientas más. ¿ Quién es?
You know as well as I do that as long as there's a chance I might lose this leg. L...
Sabes tan bien como yo que mientras exista la posibilidad de que pierda la pierna -
- You know, you might just as well.
- No tiene caso esperar, ¿ sabe?

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