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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You were just doing your job

You were just doing your job traducir español

70 traducción paralela
You were just doing your job.
Tú sólo hacías tu trabajo.
Sure.. you were just doing your job.
Claro, vosotros sólo hacíais vuestro trabajo.
The other night. You were just doing your job.
La otra noche, estaba cumpliendo con su deber.
Don't worry, you were just doing your job.
No te preocupes, sólo cumplían con su deber.
- You were just doing your job.
- Estaba haciendo su trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Tan solo estabais haciendo vuestro trabajo.
I know you were just doing your job.
Sé que sólo estabas haciendo su trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Sólo hacías tu trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Sólo hiciste tu trabajo.
You were just doing your job, okay?
Sólo has hecho tu trabajo, ¿ de acuerdo?
I hope you know I understand you were just doing your job.
Espero que sepas que entiendo que estabas haciendo tu trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Uds. sólo hacían su trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Solo hacía su trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
- Tú sólo hacías tu trabajo.
No. You think you were just doing your job, but it wasn't.
Crees que hacías tu trabajo, pero no era así.
You were just doing your job.
Solamente hacías tu trabajo.
I know you were just doing your job.
- Sé que sólo hacía su trabajo.
You were just doing your job for the Parole Board.
Usted solo estaba hacienda su trabajo para la junta de libertad condicional.
You were just doing your job.
Sólo hacía su trabajo.
Weren't you the gal who tried to ask me some questions, and you were just doing your job, and I was rude?
¿ Por qué? ¿ No eras tú la chica que trató de hacerme unas preguntas, que sólo estaba cumpliendo con su trabajo, y yo fui descortés?
Right, you were just doing your job.
Claro, sólo estaba haciendo su trabajo.
He threatened my family, my friends, and you were just doing your job.
Amenazó a mi familia, a mis amigos. Y tú sólo hacías tu trabajo.
No, you were just doing your job.
No, no, no, estaba... sólo estaba haciendo su trabajo
Nevertheless, you were just doing your job, and Godfrey should have understood that.
Sin embargo, solo estaba haciendo tu trabajo, y Godfrey debería haber entendido eso.
I know you were just doing your job.
Sé que estabas haciendo tu trabajo.
- You were just doing your job.
Se limitaron a hacer su trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Sólo estaba haciendo su trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Estabas sólo haciendo tu trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Sólo estabas haciendo tu trabajo.
Well, you were just doing your job.
Bueno, solo estabas haciendo tu trabajo.
You were just doing your job, I guess.
Me imagino que sólo estaban haciendo su trabajo.
And then they say, "Well you know, you were just doing your job."
Y luego dicen, "Bien usted sabe, Usted justamente cumplía con su trabajo".
Don't you dare tell me you were just doing your job.
No te atrevas a decirme que sólo hacías tu trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Solo hacías tu trabajo. Sí, bueno, ya no lo haré.
You said you were just doing your job.
Dijo que simplemente hacía su trabajo.
Oh, you were, you were just doing your job.
Solo estabas haciendo tu trabajo.
When Henry died, you were just doing your job.
Cuando murió Henry, tú solamente estabas haciendo tu trabajo.
You were just doing your job.
Solo hacías tu trabajo.
Okay, I know you were just doing your job, and I know that I can sound condescending sometimes, but I actually really look up to you and...
Sé que solo hacías tu trabajo, y sé que a veces puedo parecer condescendiente, pero de verdad te admiro y...
You were just doing your job.
Solo estabas haciendo tu trabajo.
You were just doing your job, Ace.
Sólo estabas haciendo tu trabajo, Ace.
You had to know your job, you had to know what you were doing but he was just wonderful.
Debías conocer tu trabajo, debías saber lo que estabas haciendo, pero él era maravilloso.
You just didn't give a shit anymore, dragging'your feet everywhere, telling everybody you were doing my job, that you were running the show, that without you, I was nothing.
Te importaba ya todo un carajo. Arrastrabas los pies a todas partes, diciéndole a todo el mundo que hacías mi trabajo, que tú llevabas el negocio, que sin ti yo no era nada.
No, you were just... You were out doing your job.
- Estabas fuera... haciendo tu trabajo.
I know that you were just doing your job and Eddy deserved to be suspended. And I was a miserable bitch.
Y no me demandará a mí ni a la escuela por hacerle esa pregunta.
You may face an official reprimand, but the IOA recognizes the fact that these were circumstances beyond your control. It may seem like they do an inordinate amount of complaining, but off the record, the IOA has nothing but praise for the job you're doing here. Just don't let it go to your heads.
Se enfrentaron a una reprimenda oficial, pero el Comité reconoce el hecho de que eran circunstancias más allá de vuestro control parecerá que habrá una exorbitada cantidad de quejas pero extraoficialmente el Comité no siente nada más que orgullo por el trabajo que realizan aquí pero que no se les suba a la cabeza.
From what I've just seen, it doesn't look like you were doing your job very well, Officer Green.
Por lo que acabo de ver, no parece que estuviera haciendo un buen trabajo, oficial Green.
Could you just swallow your... stupid pride and keep the job, keep writing, keep doing what you were put on this planet to do?
¿ Podrías tragarte tu estúpido orgullo y conservar este empleo seguir escribiendo y llevando a cabo tu misión en este planeta?
You were just doing your job.
Sólo hace su trabajo.
You were just... doing your job.
Tú sólo estabas... haciendo tu trabajo.
I'm just doing my job, ok? And if you were doing your job, we wouldn't be in this situation.
Y si usted estaba haciendo su trabajo, no estaríamos en esta situación.

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