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Babs traducir francés

413 traducción paralela
Babs, this is Mr. Carson.
Babs, voici M. Carson.
Babs, I didn't know it was going to be like this.
Babs, je ne savais pas que ce serait comme ça.
- Now, Babs!
- Mais Babs...
Babs, I'm not sick.
Babs, je ne suis pas malade.
You should have seen us, Babs.
Si tu nous avais vus, Babs.
- Babs
What about Babs?
Et Babs?
We'll have a swell time, Babs.
Ce sera magnifique, Babs.
Don't call me Babs, dear.
Ne m'appelle pas Babs.
Babs didn't feel like coming down, huh?
Babs n'a pas voulu venir, hein?
I'd give anything to be able to take the hide back to Babs.
Je donnerais n'importe quoi pour apporter la peau à Babs.
Before Babs.
Avant Babs.
That's why I'm not at all ashamed to tell you, I'd fold up without Babs.
Et du coup, j'ai pas honte de vous dire je craquerais sans Babs.
Babs and I were going to have children right away, and this job came up.
Babs et moi, on voulait avoir des enfants tout de suite, et puis il y a eu ce boulot.
Babs will be right there with all the people she's known and grown up with.
Babs sera près des gens qu'elle connait et avec qui elle a grandi.
Come on, Babs.
Viens, Babs.
Babs is one girl in a million.
Babs est une crème.
- Hello, Babs.
- Bonjour, Babs.
Signed "Babs".
C'est signé "Babs".
Those love letters signed Babs.
Ces lettres signées "Babs".
Hello, Babs.
Salut, "Babs".
Babs, take this to Kaiser Delmont. I want shoes and stockings in this colour.
Des souliers et des bas roses.
We may as well get started. Babs, get that dreadful thing off of her.
Enlevez-lui immédiatement cette horrible tenue.
Babs, I was just gonna call you.
J'allais justement t'appeler.
- Bloody Babs, the tiger woman.
- La tigresse sanglante.
Every use narcotics, Babs?
Vous vous droguez?
We wanna see Babs.
On veut voir Barbara.
"Bloody Babs shuns press."
"Barbara fuit la presse."
Yeah, Babs. Why so quiet today?
Vous ne dites rien, aujourd'hui.
"Bloody Babs spent her last night decked out in lounging pyjamas of her favourite colour - flaming scarlet."
"La meurtrière a passé sa dernière soirée en pyjama rouge sang." "Rouge sang", c'est l'expression qu'ils utilisent pour parler de moi.
Darrin's firm is one of the largest advertising agencies in the world and Darrin's one of its top executives.
On jurerait que je me suis assis sur un cactus. Babs n'était pas trop fâchée? Non.
I don't know. Babs.
Je ne sais pas, Babs.
I like Babs.
J'aime bien Babs.
OK, Babs, if you please.
Je t'en prie. J'y vais.
Tomorrow Babs goes home.
Babs repart demain.
Look, just keep out of this, will you, Babs?
Ne vous mêlez pas de ça.
You keep your lying mouth shut, Babs, or you can get out as well.
Fermez-la, menteuse. Sinon, c'est la porte.
Here you are. Take one of these back to your girlfriend, Babs. Get her to peel you one.
Dis à Babs de t'en "peler une grappe"!
You tell her to take the pips out. They're bad for the appendix.
Que Babs enlève les pépins!
- He's no good for you, Babs. - And you are?
C'est pas un gars pour vous.
Come on, Babs. You don't like the Globe any more than I did.
Tu ne te plais pas tellement au Globe.
Christ Almighty, Babs, if I wasn't shorthanded, I'd take you down to Scotland Yard myself!
Si j'étais pas seul ici, je vous amènerais à Scotland Yard.
I don't know if you know it, Babs, but you're my type of woman.
Vous savez... vous êtes vraiment mon type de femme!
I suppose they're trying to find out if anybody saw Blaney put in poor, old Babs on that potato truck.
Ils cherchent quelqu'un qui ait vu Blaney jeter Babs dans le camion.
I've just been down to Scotland Yard to identify her. From photos, you know. They took'em, and they...
J'étais allé identifier Babs... d'après les photos qu'ils avaient prises.
Barbara Jane Milligan and others.
Brenda Blaney, Babs Milligan et d'autres femmes.
He knew both Mrs. Blaney and that Barbara what's-her-name, didn't he?
Il connaissait Mme Blaney et cette Babs Machin...
- Come on, Babs.
- Babs!
Well, Babs is still there.
Babs y est toujours.
Come on, Babs.

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