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Ackerman traducir francés

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Ackerman hasn't been on the job today, Warden.
Ackerman n'a pas bossé aujourd'hui.
Hope to see you again, Mr. Ackerman.
J'espère vous revoir, M. Ackerman.
But Mr. Ackerman is such a friendly man.
Mais M. Ackerman est si aimable!
Mr. Ackerman and Sam Bass are the same. We're not making a mistake.
Lui et Bass ne font qu'un.
Ackerman was in trouble.
Ackerman avait des ennuis.
- Ackerman a friend of yours?
- C'est un ami intime?
I want to get Norman Ackerman to handle the Taylor case.
Je voudrais que Norman Ackerman se charge de l'affaire.
- Thank you. I understand Ackerman's out of town.
Ackerman n'est pas là...
Come in around 5 : 30. Mr Ackerman will see you, Miss Taylor.
M. Ackerman vous recevra vers 17 h 30.
Do you mind going up to see Ackerman alone?
Vous pouvez voir Ackerman seule?
Mr Ackerman doesn't want to take the case.
M. Ackerman ne veut pas se charger du dossier.
He's as good as Ackerman.
Il est aussi bon qu'Ackerman.
Ackerman didn't take the case because he was afraid of losing it.
Ackerman n'a pas voulu l'affaire par crainte de perdre.
That's his train passing the Ackerman bridge.
C'est son train qui passe sous le pont Neckermann.
- Did you hear about Joe Ackerman?
- Vous savez, pour Joe Ackerman?
Come on Ackerman!
Viens, Ackerman!
Ackerman, all I'm trying to do is keep one man alive... just one. To get through and report how the rest of us got it.
Si je fais ça, c'est pour qu'il y ait au moins un survivant... qui puisse faire son rapport.
Ackerman, maybe you're the one.
Ce sera peut-être toi.
Are you coming Ackerman?
Tu viens, Ackerman?
Tell Ackerman and Maslow... go out and spot what they can.
Dis à Ackerman et à Maslow de repérer les lieux.
Ackerman, Baldwin, Bancroft.
Ackerman, Baldwin, Bancroft.
Isak Ĺkerman - not a bad name for a Prime Minister.
Isaac Ackerman... ça sonnerait bien pour un président du Conseil!
Sit down over here, Mr. Ackerman.
Mr. Ackerman, you don't seem to have any dependent relatives... or any occupation essential to national defense.
ni de travail essentiel à la Défense nationale.
Listen, Ackerman, tonight I'm giving a party.
Ce soir, je reçois. Il y aura des filles, des pépées.
Mr. Ackerman says you are.
- M. Ackerman dit que tu l'es.
Mr. Ackerman doesn't know what rabbits can be pulled out of a hat in Washington.
Il ne sait pas quelles ficelles on peut tirer à Washington.
How do you do, sir? Well, seems to me Mr. Ackerman and I might have a little talk.
Je crois que M. Ackerman et moi devons parler un peu.
Oh, hello, Mrs. Ackerman, Mr. Ackerman.
Mme Ackerman, M. Ackerman.
Ackerman, get yourself a bucket.
Allez prendre un seau.
Well, how come Ackerman speaks English?
- Ackerman parle anglais. - C'est un espion.
Hey, uh, Ackerman! How come you're in the service anyway?
Comment ça se fait que tu sois enrôlé?
I'm sure you're not aware of it, Captain, but Private Ackerman has been badly beaten... in fights with the biggest men in the company.
a été battu par les plus forts de la compagnie.
What's the matter with you?
Quoi? Ackerman n'est pas un producteur de Broadway qu'il faut lécher.
Ackerman isn't one of those rich Broadway producers you have to suck around. He's just a dogface. Get some sense.
C'est un troufion, raisonnez.
Yes, Lieutenant? I'd like to speak with Ackerman.
- Je veux voir Ackerman.
Ackerman, I've been watching the sick book. In my opinion, you're the most accident-prone soldier in the entire United States Infantry.
Vous êtes le soldat le plus sujet aux accidents de toute l'infanterie.
Any of you men seen Ackerman?
L'un de vous a vu Ackerman?
Abbott, did Ackerman sleep in his bunk last night?
Ackerman a dormi dans son lit?
I've just completed an investigation... of the reasons for Private Ackerman's behavior.
J'ai enquêté sur les raisons du comportement du soldat Ackerman.
"That said officer willfully persecuted Private Noah Ackerman..."
" L'officier a persécuté le soldat Ackerman
- You're crazy. Ackerman's in New York living it up.
- Non, il fait la bombe à New York.
If it isn't Ackerman, it's somebody who looks like Ackerman.
- C'est quelqu'un qui lui ressemble.
Did you see Ackerman?
Vous avez vu Ackerman?
Never, in all my days, have I met such an opinionated, self-centered young man. Good night, Mr. Ackerman.
- Bonsoir.
All right, Ackerman, you've finally gone and done it.
Not only are you a disgrace to the army, Ackerman, but your actions have caused a black mark to be made against this company... and against me personally. I'm gonna see that you erase that black mark.
Je vous ferai effacer ce blâme.
I don't see anything. - I think it's Ackerman.
- C'est Ackerman.

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