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You might want to see this traducir español

102 traducción paralela
Thought you might want to see this.
Debería ver esto.
I thought you might want to see this.
Pensé que esto le interesaría.
- Doctor Tani, you might want to see this
- Doctor Tani, tal vez quiera ver esto.
- Thought you might want to see this.
- Pensé que querrías verlo.
Frank, Ed. I think you might want to see this.
Frank, Ed, deberían ver esto.
I thought you might want to see this.
Pensé que tal vez querrías ver esto.
Captain, you might want to see this.
- Capitán, Venga a ver esto.
You might want to see this.
Querrán ver esto.
You might want to see this.
Seguro querrás ver esto
I thought you might want to see this bridal magazine.
Tal vez quieras ver esta revista de novias.
[Agent Hickley] Dr. Cross, you might want to see this.
[Agente HickIey] Dr. Cross, ud va a querer ver esto.
Anyway, I thought you might want to see this.
No importa, creí que querrías ver esto
Hey, Jeremy, I think you might want to see this.
Jeremy, creo que quizá quieras ver esto.
If you're awake, you might want to see this.
No te lo pierdas, Mose.
I thought you might want to see this, coach.
Pensé que quizá querría ver esto, entrenador.
Thought you might want to see this.
- Querrás ver esto.
You might want to see this.
Quizá quieras ver esto.
- I think you might want to see this.
- Creo que te gustará ver ésto.
I thought you might want to see this.
Pense que querria ver esto
Senator, you might want to see this.
Senador, puede que quiera ver esto.
Shawn, you might want to see this.
Shawn, te gustará ver esto.
I thought you might want to see this.
Pensé que querrías ver esto.
Boss, you might want to see this.
Jefe, es posible que desees ver esto.
You might want to see this.
Creo que deberian ver esto.
Dr. Krieger, you might want to see this.
Dr. Krieger, quizás quiera ver esto.
Captain, you might want to see this.
- Capitán, le conviene ver esto.
Billy, zoe, you might want to see this.
Billy, Zoe, quizás quieran ver esto.
Sir, you might want to see this.
Sr., quizás quiera ver esto.
thought you might want to see this
Pensé que es posible que quieras ver esto.
You might want to see this, sir, proof that the human race can mend its own problems.
Tal vez quiera ver esto, señor, como de que prueba de que la raza humana puede curar sus problemas.
I think you might want to see this.
Tal vez quieras ver esto.
I want to see how long you might live in this way.
quiero ver cuánto tiempo puedes vivir de esta manera.
And despite my years, I want to watch you grow, to save you from all evils of this world,... so you might see the wonders that God has given us.
Y a pesar de mis años quiero verte crecer, liberarte de todos los males de este mundo, para que veas las maravillas que Dios nos ha dado.
I don't expect you to understand the pain and suffering my family went through but I did come here thinking that this office might want to see justice finally served.
No espero que entienda el dolor y sufrimiento de mi familia pero he venido pensando que quizá les gustaría ver que se haga justicia.
You might want to see this.
Creo que querrá ver esto.
You might want to see this, sir.
Quiza quiera ver esto, señor.
Seeing as you've come all this way, though... you might want to have a look-see at the videotapes.
Aunque ya que vinieron hasta acá podría interesarles dar un vistazo a las videocintas.
I was gonna give this to you tomorrow, Dad, but you might want to see it now.
Iba a dártelo mañana, papá pero quizá quieras verlo ahora.
I think that this... extremely wonderful sales pitch that you're giving to me... about how you might be able to help my life or help me discover myself... might possibly, I don't want to offend you, but might possibly be... an intelligent ruse to see whether I'll fuck you.
Pienso que este... magnífico discurso que ha hecho... esto de que usted podría guiarme o ayudarme a descubrir quién soy... posiblemente, no pretendo ofenderlo, pero posiblemente sea... un genial artilugio para saber si me acostaría con usted.
You guys might want to see this. Up.
- Van a querer ver esto.
Thought you might want to see this.
Pensé que querías ver esto.
So what I'd like you to do is to fill this out, and write down any diseases you have that you might want covered, and I'll see what I can do.
Así que quiero que llenen esto y escriban las enfermedades que tengan que quieran que se cubran.
This might be the only time in our lives we get to make money like this and I just want to see it. I want to feel it, Gary, you know, I want to...
Será la única vez en la vida que consigamos tanto dinero. Y sólo quiero verlo. Quiero sentirlo, Gary, lo sabes, quiero hacerlo...
Well, after you get your head examined, you might want to check with your boyfriend, and see how he feels about this double date.
Bien, después de que te examinen la cabeza tal vez quieras hablar con tu novio para ver qué opina él de esta cita doble.
That being the case, I think you might all want to see this.
Siendo ese el caso, creo que querriais ver esto.
See, in your time constraints you might want to use the fire truck for this one.
Como vas apurado de tiempo quizá quieras usar el camión de bomberos.
You might want to watch and see how a real man handles this kind of thing.
Quizás quieran mirar y ver cómo un verdadero hombre se encarga de esta clase de cosas.
If I could encourage you in one thing, it would be to see that this is not so much about which suitor a girl might chose, but what kind of life you want to have.
Si pudiera convencerte de una sola cosa, sería para que te dieras cuenta de que no se trata tanto de a qué pretendiente debe escoger una chica, sino de la clase de vida que quieres llevar.
I know you're mad that I did this. And we don't have to live here, it's not definite, but... I thought you might want to see it.
Sé que estas enfadada conmigo porque lo he hecho no tenemos que vivir aquí, porque no es definitiva pero pensé que probablemente quisieras verla.
You might want to come see this.
Quizá deban venir a ver esto.
We ask that You bless this pageant so that others might see You and want to know You more. And we ask that You bless the food we're about to eat to the nourishment of our bodies so that we might better serve
Te pedimos que bendigas esta representación para que otros puedan ver y adorar lo que tu eres y también te pedimos que bendigas lo que estamos a punto de comer para nutrir nuestros cuerpos.

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