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Yutaka traducir español

116 traducción paralela
Tamae Kiyokawa as Hatsu Takashi Kotaka as Yutaka
KIYOKAWA Tamae es Hatsu KOTAKA Takashi
Hey, Yutaka.
¡ Eh, Yutaka!
Yutaka, come quick.
¡ Yutaka, rápido!
Yutaka, you're going to be a Junior Air Cadet right?
Yutaka, vas a ser Cadete del Aire, ¿ no?
¡ Yutaka!
I came to see Yutaka.
Vengo a ver a Yutaka.
Yutaka, Megumi is here to see you.
Yutaka, Megumi ha venido a verte.
Yutaka, that's no good.
Yutaka, eso no es bueno.
Hey Yutaka! Look!
¡ Yutaka, mira!
But Yutaka looks a lot better.
Pero Yutaka parece mucho mejor.
Dear, Yutaka is completely over his illness.
Cariño, Yukata está completamente recuperado.
If you don't want to be alone, come with Yutaka.
Si no quieres estar sola, trae contigo a Yutaka.
What will happen to Yutaka if you leave school?
¿ Qué será de Yutaka si dejas el colegio?
Yutaka is Yutaka, and me is me.
Yutaka es Yutaka, y yo soy yo.
Are you studying, Yutaka?
¿ Estudias, Yutaka?
Help me, Yutaka.
Ayúdame, Yutaka.
You know, Yutaka?
¿ Sabes, Yutaka?
Yutaka, don't read in the dark, or you'll see worse.
No fuerces la vista, Yutaka, ó te la estropearás.
- Yutaka!
- ¡ Yutaka!
- Yutaka too?
- ¿ De Yutaka también?
Yutaka will accompany us.
Yutaka nos acompañará.
- You see? - Yutaka.
- ¿ Tú ves, Yutaka?
You should do this, Yutaka.
Te propongo una cosa, Yutaka.
You're wrong, Yutaka.
Te equivocas, Yutaka.
You prepared something, Yutaka?
¿ Has preparado alguna cosa, Yutaka?
Where is Yutaka?
¿ Dónde está Yutaka?
- Yutaka is still with his uncle?
- ¿ Aún está Yutaka con tu tío?
- Yutaka, is Okano is here.
- Yutaka, Okano está aquí.
Yutaka, give this potatoes to granny.
Yutaka, llévale unas manzanas a la abuela.
I know, Yutaka.
Yo lo sé, Yutaka.
- Yutaka is late.
- Tarda mucho Yutaka.
Yutaka is so late.
Yutaka tarda demasiado.
You're an idiot, Yutaka.
Eres un idiota, Yutaka.
Masa, don't bother Yutaka.
Masa, no atosigues a Yutaka.
Yutaka had a knife with him.
Yutaka llevaba un cuchillo.
Maybe the best thing for Yutaka is to die.
Puede que lo mejor, para Yutaka, fuera morirse.
- Did you wake up, Yutaka?
- ¿ Estás despierto, Yutaka?
- I'll stop drinking, Yutaka.
- Voy a dejar el alcohol, Yutaka.
You know the legend, Yutaka?
¿ No conoces la leyenda, Yutaka?
It's deer meat, Yutaka.
Ternera, Yutaka.
Working at the mountain is for true men, Yutaka.
Trabajar en la montaña, es un asunto de hombres, Yutaka.
- I must leave, Yutaka.
- Me tengo que ir, Yutaka.
Say hi to Yutaka for me.
Saluda a Yutaka de mi parte.
Masa and Yutaka have their friends...
Masa y Yutaka tienen sus amigos...
Yutaka will do the deliveries.
Yutaka hará de repartidor.
I will work with the sewingmachine and Yutaka will carve bears.
Yo voy a trabajar de costurera y Yutaka esculpirá osos pequeños.
- Yutaka.
- Yutaka.
You know, Yutaka?
¿ Sabes una cosa, Yutaka?

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