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Zeb traducir español

355 traducción paralela
Zeb, we've come to the conclusion that maybe you could advance us a couple...
Zeb, se nos ha ocurrido que igual nos adelantas un par de...
We're the kind of guys that pay our bills.
Te equivocas, Zeb. Pagamos nuestras deudas.
It's all right, Zeb. It's for ten bucks. - Is it good?
Adelante, Zeb, es de diez pavos.
Gee, I wonder where Zeb got all the cash?
¿ De dónde saca Zeb el dinero?
Hey, Zeb.
Hola, Zeb.
You sure, Zeb?
- ¿ Estás seguro, Zeb?
Bring up the baggage, Zeb. Sure thing.
- Sube el equipaje, Zeb.
¡ Zeb!
I'm Flower Belle's cousin, Zeb.
Soy Zeb, el primo de Flower Belle.
- I can't say, Zeb. I have to think it over. - Well, I don't...
No sé qué hacer, Zeke, tengo que pensarlo.
- You know Zeb Andrews, ain't you? - Howdy.
- Ya conoces a Zeb Andrews, ¿ no?
Zeb here was telling me there's gonna be a dance over to Thomson's Mill. Yeah, I hear that...
Zeb decía que va a dar un baile en el molino de Thompson.
Now look here, Zeb Andrews...
Cuidado, Zeb Andrews.
I allow Zeb Andrews would make a better one?
¿ Crees que Zeb Andrews sería mejor que yo?
Zeb Andrews got a piece of bottomland, that's it, ain't it?
Zeb tiene una parcela de buen terreno y te gusta, ¿ no?
I'm right sorry, Alvin, but I just sold that bottomland to Zeb here.
No sabes cómo lo siento. Acabo de vender la tierra a Zeb.
And Zeb here paid me cash money all down.
- Y Zeb me pagó el importe al contado.
I'd kind of like to see Zeb, are he hereabout?
- Hola. Quiero hablar con Zeb, ¿ no está por aquí?
Come out of there.
Zeb, vamos, sal de ahí.
I want to talk to you, Zeb, about... About that there piece of land.
Solo hablar contigo, sobre esa parcela de tierra.
Sure it's yours, Zeb, but...
Claro que es tuya, Zeb.
Well, sure it's yours, Zeb, but if you'll only allow me to talk...
Claro que es tuya, Zeb, pero si escuchas y me dejas hablar.
And that Zeb Andrews sure are a forgiving man. - Is he?
Ese Zeb Andrews es un hombre que sabe perdonar.
All I'm aiming to say, Miss Gracie, is, a upstanding man like Zeb Andrews would make a girl a right smart husband.
Trato simplemente de convencerte de que un hombre bueno como Zeb Andrews es el marido ideal para una muchacha.
And if you change your mind about Zeb, well, I reckon I could...
Y si tú quisieras hacer tus proyectos con Zeb, pues yo procuraría...
Lookee here, Alvin York, if I wanted Zeb Andrews for a husband, I reckon I could get him without your acting so noble.
Escucha, Alvin York, si yo quisiera a Zeb Andrews por marido, no necesitaría que tú me exaltaras su nobleza.
Somebody else has got it by now, I suppose. Well, I couldn't rightly expect Zeb to hold it for me all this time.
Bueno, es lógico que Zeb no pudiera esperarme tanto tiempo.
Frank and Zeb are waiting to see you. In their Sunday clothes.
Frank y Zeb desean verte en sus prendas de domingo.
Good morning, Zeb, Frank.
Buenos días, Zeb, Frank.
No, but Zeb won't be able to eat at all unless he gets his new teeth.
No, pero Zeb no podrá comer nada a menos que consiga dientes nuevos.
Zeb and Frank quit this morning.
Zeb y Frank renunciaron esta mañana.
- Zeb and Frank quit this morning...
- Zeb y Frank renunciaron...
- % Who'll hoe that corn % - % Zeb had 10 daughters but no son %
- Quién va a cultivar el maíz - Zeb tuvo 10 hijas y ningún hijo
Like Zeb's saying, Ben, I think it's Injun work.
Como dice Zeb, creo que es cosa de los indios.
I told you, Zeb.
Te lo dije, Zeb.
We gotta go to Zeb, tell him what...
Hay que ir a ver a Zeb y decirle...
- We want to talk to you, Zeb.
- Queremos hablar contigo.
Got our families to think of, Zeb. Wives, children.
Hemos de pensar en nuestras familias.
He wasn't lying, Zeb!
¡ No mentía!
You tell Zeb you and me don't see eye to eye.
Dile a Zeb que tú y yo no estamos de acuerdo.
what's the matter?
- ¿ Dónde está? - Zeb, ¿ qué pasa?
¿ Zeb?
come on down here.
Zeb, ven aquí.
we was hoping that Zeb might be going with us.
Esperábamos que Zeb viniera con nosotros.
Wait a minute. You got us all wrong, Zeb.
Hold it thataway, Zeb.
Sujétalo bien, Zeke.
Knitting, Zeb?
¿ Haciendo punto?
Where's Zeb?
¿ Dónde está Zeb?
No, I ain't asking for anything extra, Zeb.
Esa es mi última aspiración.
- Now, Zeb.
- No, Zeb.
All right, Zeb.

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