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Where'd you get that?
¿ De donde saco eso?
If his book came out, you'd be exposed as the screw-ups who killed Dr. Carter and left her body to God-knows-what indignity, and when a jury sees this, they'll realize you had every reason to kill your best friend
Si su libro saliera, quedarian al descubierto los malditos que mataron a la Dra. Carter y dejaron su cuerpo a Dios sabe que indignidad, y cuando un jurado vea esto se daran cuenta de que tenian todas las razones para matar a su mejor amigo
How'd you find this place?
¿ Cómo habéis encontrado este lugar?
I mean, if you worked in the DA's office, you'd just have the imprint scanned.
Es decir, si trabajas en la oficina del fiscal del distrito, ya tendrías la huella escaneada.
What'd you see?
¿ Qué has visto?
I mean, I know we don't tell each other everything, and that's fine, but... you'd tell me if you weren't okay, right?
Sé que no nos lo contamos todo y me parece bien pero... Me dirías si algo no va bien, ¿ verdad?
Why'd you do that?
¿ Por qué has hecho eso?
Wait, you don't think he'd be happy for you?
Espera, ¿ no crees que estaría feliz por ti?
I mean, I understand why you'd be nervous, but respectfully, I think you're selling him short.
Entiendo por qué estarías nerviosa, pero, con todo respeto, creo que lo subestimas.
What'd you do?
- Que has hecho?
How'd you even get that up the stairs?
¿ Cómo lo consigue incluso que subir las escaleras?
And with all these new skills, you'd be able to fix any model train.
Y con todas estas nuevas habilidades, usted sería capaz de solucionar cualquier modelo de tren.
You'd be the king of the train store!
Serías el rey de la tienda tren!
So... what'd you want to show us?
¿ Qué querías mostrarnos?
They'd be, like, "Do you like me?"
Decían : "¿ Te gusto?".
"Neal, you can cure pediatric AIDS, but you're gonna have to do a ton of cocaine", I'd be, like...
"Neal, puedes curar el sida infantil, pero deberás consumir mucha cocaína", respondería...
If ISIS sent me over here, I'd fall in love with American culture and then fuck the whole plan up, you know?
Si me hubieran enviado a mí, me habría enamorado de nuestra cultura y habría arruinado todo el plan.
If you criticized their parenting, they'd go, "We did the best we could."
Si los criticabas por algo, te decían : "Hicimos lo mejor que pudimos".
So, Dad, you'd get drunk, hit your kids, and think,
Papá, cuando te emborrachas y golpeas a tus hijos,
They'd be, like, "Neal, man, you don't give a fuck."
"Neal, todo te importa un carajo".
First of all, if Italians went through slavery, they'd never shut the fuck up about it, you know that.
Para empezar, si los esclavos hubiesen sido italianos, jamás dejarían de hablar del tema, y lo saben.
If a cop said, "Know why I pulled you over?" I'd be, like, "To apologize for slavery?"
Si un policía preguntara "¿ Sabe por qué lo detuve?", le diría "¿ Para disculparse por la esclavitud?".
Then you'd make the sketch, and it would be the most popular shit week after week after week after week, to the point that it was weird.
Hacen el sketch y es la mierda más popular semana tras semana. Incluso llega a ser raro.
Not as much as you'd think.
No son tantas como creen.
You think girls want a rich guy. They'd way rather have a cute guy.
Se cree que ellas buscan tipos ricos, pero prefieren a los apuestos.
If you told an architect to build a woman, he'd be, like, "It's not safe!"
Si un arquitecto tuviera que construir una mujer, diría : "¡ No es seguro!".
I finally said, "Dad, I'd rather you put me in your will than not." Just... I don't want to have to beg. "
Finalmente, dije : "Preferiría que me incluyeras en el testamento", pero no quiero suplicártelo ".
They'd be, like, "Of course your dad loves you."
"Claro que te quiere".
Liz, hey, what'd you find?
Liz, hola, ¿ qué encontraste?
What'd you find?
¿ Qué encontraste?
Elizabeth. Someone who'd miss you if you died?
¿ Alguien que lo extrañaría si muriera?
You finally figured out that the only way that you'd ever be with him was over Helen's dead body.
Al final se dio cuenta de que la única manera que estaría con él sería sobre el cadáver de Helen.
How'd you know that was gonna work?
¿ Cómo sabías que iba a funcionar?
If I were you, I'd be more worried about what might happen to everyone else.
Si yo fuera usted, estaría más preocupada por lo que le podría pasar a todos los demás.
- I'd still make less than you.
Sigo ganando menos que tú.
I'd do anything for you.
Haría cualquier cosa por ti.
Well, you mentioned this meeting, I thought I'd check it out.
Bueno, mencionaste esta reunión, así que pensé en venir a ver.
Hmm. So where'd you and Marjorie go for dinner?
Bueno, ¿ adónde habéis ido a cenar tú y Marjorie?
How'd you know these long blue things are my favorites?
¿ Cómo sabías que estas cosas largas y azules son mis favoritas?
Well, how would you know? You'd be too hungover to even go to the picnic.
Tendrías demasiada resaca para ir ni de picnic.
You'd think, but no.
Eso podrías pensar, pero no.
Um, I-I thought you'd be asleep.
Pensé que estarían durmiendo.
But when I called Amanda, she said you'd just left.
Pero cuando llamé a Amanda, ella dijo que te acababas de ir.
She thought that it'd be healthy for, you know, for you, for us, if I know all of your... you know.
Pensó que sería saludable, ¿ sabes? , para ti, para nosotros, si yo supiera todas tus... tú sabes.
Okay, in that case, what'd you find?
De acuerdo, en ese caso, ¿ qué has encontrado?
It's a fake I.D. Why do you have this?
Es una identificación falsa. ¿ Por qué tienes esto?
If I was you, I'd sign those divorce papers.
Si fuera tú, firmaría esos papeles de divorcio.
The, lady inside asked if you'd come in and join her.
La señorita de adentro preguntó si usted querría entrar y acompañarla.
You'd do that?
¿ Harías eso?
After all he's done, you'd work for him again?
Con todo lo que ha hecho, ¿ volverías a trabajar para él?
Because if I did that, then I'd, you know, crack.
Porque si lo hiciera, entonces yo, bueno, me hundiría.
you'd 62
you'd better watch out 24
you'd better 93
you'd better come in 34
you'd like it 22
you'd do the same for me 34
you'd better be careful 19
you'd better believe it 24
you'd better be 34
you'd be surprised 231
you'd better watch out 24
you'd better 93
you'd better come in 34
you'd like it 22
you'd do the same for me 34
you'd better be careful 19
you'd better believe it 24
you'd better be 34
you'd be surprised 231
you'd better not 25
you'd like that 138
you'd be 37
you'd better go home 18
you'd better go 90
you'd know 93
you'd love it 36
you'd like her 33
you'd be doing me a favor 23
you'd think so 54
you'd like that 138
you'd be 37
you'd better go home 18
you'd better go 90
you'd know 93
you'd love it 36
you'd like her 33
you'd be doing me a favor 23
you'd think so 54