And you're smart traducir francés
752 traducción paralela
See, you're nice and you're smart.
Vous êtes sympa et futé.
I'm stepping out of it tonight and if you're smart, you'll all step out of it.
Je mets les voiles ce soir et je vous conseille d'en faire autant.
No, not smart... you just have good health, youth and you're a female.
- Non, pas intelligente. Vous êtes en bonne santé, jeune et vous êtes une femme.
They come to my dump to get taken, see, and if you're smart...
Si tu te débrouilles bien...
He ain't going to leave this state without paying up... and if you're a smart young fellow... you'll stop making a nuisance of yourself.
Il ne partira pas sans payer. T'as l'air d'avoir de la jugeote, alors arrête de me casser les pieds.
You're smart and I can understand you.
Vous êtes intelligent, et je vous comprends.
I figured you for a smart guy and you're acting dumb.
Je vous croyais intelligent, mais vous faites l'idiot.
Well, you're so smart, how would you like the government to condemn this land and take it for nothing?
Eh bien, que diriez-vous si le gouvernement confisquait vos terres?
Well, Bill, if you take after your dad, you're a smart boy... and an honest one too.
Vous êtes donc certainement un garçon intelligent et honnête.
You're a smart young man and my hat's off to you.
Vous etes tres bien. Je vous tire mon chapeau.
If you're smart, you'll stop jabbering and talk sense.
Réfléchis et parlons concrètement.
You're such a fool, and you think you're so smart.
Quel idiot tu fais! Et tu te crois si malin.
But you're a big man, and a mighty smart one, too, but I gotta tell you that I aim to try just as hard as I'm able to do what John Carter wanted me to.
Vous êtes un grand homme, et très intelligent, mais je dois vous dire que je vais faire de mon mieux pour accomplir la tâche que John Carter m'a confiée.
Oh, don't you see? Others could be wearing the smocks and you could be manager. You're smart.
Frank, toi, tu es si malin...
You're smart, but that was wrong. He's the one who has to come and apologize.
Merci, mais c'est â lui de venir s'excuser.
Maybe you could, Charlie. But the smart money is against it. And you're smart.
Mais l'argent malin est contre... et tu es malin.
Well, I know a lot of smart guys and a few honest ones, and you're both.
Il y a beaucoup de types malins et peu d'honnêtes... Vous êtes les deux!
And you, Vannie... you're smart.
Toi, Vannie, si malin.
And if you're smart, it'll begin right here with the men in this room.
Si vous m'en croyez, commencez sur-le-champ.
- You're pretty smart men... you and Dr. Cargraves and the General.
Que veux-tu dire? Vous êtes quelqu'un d'intelligent... Vous, le Dr.
On top of that you're a welcher and a smart alec.
De plus, vous êtes un filou. Et un insolent.
And he'II get it, if you're not smart.
Et iI l'aura, si vous n'agissez pas.
If you're smart, you'll ride out of here and keep on riding and you won't come back.
À ta place, je monterais à cheval et partirais pour ne pas revenir.
You're a smart, beautiful girl with a lot of class, and...
Tu es belle, intelligente, classe et...
Maybe you got smart, Linus, or maybe you just got lucky, because you're here and she's out there.
Peut-être par intelligence, Linus, ou peut-être juste par chance, tu es encore ici alors qu'elle est là-bas.
- I'm not smart. And you're good-looking.
Mais vous êtes... trop jolie.
And you're smart, and you're mean.
Et vous maligne et méchante.
And you're smart.
Et tu es capable, aussi.
You'd sell out your own mother for a piece of Fudge, but you're smart... Smart enough to know when to sell and when to sit tight.
Tu vendrais ta propre mère pour un caramel, mais tu es maligne... assez maligne pour savoir quand bouger et quand rester tranquille.
If you're smart, if you keep your trap shut and don't nose around any more... You'll have money, you'll be loaded.
Si tu es maligne, que tu gardes ton clapet fermé, que tu ne fouines plus... tu auras de l'argent, tu seras pleine aux as.
You're a good man and smart, to boot.
Tu es brave et ingénieux.
They're pretty boring, each of them is not as smart as you and I.
Ils sont assez ennuyeux, chacun d'entre eux est moins intelligent que toi et moi.
And if you're smart, you'll hang up on him. Now, Susan...
Si tu étais raisonnable, tu lui raccrocherais au nez.
I don't get it. You're shrewd and smart. But then you pull crap like this!
Tu es capable mais parfois, tu fais de ces bêtises!
See, you're a smart boy and I just hate to see you wasting your time.
Vous êtes un garçon intelligent... et vous perdez votre temps. Ne vous méprenez pas.
You're beautiful, you're smart, you're funny, and you can kick a man's ass no problem.
Tu as déjà signé les papiers? Non.
You think you're smart but you're just pushy and ill mannered.
Peut-être vous penserez très habile, mais..... Grossier et impoli.
She's 1 3 years old, and you're smart.
Elle a 13 ans et vous êtes intelligente.
You're one of those smooth-talkin', smart-ass niggers... just out for all you can get, with your black power... and all that other trouble-makin'nonsense.
Vous êtes un de ces petits malins de nègres beaux parleurs... prét à saisir tout ce que vous pouvez, avec votre Pouvoir Noir... et toutes ces autres bêtises, qui créent des ennuis.
Yeah. And if you're smart, you'll clear out too.
Si vous êtes malins, vous partirez aussi.
And you're smart? Sure!
- Et toi, tu es futé?
You're so smart, Kirk, you and your pointy-eared thinking machine.
Vous êtes un malin, vous et votre machine à penser aux oreilles pointues.
If you're smart, you'll just walk in quietly and surprise him.
Tu pourrais venir discrètement et lui faire une surprise.
And if you're smart, you won't show your face around here again.
Et je ne veux plus jamais revoir votre tête ici.
"If you're smart now," he says, "you'll join the force and get a pension."
"engage-toi et tu auras une pension."
Don't check and recheck me the way you've been doing. Your file says you're as smart as they come.
Votre fiche vous dit intelligent.
If you're so bloody smart, you'd know that if we went ahead... and bought the windows and doors, you'd make twice as much money.
Si vous étiez si malin, on aurait déjà des fenêtres, et on se ferait le double de fric!
You're enough smart to understand that I can't do everything on my own responsibility only and then he must sign too.
Tu es assez intelligent pour comprendre que je ne peux pas tout faire de ma seule responsabilité et qu'il doit signer aussi.
Yeah. And I bet you're smart enough to get us some brew.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * pour nous trouver de l'alcool.
Maybe stupid, but they're not dumb like you. They bring me down here to make babies and then hook me up to this machine, that's real smart. Oh no?
Ils sont peut être bêtes mais pas sourds.
Now, I know you think you're smart, see,'cause you got all them flashy clothes, you got that big car there, and you got all them black bitches workin'for ya.
Je sais que tu te crois intelligent, à cause de tes fringues de frimeur, de ta grosse bagnole et des salopes noires qui bossent pour toi.
and you're welcome 67
and you're next 17
and you're here 49
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're safe 20
and you're thinking 17
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153
and you're next 17
and you're here 49
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're safe 20
and you're thinking 17
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153