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Are you coming home traducir francés

341 traducción paralela
When are you coming home, Alvin?
Quand rentres-tu à la ferme, Alvin?
I said, when are you coming home?
Quand rentres-tu à la ferme?
When are you coming home?
Vous rentrez quand?
When are you coming home, Frank?
Quand rentres-tu?
When are you coming home?
T'en fais pas.
Why are you coming home so late?
Pourquoi rentres-tu si tard?
So, are you coming home with us?
Pour rentrer dans notre province?
When are you coming home? Don't you know?
Quand rentres-tu à la maison?
When are you coming home? About 12 : 00,12 : 30.
Á quelle heure tu vas rentrer?
Are you coming home tonight?
Tu rentres à la maison, ce soir?
Are you coming home with me?
Tu rentres avec moi?
When are you coming home?
Tu rentres quand à la maison?
- Are you coming home on Friday?
- Tu viens à la maison vendredi?
Mmm... When are you coming home?
Quand rentres-tu?
When are you coming home?
Quand rentres tu?
When are you coming home?
Quand rentrez-vous?
trevor, are you coming home or not?
Tu feras un super céleri. C'est une asperge.
When are you coming home?
Quand est-ce que tu rentres?
- All right. - When are you coming home?
- Quand venez vous a la maison?
When are you coming home?
Quand reviens-tu a la maison?
Are you coming home for Christmas?
Tu rentres pour Noël?
When are you coming home?
Quand est-ce que tu reviens, en général?
Mommy! When are you coming home?
Quand vas-tu rentrer, maman?
- Are you coming home for lunch?
- Tu rentres à la maison pour déjeuner?
When are you coming home to live with us some more?
Quand reviendras-tu vivre avec nous?
So when are you coming home?
Tu reviens bientôt?
Yeah. When are you coming home?
Quand est-ce que tu rentres?
So when are you coming home?
Alors? Tu rentres quand?
- When are you coming home?
- Quand rentres-tu?
Daddy, when are you coming home?
Papa, tu rentres quand?
- Honey, when are you coming home?
- Chéri, quand rentres-tu?
- When are you coming home?
- Quand reviens-tu?
Still waiting. So when are you coming home, Zane?
Le modem est lent.
When are you coming home?
Tu reviens quand à la maison?
What are you soing coming home at this hour?
Je trouve que tu rentres bien tard.
Well, you see, the people are just coming from work and they wanna get home, see, and they wanna get into the cars all together.
Les gens veulent rentrer chez eux. Ils attendent les rames.
Yes, Mother. Are you sure you didn't catch cold coming home?
Tu n'as pas pris froid, en rentrant?
Oh, sir, what manner of foul jackal are you? Coming into our humble home, rich as you are yet reeking of the carrion of the fleshpots?
Oh, monsieur, quel personnage infâme êtes-vous donc pour venir, vous, si riche, dans notre humble demeure, en empestant encore d'une forte odeur de viande?
You are the servant of his reverence is he coming home?
Tu es le serviteur de sa révérence, il vient à la maison?
You are coming home from work?
Tu reviens du boulot?
There's gonna be no more of this foolishness... because tomorrow, your parents are coming to take you home.
Finies les bêtises. Tes parents te récupèrent demain.
Are you happy I'm coming home?
Tu es content?
Are you coming in or going home?
Que fais-tu? Tu montes ou tu t'en fas?
- When are you are coming home?
Tu rentres quand, toi?
You are coming with me to my home.
Je vous emmène chez moi.
Are you coming home for lunch, sir?
- Monsieur déjeunera-t-il?
When are you coming home?
Tu rentres quand?
Are you only coming home now? Dad!
- C'est maintenant que tu rentres?
You two are coming home, now!
Vous deux, vous rentrez à la maison... Tout de suite!
Your wife and daughter are coming to pick you up. You're going home.
Ta femme et ta fille viennent pour te ramener chez toi.
- I'm coming home with you. - Are you sure you wanna do it?
Je t'accompagne chez toi.

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