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Bag him traducir francés

861 traducción paralela
When did you bag him?
Quand l'avez-vous tué?
- Give me my bag - Do what you want with him, but not here, OK?
- Tu fais ce que tu veux avec, mais pas ici, OK?
Well, while I was talking to him... The car taken was mine, the one driving is me and the bag was found because of me.
pendant que j'étais en train de lui parler... je suis le conducteur et le sac a été trouvé grâce à moi.
Give him a bag.
Donnez-lui un sachet.
Could I fix him up a bag of straw or something, Mr. Fenton?
Je pourrais lui faire une poupée de paille, M. Fenton?
You can buy him for a bag of salt.
Très facile à acheter.
Missing bonds possibly placed in safe by murderer... who also plant bag in room of unfortunate Rogers... to convict him and end case.
Bons manquants possiblement mis dans coffre par meurtrier... qui a aussi mis sac dans chambre malheureux Rogers... pour condamner lui et boucler affaire.
There was a bag like that in Kenyon's hand when I — when I found him.
Il y avait un sac pareil dans la main de Kenyon quand je l'ai trouvé.
- He started it. He slapped him with the bag.
- C'est lui qui a commencé.
Just walk up to him, kiss him once, and put him in your bag, all limp.
Tu l'embrasses une fois, elle va dans ton sac. Pliée!
I packed a bag, got on the boat train immediately. On the train I read in the Times, that Charilaos's establishment had been burglarized and him murdered.
Je pris le ferry et lus dans le Times que Charilaos avait été cambriolé et assassiné!
Mr. Charles asked me to put some things into a bag for him.
J'ai préparé sa valise.
- l can't do it. If I pardon him, I'm left holding the bag, while he's holding you.
Ça me retomberait dessus, et vous tomberiez dans ses bras.
They couldn't describe him clearly, but, uh... they swear that he was carrying a small black bag.
Ils n'ont pas pu clairement le décrire, mais... ils jurent qu'il transportait une petite sacoche noire.
And all he had with him was a little black bag.
Et tout ce qu'il avait avec lui était une petite sacoche noire.
And he took the bag with him when he went out last night.
- Il est sorti avec ce sac hier soir.
His bag was not black, and he didn't have it with him last night.
Son sac n'était pas noir et il ne l'avait pas avec lui hier soir.
Not only was his bag not black, but you're not even sure that he had it with him.
Non seulement son sac n'est pas noir, mais tu n'es pas sûre qu'il l'avait.
You must change him and everything that belongs to him, including his coat and his traveling bag, which I have locked up in this room, into a handful of ashes.
Vous devez le réduire, lui et tous ses vêtements, en une poignée de cendres.
And give him back his flag and his bag.
Rends-Iui son drapeau et son sac.
- Why'd you have him pack a bag?
Mais pourquoi une valise?
Toss him the bag. You're not as dumb as you look.
T'es moins bête que t'en as l'air.
You, "Baldie", you swipe his bag. You rush and give it to him, who'll give it back to me.
Toi, le "Tondu", tu lui fauches sa musette, tu files et tu la passes à celui-là, et lui me la refile.
When I saw him going through my bag, I thought sure he was a cop till you told me different.
Il fouillait mon sac. J'étais sûre que c'était un flic.
Last night, you put on Paine's coat and hat and carried his bag out of here at 1 : 10, after you'd killed him and stuck his body away somewhere.
Vous êtes sorti avec le pardessus de Paine, son chapeau et son sac... après l'avoir tué et avoir caché son corps.
If he tries to cheer me up, so help me, I'll hit him with an ice bag. " Right?
S'il me fait rire, je le frapperai. " Juste? - Faux.
He had me pack an overnight bag for him and left an hour ago.
Je lui ai préparé une valise pour la nuit et il est parti il y a une heure.
You're a good detective, Swanson, but you can't persuade me that finding Doolin's bag on a train convicts him just like that.
On a retrouvé le sac de Doolin dans ce train, Swanson. Ça ne prouve rien.
And Mr. Slade came to us the night of the other murder... and all he had with him was a little black bag.
Quand M. Slade est arrivé le soir de l'autre meurtre... tout ce qu'il avait avec lui était une sacoche noire.
And tonight he took his black bag with him when he went out.
Et ce soir, il a pris sa sacoche noire quand il est sorti.
His bag is not black, and he didn't take it with him tonight.
Sa sacoche n'est pas noire et il ne l'a pas prise ce soir.
So you're not sure of the color of his bag... nor that he had it with him when he went out.
Tu n'es pas sûre de la couleur de sa sacoche ou s'il l'avait avec lui.
He was just a bag of bones, but look at him now!
II n'avait que la peau et les os. Et regarde-le maintenant!
You gave him your grandmother's bag.
Bon sang. Tu as donné la valise de ta grand-mère.
You packed his bag for him, I suppose.
Tu lui a fait ses bagages, je suppose.
If he makes a move for that saddle bag, shoot him.
S'il essaie de ramasser la sacoche, tuez-le.
Because the British have dropped him like a bag potato.
Les Britanniques l'ont laissé tomber.
Let him have half a bag!
Donne-lui un demi-sac!
Why don't you leave him alone, you old bag?
Laissez-le tranquille, vieille peau.
You'll identify him by three concentric circles on his camera bag.
Il aura trois cercles concentriques sur l'étui de son appareil.
Put him in a bag and let me know when it's done.
Mettez-le dans un sac et prévenez-moi des que c'est fait.
The punching bag is faster than him.
Une vraie chiffe molle.
He doesn't know what's in that bag I gave him.
Il ne sait pas ce que contient le sac que je lui ai donné.
You're angry with him because of that bag!
Tu es furieux à cause de ton sac!
Get his black bag and find out what treatment he's been giving him.
Trouvez sa trousse et découvrez ce qu'il lui prescrit.
Usually when I have a lightweight I strap on a 50-pound bag of sand, get some weight on him and then that neck : Just like that.
Avec un poids léger comme ça j'ajoute 50 livres de sable sur le dos et ce bon vieux cou... pstt... comme ça.
This cat who's bringing the bag, you copped from him before?
Le mec qu'on attend. Tu lui as déjà acheté de la came?
- Give him the bag of meat.
- Donne-lui la viande.
And with him, Johnny "Golf Bag" Ponti.
Et, avec lui, Johnny "Golf Bag" Ponti.
Stuff these into his stomach and put him in a bag.
Enfourne ça dans son ventre et mets-le dans un sac.
They saw him take a shopping bag and something out of the safe and go into the funeral home.
Il a pris un sac, un truc dans le coffre et est entré dans la maison funéraire.

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