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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You want me to talk to her

You want me to talk to her traducir español

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To see my wife You want me to talk to her, don't you?
Dices que la han estado buscando dos días y no quieres que vaya a hablar con ella.
You want me to talk to her?
¿ Quieres que hable con ella?
- You want me to talk to her?
- ¿ Quieres que hable con ella?
You want me to talk to her?
Si queréis, hablaré con ella.
You want me to talk to her? Speak out against the road.
¿ Quieres que yo hable con ella... que le hable mal del camino?
You want me to talk to her?
¿ Quieres que le hable?
Do you want me to talk to her? I will.
¿ Quieres que le hable?
Why don't you want me to talk to her?
¿ Porqué no quieres hablarme de ella?
- You want me to talk to her? - Yeah.
- ¿ Quieres que hable con ella?
Do you want me to talk to her?
¿ Quieres que hable con ella?
You want me to talk to her?
¿ Quieres que hable yo con ella?
And nobody's happy, and you want me to talk to her.
Y nadie está contento, así que usted quiere que hable con ella.
- You want me to talk to her?
- ¿ Hablo yo con ella?
Elena's good with o-chem if you want me to talk to her for you.
Pero Elena es muy buena en química orgánica. Si quieres hablo con ella.
You want me to talk to her again.
Quiere que vuelva a hablar con ella
Do you want me to talk to her, arrange a sit-down?
¿ Quieres que le hable? ¿ Sabes, que arregle un encuentro?
- You want me to talk to her?
- ¿ Hablo con ella? - No.
So you want me to talk to her?
¿ Quieres que hable con ella?
- You want me to talk to her for you?
- ¿ Quieres que hable yo con ella?
You want me to talk to her?
Quieres que hable con ella?
- Do you want me to talk to her?
- ¿ Quieres que hable con ella?
If you want me to, I'll talk to her first, Mary.
Si quieres, yo hablaré con ella primero, Mary.
If you want me to, I'll have another talk with her again
You saw her more than me. Do not want to talk to her?
Usted la ha visto más que yo.
I don't want to forget it, I told you before don't talk about her.
No quiero dejarlo, te advertí que no me hablaras de ella.
I want to talk to her, Peggy, you've got to let me talk to her.
Quiero hablar con ella, Peggy, tienes que dejarme hablar con ella.
I don't know what you want me to do, but, if you want me to, I come and talk to her.
No sé qué quieren que haga. Si quieren, puedo hablar con ella esta noche.
Look, if you two are in this thing together, I don't care, it's none of my business, but I want to talk to Marion and I want her to tell me it's none of my business and then I'll go...
Oiga, si tienen algo entre manos no me importa, no es asunto mío, pero quiero hablar con Marion y que me diga que no me meta y entonces me iré...
Somebody who didn't want her to talk to me, and I got nobody else in my life to figure for that but you, Alan.
Alguien que no quería que hablara conmigo. Eres el único que se me ocurre, Alan.
No, you had to go and talk her out of going to LA with me'cause you didn't want anybody else to have her!
No, tenías que ir y convencerla de no ir a Los Angeles conmigo, Porque no querías que nadie más la tuviera!
The agent said she would tell her you were okay, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait till tomorrow if you want to talk to her yourself.
Tu agente le dirá que estás bien, pero me temo que tendrás que esperar a mañana para hablar con ella.
She's staying with me so you can talk to her if you want.
Ella está conmigo, puede hablar con ella, si quiere.
You want me to go talk to her?
¿ Hablo con ella?
I did want to talk to you, about her... and about me.
Pero sí quiería hablar contigo acerca de nosotras.
You probably don't want to hear this right now and I'm sure you don't want to hear it from me, but you have to talk to her.
Pacey, tal vez no quieres oír esto y menos de mí pero debes hablar con ella.
Do you want me to go talk to her myself?
¿ Quieres que yo hable con ella?
Tell her to call me again if you want to talk to me.
Dile que vuelva a llamarme si quieres hablar conmigo.
Do you want me to talk to her about it?
Las cosas están tensas entre Uds.
Want me to talk to her? Would you mind? Where is she?
- ¿ Quiere que hable con ella?
What, you want me to have the sex talk with her?
¿ Qué, quieres que hable de sexo con ella?
Dr Turk, next time you need to talk to me, think hard about what you want to say, then send her.
Dr. Turk, la próxima vez que necesite hablarme, piense con cuidado lo que quiera decirme, y mándela a ella.
Don't talk to her anymore unless you want to hear that "better him than me" thing like a thousand more times.
No le hables, si no quieres volver a oír esa frase mil veces.
- If you want me to talk about the baby... you're wasting your time, because I'm not gonna talk about her.
Si quiere hablar del bebé, pierde el tiempo. No hablaré de eso.
I want you to talk to her.
Necesito que me traiga objetos personales que pertenezcan a Rachel.
- Sure you don't want me to talk to her?
- ¿ No quieres que hable con ella?
Do you want me to talk to her?
Lo arresto por sospechas de conspiración por asesinato. No tiene que decir nada.
Do you want me to help you talk to her?
¿ Quieres que te ayude a hablar con ella?
You want me to come with you when you talk to her?
¿ Quieres que vaya contigo cuando hables con ella?
Please... you have to bring me to her. I want to see her. Stacy made it very clear she doesn't want to talk to you.
Por favor... debes llevarme con ella...
Why do you want me to talk to Her so badly, huh?
Por que quieres tanto que hable con ella, huh?
Ed, you want to give her the same pep talk you just gave me?
Ed, ¿ quieres darle la misma charla estimuladora que me diste a mí?

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