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You weren't supposed to see that traducir español

38 traducción paralela
So that's the something you weren't supposed to see, huh?
Y qué es eso por lo que se supone que no se te puede ver, ¿ eh?
- You weren't supposed to see that.
- Tú no debías de haber visto eso.
You weren't supposed to see that. I told you not to come.
No quería que vieras eso, pero viniste.
You weren't supposed to even see that panel.
Se suponía que tú ni siquiera verías ese tablero.
Things you weren't supposed to see, places you weren't supposed to look at, images that were not for popular consumption, the boundaries between elite tastes and vulgar industrial tastes, all these fences were being torn down by the chemical process of photography.
Cosas que se suponías que no podías ver, lugares que no debías mirar, imágenes que no eran para el consumo popular, los limites entre los gustos de la elite y los gustos de la industria vulgar. Todas estas barreras fueron derribadas con el proceso químico de la fotografía.
You weren't exactly supposed to see that.
Tú no tenías que ver esto.
Oh, shit. You weren't supposed to see that.
Carajo, no se suponía que lo vieras.
You weren't supposed to see that.
Carajo, no se suponia que lo vieras.
You weren't supposed to see that.
Se suponía que no debía ver esto.
Um, you weren't supposed to see that.
No se supone que vieras eso.
You weren't supposed to see that yet.
No se suponía que ibas a verla todavía.
In fairness, you weren't supposed to see that.
A decir verdad, no se suponía que lo fueras a ver.
You see, we were just 11, and one afternoon I insisted that we went swimming in river, even though we weren't supposed to.
Teníamos apenas 11 años, y... una tarde insistí en ir a nadar al río, pese a que no debíamos.
That is my cuticle massager. You weren't supposed to see that.
Eso es mi masajeador de cutícula.
You weren't supposed to see that.
Se supone que no tenías que ver eso.
Jack, you weren't supposed to see that.
Oh, Jack, no se suponía que vieras eso.
- You weren't supposed to see that.
No se suponía que vieras eso.
You weren't supposed to see that.
No es lo que crees.
You weren't really supposed to see that, but, you know...
No se suponía que vieras eso, pero...
You weren't exactly supposed to see that.
No se suponía que vieras eso.
You weren't supposed to see that.
No se suponia que tenías que ver esto.
You weren't supposed to see that.
Se supone que no deberías haberlo visto.
I'm sorry. You weren't supposed to see that.
lo siento, no se supone que lo deberias haber visto
Now, Tessa, you may as well just forget you saw any of that,'cause you and I weren't supposed to be in the city, so technically, we didn't see anything, right?
Vale, Tessa, deberías probablemente olvidarte de que has visto algo de esto, porque tu y yo se suponía que no estaríamos en la ciudad, así que técnicamente no hemos visto nada, ¿ vale?
You weren't supposed to see that.
No debías haber visto eso.
You weren't supposed to see that.
Se supone que no debías ver esto.
You weren't supposed to see that.
- No tendrías que haber visto eso.
You weren't supposed to see that.
Se supone que no deberías haber visto eso.
You weren't supposed to see that.
No se suponía que tenías que ver esto.
And so then when you see a movie made on video you kinda get this feeling like you're seeing something that maybe you weren't supposed to.
Y así, cuando ves una película hecha en video como que tienes este sentimiento de que estás viendo algo que se supone que no deberías.
You know, it's just that I have very judgy roommates, you know, that might get a little weirded out if they walked in the room and saw something they weren't supposed to see.
Ya sabes, es solo que tengo compañeros muy escrupulosos, ya sabes, que podrían flipar un poco si entraran a la habitación y vieran algo que no deberían ver.
You weren't supposed to see that.
No se suponía que ver eso.
You kids weren't supposed to see that.
Niños no se suponía que vieran eso.
Faye tells me... that you have seen... things that you weren't supposed to see.
Faye me dice... que has visto... cosas que no se suponen que vieras.
Uh, you weren't supposed to see that, boss.
No debería haber visto eso, jefe.
You weren't supposed to see that.
Se supone que no debías ver eso.
You weren't supposed to see that.
No tenían que ver eso.

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