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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ A ] / And why would i do that

And why would i do that traducir francés

218 traducción paralela
- And why would I do that?
- Et pourquoi le ferais-je?
And why would I do that?
Et pourquoi?
- And why would I do that?
- Et pourquoi je ferais ça?
And why would I do that?
Et pourquoi je ferais ça?
And why would I do that, Bob?
Et pourquoi je le fais, Bob?
And why would I do that?
Et pourquoi je le ferais?
- And why would I do that?
Et pourquoi je ferais ça?
I was hoping you could help me solve a toilet papering case. And why would I do that?
Je voudrais que tu m'aides dans une affaire de pékufiage.
And why would I do that?
Pourquoi ferais-je ça?
And why would I do that?
Et pourquoi je ferai çà?
And why would I do that?
Pourquoi je ferais ça?
And why would I do that?
Pourquoi ferais-je cela?
And why would I do that?
Et pourquoi ferais-je ça?
- And why would I do that?
- Et pourquoi je le ferais?
and why would i do that?
Pourquoi ça?
And why would i do that?
- Pourquoi je ferais ça?
And why would I do that?
Pourquoi donc?
That's why today at the barn I tried to do it quickly and get it over with, and then we would, you know...
C'est pour ça que tout à l'heure, j'ai essayé de faire vite pour en finir...
- And why would I do that, Eddie?
- Pourquoi je ferais ça?
It was why I had been made like I was- - To do something for her that she could not do for herself, and then to protect her, so that she could go on... So that she would have the reason for living, that I'd never had.
J'avais été fait ainsi pour faire quelque chose pour elle qu'elle ne pouvait pas faire pour elle même, la protéger pour qu'elle continue... ainsi elle aura une raison de vivre que je n'avais jamais eue.
And why in the world would I do that?
- Je ne vous connais pas. Au revoir.
I don't know, somebody left it. Why would somebody poison a roll and leave it in the hallway for some comic coming down at 2 : 00 in the morning? Why would they do that?
Qui empoisonnerait un sandwich, puis le déposerait dans un couloir d'hôtel pour qu'un comique le mange à 2 h du mat?
I don't get it. Why would a woman do that and then leave no way to get in touch with her?
Pourquoi cette femme ne m'a-t-elle pas laissé ses coordonnées?
I think she killed herself. - And why would she do that?
Elle s'est tuée.
- And why would I wanna do that? - Because I can feel it.
- Pourquoi je ferais ça?
And why would I want to do that, nurse?
Et pourquoi ferais-je cela, infirmière?
Back then, I couldn't fathom why he would do a thing like that... and now, I couldn't fathom not doing it.
A l'époque, je ne pouvais pas comprendre pourquoi il faisait une telle chose... et maintenant, je ne peux pas imaginer de ne pas le faire.
And why would I want to do that?
Et pour quelle raison?
Why, after years of complaining that all I do is lay around and watch television would you buy me a device that is designed to make the television watching experience even better?
Après des années à te plaindre que je ne fais rien à part regarder la télévision, pourquoi est-ce que tu m'achèterais un appareil qui est conçu pour que les gens regardent encore plus la télévision?
And why, exactly, would I do that?
Pourquoi je ferais cela?
I don't like it, and usually do everything within my capabilities to sabotage it which is why it's curious that Donna would do nothing to discourage in fact do everything to encourage, a date with Joey Lucas who, quite frankly, is a very attractive woman.
Alors je trouve très curieux que Donna ne fasse rien pour me dissuader... et fasse tout pour m'encourager à sortir avec Joey Lucas... qui, je dois l'avouer, est une fort jolie femme.
Why would I do that? And give away such a nice place.
Et pourquoi j'aurais lâché ce petit nid si douillet?
And why in the world would I do that?
Pourquoi ferais-je ça?
And why the fuck would I want to do that?
Et pourquoi voudrais-je faire ça?
And I don't know why you would want to do that.
Et je ne vois pas pourquoi tu voudrais faire ça.
I agreed to come down here and answer your questions, I gave you a sperm sample why would I do that... if I raped someone?
Je suis venu ici, je vous ai donné un échantillon de sperme. J'aurais fait ça si j'avais violé quelqu'un?
I know, that's why I called some other doctors first about the case and no one would do it pro bono.
Je sais, c'est pour ça que j'ai demandé à d'autres médecins. Aucun n'accepte de travailler gratuitement.
And why would I want to do that?
Et pourquoi je ferais ça?
And why do you think I would like that?
Et qu'est-ce qui vous fait croire que ça me plaît?
And why would you do that? Because I'm a nice guy.
Vous m'enlevez ce traceur, je vous ramène votre ami.
I mean you gotta ask yourself... why would a beautiful girl hop in a tub and do that to herself?
J'veux dire, vous devez vous poser la question... Pourquoi une belle fille saute dans une baignoire et s'inflige ça à elle-même?
Now why would I wanna go and do something like that?
Pourquoi voudrais-je faire une chose pareille?
And now that you've been so good to me, and allowed me back into your home like no time has passed, why would I do this now?
Vous avez été si bons avec moi, vous m'avez accueilli chez vous comme au bon vieux temps, alors pourquoi je ferais ça maintenant?
And then she kind of dissected that for a few hours as to why I would want to do that. I think you have some unresolved issues with your friend, Kevin.
Elle a disséqué ça quelques heures pour comprendre mes raisons de faire ça.
But as we would walk around campus and he'd go on about how the swift was my bird, the onyx was my stone, I finally asked him why he kept doing that and do you know what he said?
Mais quand on marchait sur le campus et qu'il radotait et sais-tu ce qu'il a dit?
He be lying and playing me, and I don't understand why he would do something like that.
Il me ment et se moque de moi et je ne comprends pas pourquoi il fait ça.
"And because I don't know why somebody would do that to you."
Et car je ne comprends pas qu'on puisse te faire ça.
And why would I want to do that?
Et pourquoi je ferais une chose pareille?
- And why in the hell would I do that?
- Pourquoi je ferais ça?
And why would I do a thing like that?
Et pourquoi ferais-je une telle chose?
I want Manny to be right just as much as you do, but it's hard to understand why Krane would go to all the trouble of picking up a hooker on Van Buren Street just that he could race across town, and set Mary Stacey and her house on fire.
Je voudrais que Manny ait raison autant que vous, mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi Krane s'embêterait à ramasser une prostituée sur Van Buren pour ensuite traverser la ville à toute vitesse et mettre le feu à Mary Stacey et à sa maison?

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