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But he doesn't know that traducir francés

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You know, maybe he doesn't see her, maybe he doesn't hear her, but if he feels her, if he senses that she's here...
Tu sais, peut-être qu'il ne la voit pas, peut-être qu'il ne l'entend pas, mais s'il la ressent, s'il sent sa présence...
But I'm pregnant. Fortunately he doesn't know that.
- Il sait pas que je suis enceinte.
He doesn't think that we know, but it's unwise to cross my path.
Il ne se doute pas que nous le savons, mais il est imprudent de croiser ma route.
But suppose that up there in the clouds, he finds a god he doesn't know at all.
Mais supposons qu'au coin d'un nuage, il tombe sur un bon Dieu qu'on ne lui a jamais présenté.
But he doesn't know that the Mick had a lot of other friends too.
Mais il ne sait pas que Mick avait beaucoup d'autres amis.
- Yeah, I know he did, Jeeter but you see, that land doesn't belong to us anymore.
- Je le sais, Jeeter, mais cette terre ne nous appartient plus.
But he doesn't know that there's seven hills. Seven steep hills in between.
II ne savait pas qu'il y a 7 collines entre les deux.
If you don't believe he has nothing but love for you... you don't believe when he's well he'll be running right over to see you... if you don't know him better than that... you or your riflemen, it doesn't matter, go ahead.
Si tu ne crois pas qu'il t'aime, tu ne crois pas qu'il courra te voir quand il ira mieux. Tu le connais mal! Tes hommes et toi, faites votre sale besogne... tant qu'il dort.
That doctor, he may know medicine but there's lot of things about people he doesn't know.
Ce docteur, il connaît peut-être la médecine, mais il y a plein de choses qu'il ne sait pas sur les gens.
Yes, I know. But he doesn't have to behave like that.
Oui, je le sais, mais il ne devrait pas se comporter de la sorte.
You well know that Antonio doesn't despise you, he loves you. - But...
Antonio ne te méprise pas, il t'aime.
But don't you see that he doesn't know?
Tu vois pas qu'il sais pas?
I don't say that Grandfather doesn't know how to work the ship, but he's so forgetful, and then he will go off and... Well, he likes to work on his own.
Je ne dis pas que Grand-père ne sait pas comment faire marcher le vaisseau, mais il est si distrait, et puis, il sort et... eh bien, il aime travailler tout seul.
But what he doesn't know... is that you swore never to see me again.
Mais il y a une chose qu'il ne sait pas... que tu avais juré de ne plus me revoir.
Everybody knows that Bernard Shaw was selling weapons, but what everybody doesn't know, is that he was buying some too.
On sait que Benard Shah vendait des armes. Mais on sait moins qu'il en achetait.
- I know that, but he doesn't.
- Je le sais, mais il ne le sait pas.
He died months ago, but Soska doesn't know that.
II est mort depuis plusieurs mois, mais Soska l'ignore.
But he doesn't know who that man was.
Mais il ne sait pas qui est cet homme.
But he doesn't know that.
Mais il n'en sait rien.
But I know... when he locks that door... he doesn't want me to see the way he becomes, you know?
Mais je sais que lorsque il ferme cette porte, il ne veut pas que je le voie dans cet état.
But if he doesn't know that, perhaps I can be his friend.
Mais s'il ne le sait pas, je pourrais devenir son ami.
He knows that we lived together in Israel, but he doesn't know the...
Il sait qu'on a vécu ensemble en Israël... mais il ne sait rien de la nature de tout ça.
In times of social crisis and tension, in times when changes come so thick and fast that the individual can no longer place himself in his group, when he knows that something is wrong, but doesn't know what,
Dans un climat de crise sociale et de tension, quand les changements sont importants et rapides, l'individu ne trouve plus sa place dans le groupe.
He doesn't know that, but...
Non. Mais...
But since the bagger doesn't know that, he stays and we leave.
Mais comme le ramasseur l'ignore, il reste pendant qu'on s'en va.
No, but he doesn't know that.
Non, mais il ne le sait pas.
I know he doesn't gamble or anything, but it's good that he's out there trying to meet new people.
Il ne joue pas... mais c'est bien qu'il rencontre des gens.
He doesn't say anything, but I know every time he looks at me, he's thinking about how he caught us in that car.
Il ne dit rien, mais quand il me regarde... il pense à ce qu'il nous a vus faire. Je le connais depuis longtemps... et quand Al ne dit rien, il ne pense à rien. Crois-moi.
I'm in love with this man... but he doesn't know that.
Je l'aime. Mais il ne le sait pas.
We all know you're a big, tough guy, Ben... but that doesn't mean you're a loner. And it takes a big man to admit that he needs his friends.
Tout le monde sait que vous êtes un dur, Ben, mais ça ne veut pas dire que vous êtes un solitaire, et il faut avoir du cran pour admettre qu'on a besoin de ses amis.
But he doesn't know that.
Je sais.
But he doesn't know that he knows.
Mais il ne sait pas qu'il sait.
But what he doesn't know... is that your eyesight is 20 / 20.
Mais ce qu'il ne sait pas... c'est que tu as une vision parfaite.
I know what he planned on doing. But that doesn't mean you had to be in on it. And you might not have known about it beforehand.
Je sais ce qu'il avait prévu de faire mais ça ne veut pas dire que tu étais dedans.
Je sais, mais il n'en sait rien.
But even if you bought him a really nice watch, one that he thought was nice... he doesn't know what the fuck a good watch is.
- Mais même si tu lui as offert une montre qu'il trouve belle, comme si ce plouc s'y connaissait... ça va chercher dans les 10... 12 000?
But he doesn't know that.
- Il ne le sait pas.
How many freemasons, but he doesn't think the public need to know about that.
Ou le nombre de francs-maçons. Mais ça, il le tait.
But just so you know... that if he doesn't make it back,
Mais pour votre gouverne, s'il ne réapparaît pas,
More than enough. But he doesn't need to know that.
Plus qu'assez, mais il n'a pas à le savoir.
- Yeah, but he doesn't know that.
Il ne le sait pas.
We don't know where he works, but that doesn't matter.
Nous ne savons pas ou il vole, mais peu importe.
That man must have seen me fifty times, but he doesn't know my name.
Il a déjà vu ma tête cinquante fois et il ne connaît toujours pas mon nom.
But he doesn't know that.
Oui, mais il ne le sait pas.
It's our job to find out what this guy doesn't know that he needs but does need and make sure he knows he does need it and that we're the only ones to give him the answer.
Ce qu'il faut, c'est trouver ce dont il ignore avoir besoin. S'assurer qu'il le sait et qu'on est les seuls à pouvoir lui donner.
I know, but it's just that he doesn't have family like the others.
C'est qu'il n'a pas de famille, lui.
Q, I know he messed up... but that doesn't change what he's been to you.
Oui, il a déconné, mais ça ne change rien vis-à-vis de toi.
I don't imagine anything. But I know that if he doesn't calm them, but fires them up, then the whole thing is going to start all over again!
Je n'imagine rien mais je sais que s'il ne se calme pas et tire sur eux alors tout va recommencer!
But he doesn't know about that.
Mais il n'en sait rien.
He doesn't know you, but at that moment you're closer to him than anyone on earth.
Il sait pas que tu existes mais tu es plus proche de lui que de quiconque sur terre
Ronnie's birthday's coming up and I want to throw him a surprise party. But he doesn't know that many people here.
Malcolm, tu n'es pas assez mûr pour choisir une dévergondée.

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