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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ A ] / And let's get out of here

And let's get out of here traducir francés

608 traducción paralela
Let's get out of here and go walking on the beach.
Partons d'ici. Allons nous promener sur la plage.
Come on, get your stuff and let's get out of here.
Ramassez vos affaires et partons.
Let's get out of the car here and walk.
- Sortons de la voiture et marchons.
Pay the check and let's get out of here!
Paie l'addition, et allons-nous-en. Oui, paie.
Folks, let's get out of here and leave the honeymooners alone. Come on, Henry.
Les amis, partons d'ici et laissons les jeunes mariés tranquilles.
Come on, now let's get out of here and you come clean.
- Oui. Allez, sortons d'ici et tu ne seras pas poursuivi.
Let's pack up and get out of here.
Remballons nos affaires et partons d'ici.
Come on, take what you want and let's get out of here.
Allez, prenez ce que vous voulez et allons-nous-en.
Throw him in the boat and let's get out of here.
Mettez-le dans le bateau et partons d'ici.
Put your things on and let's get out of here.
Il est temps de partir
Look, Giovanna, let's sell the cafe and get out of here...
Giovanna, vends le café, partons d'ici.
Let's give it to him and get him out of here.
Payons-le, qu'il parte d'ici.
Let's go to Victoria College, throw things in the bag and let's get out of here.
Allons au Victoria College, jeter des choses dans le sac Et sortons d'ici.
Let's get out of here and go guess someplace else.
Sortons d'ici. Vous devinerez ailleurs.
- Come on, let's get out of here and have a drink.
- Allons boire un verre.
I've got ideas that work and pay off big. Come on, let's get out of here, tonight.
J'ai des idées qui valent gros.
Let's hurry up and get out of here.
- Kill him and let's get out of here! - No.
- Descends-le et partons vite!
Let's go back to the car and get out of here.
Retournons à la voiture
Come on! Let's go back and load up and get out of here.
Allons charger l'or et fichons le camp!
Liza.. let's get out of here and go to Penny's.
Allons faire un tour chez Penny.
Let's get out of here, just you and me, huh?
Partons d'ici, juste toi et moi.
Now get your things together and let's get out of here.
Prenez vos affaires et partons.
Come on, let's get what we need and get out of here.
Allons! Prenons ce que nous avons besoin et partons d'ici! .
Stuff him under a tree where he'll be quiet, and let's get out of here.
Mettez-le sous un arbre et partons d'ici.
Let's get out of here. You've done nothing wrong and I won't let anyone intimidate you. Not on your life.
- Pas question.
Grab what you need, Al, and let's get out of here. I've got a lot of work to do.
All right. Take her a drink and let's get out of here.
Offre-lui à boire et partons!
Bessie, get into your blouse, and let's get out of here.
Bessie, enfile ton chemisier, et sortons d'ici.
Let's finish this job and get out of here.
Finissons le travail et allons-nous-en.
( man # 3 ) Yeah, come on. Let's hurry and get out of here.
Faisons vite et barrons-nous.
Come on! Let's get the money and get out of here!
Prenons l'argent et filons!
Get your horse, and let's get out of here!
Ton cheval, on s'en va!
Let's hurry up and get her out of here. What, you're worried she'll stink?
Portons-la dehors.
Come on. Let's get out of here, you and me.
Partons d'ici.
Pack your things and let's get out of here.
D'accord. Fais les valises et allons nous-en d'ici.
Let's take this one and get out of here.
ils ne reste plus qu'à les emporter.
Sortez les cordes, les pioches et des pelles du camion.
- Let's get out of here... before they find those two Reds and start tracking us in the mud.
Filons avant qu'ils suivent nos traces.
Let's get out of here and look for him.
- Essayons de le retrouver.
Let's destroy this equipment and get out of here.
Détruisons l'installation.
All right, let's tear them up. Burn them and let's get out of here.
Déchirons, brûlons tout ça et allons-nous en.
Grab the imperial peacock and let's get out of here, Guy.
Prends le Paon lmpérial et sortons d'ici, Guy.
Sortez-moi ces lampes d'ici.
Let's pack and get out of here.
Faisons nos bagages et partons.
Let's go back to my office and wait for the police. If you do not want to go to jail, get out of here
J'ai appelé la police, si vous ne voulez pas d'ennuis, faites partir ces gens immédiatement.
And let's get out of here, Bob.
Partons d'ici, Bob.
Let's put the lid and get out of here.
Remettons le couvercle, et sortons d'ici.
Come on, shut up, Perk, and let's get out of here.
Arrête, Perk, ça suffit. Barrons-nous d'ici.
So just puck up and let's get out of here.
- Etre plus compréhensive.
- And he can do it too. - Let's get out of here.
- Allez, sortons d'ici.

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