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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You won't get away with it

You won't get away with it traducir español

129 traducción paralela
- You won't get away with it.
- No conseguirá escapar.
Well, you won't get away with it.
Pues no te saldrás con la tuya. Acabaré contigo.
Well, you won't get away with it.
No podrán salirse con la suya.
You won't get away with it.
No lo logrará. Me quejaré.
- You won't get away with it.
Pero no lo conseguirá.
I'll be ready for you. You won't get away with it.
Se acordará de mí.
You won't get away with it, Rocco.
No te saldrás con ésa.
You won't get away with it.
- No saldrás de esta.
"You know I do. But you won't get away with it."
- Sabes que sí. ¿ Pero crees que lo conseguirás?
You won't get away with it, Cody.
No te saldrás con la tuya, Cody.
Well, you won't get away with it.
¡ Ud. no quedará sin castigo!
You won't get away with it while I have this.
No podrán lograrlo mientras yo tenga esto.
You won't get away with it.
Es inútil lo que intentas.
But you're not gonna get away with it'cause I won't let you.
No lo lograrás porque no lo permitiré.
You'll see, he won't get away with it.
Esto no se quedará así.
But now I know who you are and I swear you won't get away with it.
Pero ahora que sé quiénes son, y no se salvarán.
You won't get away with it.
Pero no conseguirá nada.
Do you really think they won't get away with it in the end?
¿ De verdad cree que no se escaparán después de todo?
You won't get away with it this time.
Esta vez no se saldrá con la suya.
But you won't get away with it. Not even if I have to use this thing.
Pero no se saldrán con la suya, Aunque tenga que usar esto,
You won't get away with it this time.
Usted no se escapará con eso esta vez.
I won't let you get away with it!
¡ No te dejaré que evadas toda responsabilidad!
No se saldrán con la suya.
You won't get away with it, you know.
Usted no se saldrá con la suya, lo sabe.
You won't get away with it.
- No se saldrá con la suya.
You won't get away with it.
No se va a marchar con él.
You won't get away with it!
¡ No te saldrás con la tuya!
You won't get away with it
No te servirán para irte.
You won't get away with it!
¿ Cómo acabarás con esto?
If it's true, you won't get away with it.
Si es verdad, esto no quedará así.
You won't get away with it.
De ésta no se salvan.
You won't get away with it, Hildy.
- No te saldrás con esto, Hildy.
If what you told me is true, they won't get away with it.
Si lo que me ha dicho es cierto, no se saldrán con la suya.
You won't get away with it!
No se saldrá con la suya.
I won't let you get away with it.
No voy a dejar que te salgas con la tuya.
Besides they won't get away with it. - What you mean?
No, you won't get away with it.
No resultará nada.
- You won't get away with it, you know.
- No vas a salirte con la tuya, sabe?
You won't get away with it, Howard.
¡ No vas a salirte con la tuya, Howard!
It's my family's misfortune that my sister has married you but I won't let you get away with that!
Es la desgracia de mi familia que mi hermana se haya casado contigo pero ¡ no te dejaré salirte con la tuya!
You won't get away with it!
¡ Así no llegaras muy lejos!
Only you won't get away with it!
¡ Solo que no llegaras muy lejos con ello!
They won't let you get away with it.
No dejarán que los realices.
- You won't get away with it.
- No conseguiras ir lejos.
You won't get away with it.
No te saldrás con la tuya.
This time you won't get away with it!
Esta vez no quedará impune.
- You won't get away with it.
- No lo conseguirá.
You won't get away with it.
Ya lo pagarás.
You won't get away with it! "
Pero no vas a salirte con la tuya.
You twisted the intent of that order, and you won't get away with it!
¡ Cambió la intención de esa orden, y no saldrá impune!
- You won't get away with it...
- No te saldrás con la tuya- -

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